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Advice on training intensity during my first AAS cycle

Clark Cooper

New Member
Hi, planning to do 500mg Test Enanthate only cycle and I'm currently doing full body 3 times a week. Would that be okay to continue to train three days a week? The reason I'm asking I am an ectomorph and my tendons/joints get injured a lot if I increase weights too fast or if I go too hard on some new exercises and I heard that Test even reduces collagen synthesis. So getting injured on cycle is probably the last thing you wanna do, right? Wouldn't it then be wise for me to continue with the same 3 days a week routine and just add weights/reps progressively every week?
Hi, planning to do 500mg Test Enanthate only cycle and I'm currently doing full body 3 times a week. Would that be okay to continue to train three days a week? The reason I'm asking I am an ectomorph and my tendons/joints get injured a lot if I increase weights too fast or if I go too hard on some new exercises and I heard that Test even reduces collagen synthesis. So getting injured on cycle is probably the last thing you wanna do, right? Wouldn't it then be wise for me to continue with the same 3 days a week routine and just add weights/reps progressively every week?

That's going to depend on quite a few factors.
I'm assuming you bodybuild for physique?

The Mountaindog has a great video on training natural vs enhanced.

You really want to take advantage of the faster recovery.
personally on high test, I only feel sore from a crazy workout for one day and I'm ready to rock the day after.
When I'm blasting I like to add as much volume as I can, as my body can recover more readily.

Basically you'll make gains on your cycle no matter what...

We put our bodies through hell when we cycle, IMHO it's best to push yourself to the limit to maximize the gains on cycle.
Especially since I assume this is...
A) your first cycle
B) You still PCT

You have to remember, you're going to crash your test when you PCT and lose gains, you'll want to offset all those losses, or you'll have put your body through the ringer and youll have felt like shit for months during PCT.. all for a few lbs of EXTRA muscle when ots all said and done?

Doesnt make sense to me personally, I like to crank it up to 11
I'll rest on cruise or when I'm dead
Ok. I'm not trying to be a dick here.....

If you feel like you could really increase your training intensity or effectiveness, why havent you done that?

Why add drugs when you could have just been training harder?
Your relative intensity shouldn't change all that much on cycle, honestly. If it does, you're probably low-balling your intensity off cycle.

If you're using any sort of RPE system your intensity should self-regulate. Yes, an RPE 8 is going to be a bit heavier on cycle, but relative to your overall strength, it should be the same level of exertion.

If you're prone to injury to begin with, a 3 day full body is probably not your best bet because recovery demands are higher than with, say, an upper/lower or Push/pull/legs split because you get less recovery time between workouts.
Hmm good replies here lads. Gonna think now.

As for me: I train hard always I mean. My last set/rep is always till fail and I make sure a muscle feels 'shocked'. I watch youtube videos for nearly every exercise I am doing making sure my form is correct. And I add weights and increase reps weekly. However my muscle still won't grow that much - probs poor genetic hence I decided to try steroids. And it is gonna be my first cycle so I wanna go as smooth as possible. Off cycle whenever I get kinda 'angry' and start adding weights too fast or increase reps too drastically I get injured. Usually it is my shoulder or elbow but could be anything. I even once got shoulder-injured on Lignadrol cycle once which made me stop the cycle 2 weeks into it. Before that injury I felt like a god on LGD I wanted to work out every day and recovery was super fast , still I got injured. So just knowing myself I feel like if I go way too hard on myself even on Test my weak tendons gonna fail and it will only delay my overall progress.
Ok. I'm not trying to be a dick here.....

Why add drugs when you could have just been training harder?

No actually you have fair points I just wanna kinda go faster. I know if I train with the same intensity I will get close to my body shape goal naturally but it might take me like another 3-4 years xD And I am 31 so... Don't wanna wait that long. But in my defense I must say I do have some lifting experience. I mean I can see that my exercise form is wayy better than most of the guys I see in my gym.
The Mountaindog has a great video on training natural vs enhanced.

Thanks man I'll have a look.

You have to remember, you're going to crash your test when you PCT and lose gains, you'll want to offset all those losses, or you'll have put your body through the ringer and youll have felt like shit for months during PCT.. all for a few lbs of EXTRA muscle when ots all said and done?

Makes sense I do want to gain as much possible muscles of course just still wanna try to avoid injury. Cause I'll only be running Test Enanthate on my first cycle. So nothing for collagen/joints recovery.

Have you ever gotten injured on Test? If yes what did you do to recover and did that affect your cycle gains a lot? Also you gonna probably laugh at me for saying that :D but I am not planning on blast and cruise.. I'm wanna just PCT then try and recover, and hopefully do a couple of more cycles in future.
Thanks man I'll have a look.

Makes sense I do want to gain as much possible muscles of course just still wanna try to avoid injury. Cause I'll only be running Test Enanthate on my first cycle. So nothing for collagen/joints recovery.

Have you ever gotten injured on Test? If yes what did you do to recover and did that affect your cycle gains a lot? Also you gonna probably laugh at me for saying that :D but I am not planning on blast and cruise.. I'm wanna just PCT then try and recover, and hopefully do a couple of more cycles in future.

