Am I too old?

I would personally try to dial-in my food at a caloric deficit while increasing my cardio until I start seeing the love handles disappear. Of course remain on your TRT dosage and maintain weightlifting, but bodybuilding shouldn’t be a priority, but rather the priority is to lose that excess midsection body fat.
Then after successfully, completing the above, which at your age, you should be able to do it in a 4 to 8 month window, then start ramping up the bodybuilding again for another several months before even considering additional PED’s on top of your TRT.

Just sharing my thoughts and recommendations, but would be delighted to hear the opinion of others as well as I am not a leading authority in this topic, just an experienced individual sharing from my own best practises and experiences.

Also, what is your current Tirz. dosage and cycle?
Additionally, using a GLP1 in attempting to build muscle is a conundrum.

Best of luck to you on this bodybuilding journey we are all on and love!
It's funny you should say that my workouts have become stagnant because I've been training for two in years and a little bit more regularly and I was killing it up till about 3 weeks ago. I am going, I am going for the same amount of time and putting in the work but I don't feel satisfied I'm not getting a pump and I'm going cuz I have to. So my gym enthusiasm is definitely wavered, but I didn't realize this could be part of The Hangover from the GLP1.
We're you taking both at once ?
4 -8 months , I thought J was going to be ready for the summer.
It's funny you should say that my workouts have become stagnant because I've been training for two in years and a little bit more regularly and I was killing it up till about 3 weeks ago. I am going, I am going for the same amount of time and putting in the work but I don't feel satisfied I'm not getting a pump and I'm going cuz I have to. So my gym enthusiasm is definitely wavered, but I didn't realize this could be part of The Hangover from the GLP1.
We're you taking both at once ?
4 -8 months , I thought J was going to be ready for the summer.

For one of my cycles (an eight week total cycle) I would do the Tirz. on Tuesdays and Reta. on Fridays.

Just allow me to also further emphasize the diet and cardio for your love handles. There’s no pill or injection that can match an extended duration of caloric deficit and cardio on fat.

Best of luck to you on this bodybuilding journey we are all on and love!