I’m new to anabolics, so it is only natural that i have learning to do.
I understand that my doc isn’t specialized in roids brotha, thats what i was referring to in my comment above.
The title of the thread was so that i was able to get replies, the only thing i was freaking out about was the nipple shit. I read a study in which 57% of men who came in with nipple discharge as the sole reason for coming in, had some kind of malignancy in there.
I am an anxious cunt, yes.
However i do decently well in my day to day life.
Not a basement dweller, have a gf, many friends, have a career.
I mean what’s not to be anxious about when it looks like your health is severely suffering. To a noob, a hypothyroid level tsh is sketchy as hell.
As well as the EXTREME itching i have been having due to my detergent (fixed that issue btw)
I’m here to learn and proceed with caution, i appreciate your comment minus the flaming, and i will be capping my blasts at 500mg test from now on.
btw, no orals, and here is my CBC
You’re actually a moron. You need therapy not anabolics.
Your bloods are actually fine current/post blast compared to others.... your kidney is fine, liver enzymes higher could be due to many things, are you taking any orals/drinking? the itchiness is from high Rbc if anything, can I see your CBC? Doctors are not stupid, they just aren’t lab technicians, don’t expect them to run labs the same way anti aging docs run them through labcorp, primary care don’t specialize in anabolic users, they specialize in dying old patients.
Just by reading the way you are panicking and over analyzing shows you clearly have some sort of anxiety disorder which anabolics WILL exasturbate. You should not be doing anabolics because you will not be able to handle the consequences you WILL inevitably face one day.
If you must run anabolics stick to lose dosages please
WBC | Your Value7.7 10*3/uL | Standard Range3.6 - 10.2 10*3/uL | |
RBC | Your Value5.2 10*6/uL | Standard Range4.5 - 5.7 10*6/uL | |
HEMOGLOBIN | Your Value15.3 g/dL | Standard Range13.0 - 17.0 g/dL | |
HEMATOCRIT | Your Value46.5 % | Standard Range40.0 - 50.0 % | |
MCV | Your Value90.0 fL | Standard Range80.0 - 100.0 fL | |
MCH | Your Value29.6 pg | Standard Range27.0 - 34.0 pg | |
MCHC | Your Value32.8 g/dL | Standard Range33.0 - 37.0 g/dL | FlagL |
RDW | Your Value13.3 % | Standard Range11.0 - 15.0 % | |
PLATELET COUNT | Your Value323 10*3/uL | Standard Range130 - 400 10*3/uL | |
NEUTROS PCT | Your Value55.2 % | Standard Range40.0 - 74.0 % | |
LYMPH % | Your Value30.4 % | Standard Range19.0 - 48.0 % | |
MONO % | Your Value9.9 % | Standard Range4.0 - 13.0 % | |
EOS PCT | Your Value3.7 % | Standard Range0.0 - 7.0 % | |
BASOS PCT | Your Value0.8 % | Standard Range0.0 - 2.0 % | |
NEUTROS ABS | Your Value4.2 10*3/uL | Standard Range1.7 - 7.6 10*3/uL | |
LYMPHS ABS | Your Value2.3 10*3/uL | Standard Range1.0 - 3.2 10*3/uL | |
MONOS ABS | Your Value0.8 10*3/uL | Standard Range0.3 - 1.1 10*3/uL | |
ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHIL COUNT | Your Value0.3 10*3/uL | Standard Range0.0 - 0.5 10*3/uL | |
BASOS ABS | Your Value0.1 10*3/uL | Standard Range0.0 - 0.1 10*3/uL | |