Am I experiencing an early symptom of gyno?


New Member
Hey guys. Thanks for chiming in.

Quick rundown:

First cycle

500 mg of test – a week

Currently taking 12.5 mg of Aeromasin ED

Aeromasin is from Iron mag research.

The problem I'm having is this: this morning I woke up and my right pec it is painful and a very small area. It is not on my nipple, but maybe half an inch above it.

The painful spot only covers about the width of my pointer finger.

I have gotten bloods done, and estrogen level was 64. I figured my old Aeromasin what is bunk, and switched to a research chem, as per advise on this forum.

What do you guys think? Does it sound similar to something you have experienced?
The signs and symptoms of gynecomastia are usually bilateral at onset and, if not, will become so in due course.

Moreover since your already taking an AI and have a unremarkable E-2 level while cycling TT at a moderate dose, GCM is an unlikely causation IMO.

Nonetheless IF you insist in treating the possibility of early onset GCM with atypical features I'd suggest you switch to a pharm grade SERM .
The signs and symptoms of gynecomastia are usually bilateral at onset and, if not, will become so in due course.

Moreover since your already taking an AI and have a unremarkable E-2 level while cycling TT at a moderate dose, GCM is an unlikely causation IMO.

Nonetheless IF you insist in treating the possibility of early onset GCM with atypical features I'd suggest you switch to a pharm grade SERM .
I love this response. I'm definitely subbing

Thank you. And I agree with what you said.