AlphaLife's [Pharmacom -] Mix 2 (TPP, Tren, Mast) [6July2015] Cycle Log


I am transferring this cycle log from another forum where was recently banned for carrying GW01516 (yes, really).

July 6, 2015:

I've been lifting for 13 years on and off at various levels of commitment/intensity. I have recommitted to getting in the best shape of my life since becoming sober from alcohol and occasional recs.

T/A: A few weeks from across the pond. Packing for shipment was pretty standard. The packaging for the gear is second to none. There are multiple anti-counterfeit measures and each vial comes in a box including an insert with information on the compounds inside (which you should have known before ordering, but whatever).

Pre-cycle stats:
-29 y/o

- Carb cycle: low, low, high, med, low, high, med
- Low: 10% carb, 60% protein, 30% fat
- High: 35% carb, 60% protein, 5% fat

Split: Push, Pull, Legs

Goals: Gain lean muscle mass. After I got sober I was more focused on losing fat than anything else and I lost some muscle in the process. Then I remembered AAS allows you to do both at the same time so I got back in the game recently. I don't want to be the biggest or strongest guy, but I want a muscular aesthetic physique and to bench twice my weight (hard since every time you add muscle you gain weight). I think it'd be bad ass to be 200lbs benching 400lbs and I'll get there sooner or later.

Compounds: I will be running a cycle of Pharmacom Mix 2:
- 75mg Testosterone Phenylpropionate
- 75mg Trenbolone Acetate
- 100mg Drostanolone Propionate

I also have 30 ml of Pharmacom Tren Ace and some TNE to throw in the mix. I plan to polish everything off with a month or so of Pharmacom Var.

I am starting the Mix 2 at .75mg EoD and I will likely bump that up to 1mg EoD. My first pin was yesterday afternoon 7/6/15.

I'm going to start with Aromasin 12.5 mg EoD and Caber .25mg E3D and adjust as needed. I plan to do mid-cycle blood work to check my levels. Pre-cycle bloodwork came back okay with the exception of test at 433.

July 7, 2015:

There is very very minimal pip from yesterday's glute injection. Also, I am feeling extremely dehydrated (almost like a hangover) and sleep last night was significantly more restless than normal.
I pinned .5ml of TNE oil an hour before the gym. I did it yesterday too using a slin pin and felt a burning/pressure sensation even when doing it really slow. I figured it was just the slin pin (which I never used IM before).

But I pinned another .5ml TNE oil today with a 25g and had the same sensation, maybe worse. It's okay now but that's the first time I've ever experienced pain during pinning. I haven't used TNE before so it could just be my body saying WTF is this? The one from yesterday is just a little sore so pip is minimal.

Off to the gym for leg day...

July 8, 2015:

Had a great leg workout yesterday. Pushed hard but felt like I could never catch my breath.

July 9, 2015:

My third pin of Mix 2 was this afternoon. .75 ml in the right VG. Smooth and completely painless. I haven't had any pip to speak of from Mix 2. It's really well made stuff. Also popped .25mg of Caber. Will be doing back and biceps today. I've been dealing with tendonosis of my left elbow for a while now. I couldn't do overhead dumbell tricep extensions on Monday because of it. Tried ice and Advil with no benefit. I'm always taking glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM and that made no difference either. I added cissus quadrangularis and started using a tennis elbow brace when lifting and have started to see some improvement. But isolation of bicep and tricep always seems to exacerbate the problem so we'll see how today goes.

July 11, 2015:

My fourth pin was today. I upped my dose from .75ml to 1ml. There is absolutely zero pip with this Mix 2. The only side effect I'm noticing right now is some mild sleep disturbance.

I had a good shoulder day yesterday but the tendonosis in my left elbow affects overhead pressing motions the most (i.e. shoulder press). I warmed up really light but still had a strong ache. By set 3 it had loosened up a bit but weakness was evident. I'm going to continue to go light as long as my ego will allow.

July 15, 2015:

Pin 6 in today. 1ml to the right quad. I'm very thirsty all the time and I seem to be hungry more often as well. Sleep is very much off. I wake up 4-5 times per night. Pillows are taking a beating. I've been turning down the AC and running the fan like usual at night but I think I'm going to try to turn it down even more. The wife is going to freeze her tits off. I had a great back/bicep session yesterday. Lat pulled 20 lbs more than usual for my normal 8-10 reps on my 4th and 5th sets. Still trying to take it easy on my elbow though with the tendonitis. Ran a mile on the treadmill yesterday morning as well (separate gym session, fasted cardio). Calves were pumped as hell. Not sure if that was Tren or Mast related or just residual soreness from leg day Monday. Either way, the mile was a struggle. I am going to stick at 1ml for a few more days at least.

