New Member
I can hear the little fat girl crying inside of you.... its ok little fat girl.
I am going to teach my daughter to stay away from people like me. Pretty simple.
The funny thin is I get a ton of pussy- most of you insecure, timid little things like the asshole who you think is going to keep you safe. Couple that with the fact I could care less about actually maintaing a relationship with any annoying ass bitch and thats the other thing women want- what they can't have. Pathetic actually.
I would say I would smack the shit out of you but that wouldn't be true- my dad beat me and my mother for years... I dont hit women and kids.. I would consider an exception if we met, but I know how respectful you would be to me in person. You would develop a love affair with your shoes and yes sir/ no sir me.
I would never masturbate to someone with as little experience as you... wouldn't even waste time laying pipe. Sorry chubs.
wow... you just dont even get it, scumbag. btw.. your sorry attempts at hurting my feelings are not working. you wish i was crying, i understand but creepy jerks like you dont understand or like it when a woman is strong and doesnt allow little worms like you disturb their day.
[)] btw.. im not really sorry I hurt your boyfriends feelings... tough. suck it up buttercup. and whatever you said about smacking me.. LOL.. AS IF. Id put a bullet between your creepy eyes before you got close enough. how you like those apples? ask if I care about a ban.. you need to be put down like the rabid dog you are.
booo hooooo.. you got your butt beat.. you probably deserved it you punk. he didnt beat you hard enough. shame on him. your mother should be smacked for having your sorry butt. skinny runt boy who likes prison big boys. lol