Weird thing: crashed the fuuuugh out of my E2, now need less AI despite same blast dose

I inject twice a week, 80 mg each time (160mg per week).

Depending on what symptoms you're having, it could just be side effects of the AI. I know when I tried aromasin, I found it caused joint pain and lethargy (both low e2 symptoms) even though my E2 levels were fine. It's just a side effect of the asin for me. Taking arimidex works much better. I don't get the sides with adex like I do with asin.
I used to have very high active aromatase enzyme as a natty.. just 250mg of sus bloated the hell out of me...

I crashed e2 and I had skyrocketed e2 too...

Right now, after some years fuckin around and 2 proper cycles done, I found my aromatase activity changed a lot and aromatizes way less
Talking about a similar topic and issue I have.

Someone else is in a similar situation with low estrogen for their dose of test.

Me I’ve never taken an AI and I’m not on any DHT but I have what consider low E2 on 600mg Test.

When I want to drop to a cruise or standard trt, it doesn’t seem like I have nearly enough estrogen.

Not much is known about the science of how aromatase works it seems.

But anecdotally, this other guy said after crashing his estrogen it became chronically low years after.
I wonder if my case is caused by opiods. I’m on subxone now for 7 years, and I’m tapering off now the last 2 years, and my theory is that having natural testosterone suppressed by the subxone maybe caused a down regulation in the aromatase enzyme production.

My thinking is that because I had suppressed T from the subxone, there was less testosterone to convert and thus not as much aromatase was needed. Idk, something like that maybe.
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