All About Injections


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What is everyone's injection protocol(s)?.. Injection Amount/Frequency? Needle Length/Gauge? Safety/Precautionary Measures?.. etc.
When I'm just doing trt I inject twice a week. When I'm running other compounds or higher amounts of testosterone I do small daily injections. I'm paranoid about side effects and do this to achieve the most stable blood levels. I don't know if it really matters but it gives me piece of mind. I use 27g 1/2 inch insulin syringes for pretty much everything.
I usually pin every day, regardless of the ester... usually 1 mL or less.. I use 25 g 1.5" to draw and 30 g 1" to pin.. although I might switch to a larger guage since 30 g is sometimes takes a lot of force to push the oil through and I end up moving the needle around too much... 1 mL syringe... I typically use five different IM rotation sites: delts, glutes, quads, lats, pecs..
2 x per week. Pink drawing needle. Light blue pinning (can't remember the gauge). Everything goes in the delts for TRT doses. Larger doses during blasts go in the ventroglutes.
2 x a week. 23ga 1” needle all the way in the quads switching left and right Saturday and Tuesday.
Am starting to wonder if 1” is just barely too deep for my quad though. Never had much pain but felt like I caught a nerve last time
Safety/sanitation is always the same: shower and make sure to give an extra scrub to the injection site, swab the vial top and site, inject, done.

Before getting a coffee cup warmer, if I was injecting a largish amount of oil, I would sometimes put the vial(s) in a sealed baggie and place it near the shower drain. What way they’d warm up as I got clean… win-win, and very efficient.

I’m on a just-over-TRT dose right now. Injecting MWF, subcutaneous.

Embarrassing story from a couple weeks ago: I am injecting with 30g 0.5 inch needles. My loading needle is 20g 1 inch. They’re both yellow. For the first time in my life, I was completely overworked and exhausted, and accidentally injected with the loading needle. Not the most comfortable sensation.
So you just find them in stores? You dont shop for them online in your country?
I can buy them online or I can buy them from pharmacy around my corner. I buy online only when I don't find a specific needles size or if I buy a lot of syringe and needles because it's easier to add to cart online then to explain to the lady from pharmacy all the things you need. And I don't like to talk to people I have this issue people anxiety or how it's called.
There is no law against buying syringe or needles


I use 24g on calves
Ok, I'm missing something. This went over my heado_O.
There's an international standard, ISO 6009, which dictates the color of the plastic for hypodermic needles. Each color is assigned to a different gauge so that hospital workers all over the planet can just grab the right color and know it's the right gauge.

24g are "Medium Purple", while 13g are just "Purple".

24g Medium Purple includes PANTONE colors 666 667 and 668.
13g Purple includes PANTONE colors ... I have no clue cuz I can't find a leaked copy of ISO 6009 which lists these and I'm not spending $45 to buy the fucking standard.

You can see PANTONE 667 here: PANTONE Colour Chart | (YMMV, actual color different from what you see on your screen)

If you'd like to learn more about the PANTONE system, why it exists, and what it's useful for:

