I was thinking to have my woman take 50mg aldactone ED during her AAS cycles so that she could reduce the androgenic side effect of AAS.
Few questions came up in my mind. If she take aldactone will the gainz be reduced? I thought the answer is no because we are looking at the androgenic side to be reduced not the anabolic... But will the aldactone reduce total test?
I was thinking on a primo cycle her test production should be suppressed (don't know if for women is the same as men) so if aldactone reduce test even more she will feel like shit (maybe?)
Will the aldactone be safe taken for 10-12 weeks?
I'm very confused on this whole aldactone thing. I have read quite a bit online but very few informations regarding aldactone used in women during AAS cycle (to be expected).
@Dr JIM @Michael Scally MD
I was thinking to have my woman take 50mg aldactone ED during her AAS cycles so that she could reduce the androgenic side effect of AAS.
Few questions came up in my mind. If she take aldactone will the gainz be reduced? I thought the answer is no because we are looking at the androgenic side to be reduced not the anabolic... But will the aldactone reduce total test?
I was thinking on a primo cycle her test production should be suppressed (don't know if for women is the same as men) so if aldactone reduce test even more she will feel like shit (maybe?)
Will the aldactone be safe taken for 10-12 weeks?
I'm very confused on this whole aldactone thing. I have read quite a bit online but very few informations regarding aldactone used in women during AAS cycle (to be expected).
@Dr JIM @Michael Scally MD