I'm on 250 mg testosterone enanthate a week, and the expected level 12 hours after injection is around 5,000 ng/dL, and the e2 should be between 450 and 500 pmol/L.
Every single blood work I have ever done shows those numbers.
Recently, I switched from sesame oil to MCT, because it's less viscous and doesn't cause me any inflammation.
I added drostanolone (400 mg a week) to my protocol, and blood work today showed 1350 ng/dL total testosterone and 250 pmol/L e2.
The blood work was done 24, not 12, hours after injecting, but judging by previous blood works, even after 24 hours, the total testosterone level shouldn't be lower than 4,000-4500 ng/dL.
I either got under dosed gear or drostanolone can make testosterone levels appear lower than they actually are. According to ChatGPT, drostanolone does that, and I can show you the message ChatGPT wrote. Yes, I know ChatGPT can't be 100% trusted because of so-called "AI hallucinations" and other problems causing inaccurate answers.
My question is for people with personal experience: Does drostanolone actually make testosterone levels appear lower or did I outright got under dosed gear?
When you inject testosterone only and then get a blood work and you get specific numbers (ng/dL), are the numbers different when you add drostanolone to the protocol WITHOUT changing (reducing) the testosterone dose?
Every single blood work I have ever done shows those numbers.
Recently, I switched from sesame oil to MCT, because it's less viscous and doesn't cause me any inflammation.
I added drostanolone (400 mg a week) to my protocol, and blood work today showed 1350 ng/dL total testosterone and 250 pmol/L e2.
The blood work was done 24, not 12, hours after injecting, but judging by previous blood works, even after 24 hours, the total testosterone level shouldn't be lower than 4,000-4500 ng/dL.
I either got under dosed gear or drostanolone can make testosterone levels appear lower than they actually are. According to ChatGPT, drostanolone does that, and I can show you the message ChatGPT wrote. Yes, I know ChatGPT can't be 100% trusted because of so-called "AI hallucinations" and other problems causing inaccurate answers.
My question is for people with personal experience: Does drostanolone actually make testosterone levels appear lower or did I outright got under dosed gear?
When you inject testosterone only and then get a blood work and you get specific numbers (ng/dL), are the numbers different when you add drostanolone to the protocol WITHOUT changing (reducing) the testosterone dose?