AI assistance, E2 levels included


New Member
Hey everyone, got my bloodwork done a few days ago to attempt to get to the bottom of my moon face, inflammation, acne and lethargy. (Mild ED as well) Im running .3mls of Test E 250 every other day right now with no AI, putting me around the 400mg per week mark.
My bloods indicated E2 levels approaching 70, with my test levels exceeding 1200ngdl, and my SHBG is pretty crushed, below reference range. The AI that i have on hand is Exemestane aka Aromasin, and ive never used it before so im looking for a proper starting protocol as i cant get into an endo appointment until the end of March. The amount of sides i have rn from this particular cycle is strange, I only just started but i feel like ive had moon face for ages, and my acne isnt getting much better. Thought my inj frequency would do the trick but it seems not. Anyway, any help would be appreciated!
12.5 aromasin once a week for three weeks and retest with a sensitive e2 test. 70 doesn't seem high enough to be causing problems.
For 200 test E i use 25 mg Aromasin per week split in two same as injections .
With this protocol i occasionally need to bump it up to 37,5 mg (one and a half pills) as estrogen gets up to high in 2-3 weeks of use .
This way i keep my estrogen as high as possible without getting sides.
Signs when i need to up the dose are bloat,reduced sex drive, irritability.
Edit: i also use small dose dutasteride and hcg.