July 18, 2015:

Pin 7 yesterday, Caber 0.25mg & Aromasin 12.5mg today. I can say for sure that my vials of Pharmacom Mix 2 are legit. Despite turning AC down to 68 and running the ceiling fan I woke up last night with a puddle for a pillow. I still have this near constant feeling of dehydration so I'm sure I need to up my water intake. But my piss isn't amber or anything like that. Thursday night I hit shoulders really hard. I'm still fighting tendonosis in my left elbow so I'm trying to stay light despite being able to lift my usual deload weight effortlessly. I had plenty of energy after shoulders and didn't think I'd make it to the gym yesterday due to work and family schedule so I did some deadlifts too. Turns out I fit in an hour yesterday so I hit back. Felt very strong. I really focused on getting a good squeeze. Taking today off to spend time with family in town then back at it tomorrow for either legs or chest depending on how my muscles feel.

July 19, 2015:

8th pin in today. Left VG. Still pinning 1ml of mix 2 EOD. Weight up about 10 lbs since starting the cycle 2 weeks ago. Super vascular. Veins popping out the tops of my forearms too. I felt pretty strong today doing chest and triceps despite the elbow. I also had lots of stamina and just kept wanting to do more sets and more exercises. Only stopped because they closed the gym. I'm really starting to love this stuff. If I had more I'd probably switch to 1ml ED. I may just have to put in an order with Frank to expand and extend this cycle.

I added 25mg of Proviron in today. I doubt I'll see much difference since the Tren is in charge but maybe my wife will... ;)

July 21, 2015:

9th pin this morning. Pinned the last of vial 1 which ended up being 1.5ml. Any excuse to up my dose... :p

Yesterday was day 2 on 25mg Bayer Proviron. Libido skyrocketed. Tagged the wife twice and wanted to fuck every remotely hot chick at the gym.

I also started a new diet regime planned for me by an expert. I finally admitted I need help in this area. The diet goal is to shred while still building lean mass.

I had a great back workout yesterday evening though and did abs and low intensity cardio. I am also doing fasted cardio for 30 minutes every morning now.

Time to turn this shit up...

July 24, 2015:

10th pin yesterday. VG, pipless. Fasted cardio streak is at 5 days. I'm not having too much difficulty breathing but I'm also not doing high intensity cardio. Diet is tight with all meals this week prepped Sunday. 6 meals a day plus post-workout shake.

I ran 50mg Proviron today and I'll continue on that dose for a week or two. I should point out that pre-cycle my libido was shit. There's definitely a noticeable improvement with the tren, test, mast as well as the proviron.

I feel strong but not super human so I am considering bumping and/or switching my dosing. I'm running 1mg EOD and contemplating upping to 1.5mg EOD or switching to ED pinning at 75mg ED. What do you guys think?

July 25, 2015:

Here's what I decided to do. I wanted some more flexibility with my Tren dosing than just going along with Mix 2, so I ordered 3 vials of Pharmacom Tren Ace. Three weeks in and I am very happy with the way the Mix 2 is making me feel. But I have heard a lot of guys recommend running Test low and Tren high, so I want to up my Tren to make it shine above the the TPP and Masteron. So, today I pinned my usual 1ml of Mix 2 but I added .75ml of Tren Ace. Pinned that 1.75ml to my quad so I expect some PIP as I am not a regular quad pinner. Anyway, that puts me at 150mg Tren Ace, 75mg TPP, 100mg Mast EOD. We'll see how it goes.

July 28, 2015:

Rage already on the rise. Went bezerk on my trimmer the other day. Apparently my beard hair is braided steel.... Anyone have a recommendation for a trimmer?

Pin 2 yesterday on my new dosing with additional Tren Ace. 1ml Mix 2 and .75ml Tren Ace 100mg/ml. That's 150mg Tren Ace, 100mg Mast, 75mg Test Phenyl-prop every other day. Ace has a barely noticable sting to it but nothing too bad. Aggression is way up. Strength is increasing daily. I am very happy with this dose.

July 29, 2015:

Things have been hectic with my work schedule this week. It's been a struggle to get in one workout each day much less the two-a-day program I'm running. But I've been making it happen. Just very little rest. I got up at 4:45 & hit the gym by 5 yesterday morning for fasted cardio then went to the airport. Flew back and got home late last night but had to make it to the gym.

Last night I hit back and then did half my workout for today (quads) knowing I had to travel for work again this morning. I was pouring sweat going on minimal rest to get it all in before my gym closed.

Then back up same time this morning. Pinned 1ml Mix 2, .75ml Tren Ace, popped 50mg Proviron and .25mg Caber and I was off to the gym for fasted cardio again and shoulders. Ideally I would've eaten before lifting but didn't have the time to back and forth before heading off to the airport again this morning.

I have been carrying-on my meal prep cooler with me and being good on my diet despite all this travel. Hoping my hotel room has a fridge or I'll be filling ice bucket bags to put in my cooler to protect tomorrow's meals.
Looking good alpha, keep up the hard work. I don't think you will have a problem getting to 200 and if you need a little help benching 400 you could always get on some mt for a few weeks hahaha.


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