Alpha's getting thick ;)

Me either, I didnt even read that damn thing all the way.

Thats beast status bro, looking like an ogh.

I like your dosing, go big or go home. A g of test is some business. Youre gunna get strong as fuck.

thanks bro, looking forward to it. time to stay consistent with lifting. I never realized how much it affected me if i didnt lift.
sup folks! cureently eating second to last meal of ground beef, white rice, and peach tea (sugar free) todays arm day was brutal and i loved it. It lasted for an hour and 10 minutes.
DB Shoulder Press 15/40s(each side) /45 /60 12/60 /60 15/45 15/45
DB Curl 10/25 /40 8/40 /40 /40
V Tricep pushdown 20/62.5 15/67.5 /72.5 /72.5
Straight Cable curl 15/37.5 /37.5 /37.5
Lateral Cable raise 15/12.5 /12.5 /12.5
Cable Kickbacks 15.7.5 /12.5 /12.5
Concentrated curls 15/25 12/25 10/25
Barbell Front raise 10/30 /30 /30
extremely crazy pumped and I loved all of it!
31 sets in an hour and 10 minutes, Ill take it!~ :D
Just an update, will be pinning 400mgs test e, 200mgs npp, and 6.25mg exemestane tonight. off days freaking blow.... also running 7iu eod has lowered the joint pain to almost non existent! ill be weighing in with pics every week
speaking of which, time to boil some eggs 5 eggs and 2 cups oatmeal! second day off, tomorrow gonna hit deads with some nice trap work ;)