Never injured from just Test
I run estro a but high typically, so I'm nice and lubricated.
I have gotten injuries while running Winny etc.

As for laughing st you for ot wanting to blast and cruise... the EXACT opposite actually.

I wouldnt be blasting and cruising if I wasnt on TRT

I'd still be doing PCT for sure.

As for training @Test_Subject mentioned Push pull
Better for recovery times if you're injury prone for sure
How many calories are you eating? If you’re under eating and training 3x a week there’s no surprise you aren’t gaining the muscle you want.

I’d up the calories and really dial in your diet and slowly increase training frequency in the process. In 6 months when you’ve gained 10-20 pounds run a cycle. But you can learn a lot in 6 months about how to truly grow and eventually get more out of your cycle when it comes time.
This question is painfully simple to answer and incredibly nuanced to implement correctly.

the answer is: train with as much intensity/volume as you can and still recover. This goes for nattys and enhanced trainees.

guys have been training to failure on big cycles without snapping up their shit for decades. Staying uninjured is more about execution than load, though they are obviously linked. You’re not going to become a brittle piece of glass after your first test shot, and unless you’re an outlier, your execution and exercise selection is probably whats fucking you..
Train like you are in lockup and risk getting fucked in your ass at any given moment!!!

If you keep that mentality you'll be up 20 lbs from your cycle
How many calories are you eating? If you’re under eating and training 3x a week there’s no surprise you aren’t gaining the muscle you want.

I’d up the calories and really dial in your diet and slowly increase training frequency in the process. In 6 months when you’ve gained 10-20 pounds run a cycle. But you can learn a lot in 6 months about how to truly grow and eventually get more out of your cycle when it comes time.

I think I'm probably past those gains already. 1.5 year ago when I started lifting I weighted something like 72 kg now I'm 80 kg.
I think I'm probably past those gains already. 1.5 year ago when I started lifting I weighted something like 72 kg now I'm 80 kg.

If you're not growing like you want and you say you are going to failure, I think it's time to look at you diet! If you continue what you are are doing even on gear you won't grow like you want. AAS is a complete waste of time and money unless your diet is there. The what is your diet like?

Personally forcing myself to find the time to eat properly was the hardest thing I had to do in order to grow. That means it doesn't matter how busy you think you are you have to get your calories and 4 to 5 meals in.
If you're not growing like you want and you say you are going to failure, I think it's time to look at you diet! If you continue what you are are doing even on gear you won't grow like you want. AAS is a complete waste of time and money unless your diet is there. The what is your diet like?

Personally forcing myself to find the time to eat properly was the hardest thing I had to do in order to grow. That means it doesn't matter how busy you think you are you have to get your calories and 4 to 5 meals in.

You all gonna yell at me but I don't count my calories precisely. Example of my diet: I get up and I eat 4 boiled potatoes with 200 grams of Canned tuna+ 100 gram of canned Mackerel in sunflower oil with plenty of green vegs/tomatoes. Then about lunch I eat 275 g of Curd Cheese (about 54 grams of protein in that pack) with a couple of fruits and some golden syrup. I eat some nuts and almond oil throughout the day as snacks and I like fruits so I eat them. Then usually throughout the day: 1 weight gainer (40 gr of protein + carbs/fats) and 1 regular protein shake (23 gr of protein) always mixed with milk (usually skimmed but sometimes semi skimmed). I drink only sugary soda/coke (never liked sugar free lol). Also I like fruit juice so sipping it when I feel it. And then dinner usually consists of 1 large chicken breast, 4 thin slices of ham, plenty of rice or potato + 1/2 can of red/butter beans + a lot of vegetables, I always eat desert for dinner so usually dried fruits, jam fresh fruit or 2 slices of cake :D

My GI system won't let me go hard on fats - basically my liver starts hurting when I increase fat intake especially animal fat (so no way I can make it to 131 gr fats per day like tdeecalculator suggests) I only eat like 60 gr of fat. But I like my carbs and I try to eat as much of them as possible since I'm an ecto so I don't really gain bodyfat that much. Protein: I usually try to eat 130-140 gr per day anything more again makes me liver feel weird (I never even ate 230 gr of protein per day like some people suggest, I just don't think it what makes you grow and I don't think it is safe to eat that much protein in the long run)
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Mind posting a quick example of your bulking diet anyone? Especially from back in the days when you were skinny bags like me now (if you were)?

Also just wanted to say thank you guys everybody for your replies it really matters, made me feel like I'm finally getting some support!! <3
Uh what?

your organs feel weird when you eat..?

130g of protein isn’t gonna get you far dude. You said you’re 80kg? You need protein to grow..simple fact. I’ve coached 55kg females using more protein than you.

Think we know why you’re not growing...

And as for this:
I think I'm probably past those gains already. 1.5 year ago when I started lifting I weighted something like 72 kg now I'm 80 kg.

I gained 9kg in a 16 week offseason that translated to it ALL being stage quality muscle 9 years into my training. 9 years. Several on gear. Still capable of growing like a weed.

8kg of noob gains is not a lot..

Your views, ideas, and thoughts on all of this are flawed bud...you’re more worried about the danger of protein than the oil youre about to shoot up..
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