Advice on Test E/EQ/Tbol Cycle (NEWBIE)

I was in the military for nearly a decade in a combat MOS. Did my fair share of grueling schools and all that jazz. If you’re trying to use anabolics to help you prepare for something like an endurance event, you’re barking up the wrong tree. When I was in, all anabolics ever did was hurt my endurance. Yes even EQ. That shit made my blood thick like syrup and gave me terrible calf and back pumps while running. Not to mention the psychoactive effects of using it while in a high stress environment. If you’re really that committed to using gear just do something really mild like Test by itself or maybe Test/Mast. Wish you all the best in SWAT !!
I’ve read some really positive things about Mast too. Thanks bro appreciate the heads up. Definitely don’t want pumps when running a lot.
So should I wait for the AI to see if I’m experiencing any symptoms and/or blood work (whichever comes first)? Versus starting right from the start?

Sweet! I was thinking around 200mg/wk for maybe the additional 4-6 weeks while the EQ is clearing.

I looked more into the HCG (I was hesitant cause the water mixing had me hella confused lol) so I’m gonna add that to aid.

I’m cool with adding Clomid. I had read something about it not benefiting more with both combined versus one, so I guess that’s why I was unsure.
Yes, some ppl dont even need an AI. I run my estrogen pretty high (I was in the 70s on my last bloods) and have no problems with gyno.

For the water make sure its bac water or else you will end up in the hospital. No take both. Im not a guru but i paid for one lol.

Have fun man. You only get one first cycle.