Amphetamines and AAS


New Member
Anybody think taking prescription Dextroamphetamine with Test and Tren could be dangerous? I mean in lower prescription doses. I know that they both can raise blood pressure. But I see people using things like clen and ephedrine pre workout on cycle.
I have used Caffeine 300mg-350mg 99% pure pre-workout or Modafinil at the therapeutic dose. I get nothing from Modafinil. Nothing. And with caffeine...hard to tell, maybe some desire to move because of the slight adrenaline despair. My impression is I quickly became tolerant to Caffeine and Modafinil doesn't work on me so good. I don't think Caffeine hits you very well on a full stomach either. Don't take pre workout supplementation too seriously. Especially with addictive drugs.

I get more stimulation from listening to the Rocky 4 soundtrack or seeing myself in the mirror in comparison to what I use to look than from Caffeine, and I mean that. That is not a silly comment I throw out lightly. Music is the answer for me.

And if you're thinking fat loss, there just have to better things than Adderall for that, amphetamine is not a staple on bodybuilding for a reason.
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I'm exactly the same conquistador. I've got a tub of pure caffeine and occasionally try clen and EC and pre workout is mostly chalked up to placebo and mental focus for me. I'm probably too tolerant to caffeine, I've went off for a while too though. Music is the solution these days, and a little bit of pacing around!

...clen actually puts me to sleep for 30 mins when it first kicks. With some beautiful horrible dreams to go with it. Rest of the day is fine.
I have used Caffeine 300mg-350mg 99% pure pre-workout or Modafinil at the therapeutic dose. I get nothing from Modafinil. Nothing. And with caffeine...hard to tell, maybe some desire to move because of the slight adrenaline despair. My impression is I quickly became tolerant to Caffeine and Modafinil doesn't work on me so good. I don't think Caffeine hits you very well on a full stomach either. Don't take pre workout supplementation too seriously. Especially with addictive drugs.

I get more stimulation from listening to the Rocky 4 soundtrack or seeing myself in the mirror in comparison to what I use to look than from Caffeine, and I mean that. That is not a silly comment I throw out lightly. Music is the answer for me.

And if you're thinking fat loss, there just have to better things than Adderall for that, amphetamine is not a staple on bodybuilding for a reason.
I generally take 3 ephedrine(75mg) and 600 mg of caffeine PWO. I used to be addicted to Adderall and was taking 400+ mg/day so I have a highly abnormal tolerance to stimulants.

I've taken up to 2,000 mg of caffeine alone PWO and didn't notice much with it, the combo of ephedrine and caffeine works much better for me.
I too was on adderall and aas but I really had a hard time eating. Blood pressure was ok but the combo gave me the shakes. It ended up being my blood sugar dipping too low. That's one thing I'd watch for sure.

To be clear to the layman.. It would only take about 15mgs of Adderall to put a person with no amphetamine experience into a nice BUSY sweat for about 8-12 Hours....!

So, Mike... I could use a bit of help.. Please tell me how to kick it and still get out of bed... ?? :confused:[:eek:)]:rolleyes:

@ the OP. Amphetamines are only going to wake you up and suppress appetite. This will only last so long. It takes anywhere from 30-90 days to tolerate a dosage and then you are left just needing that amount to be normal. For added benefit as expediting FAT LOSS. You want ephedrine. It works on a different pathway more related to fat metabolism.. Adderall does not help "burn fat"..

I used to be addicted to Adderall and was taking 400+ mg/day so I have a highly abnormal tolerance to stimulants.
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I get a prescription from a doctor for ADHD, didn't really want them for a performance enhancing effect. To me it is like a heavy dose of caffeine b4 a workout, I find it easier to lift too. I just don't want to have a heart attack or a stroke or something while taking it on AAS :p. I am on a low dosage now, I haven't taken it in 5 years, used to take 30mg IR a day, now I am only taking a 3rd of that and it is definitely noticeable. Especially the frequent visits to the can.
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I generally take 3 ephedrine(75mg) and 600 mg of caffeine PWO. I used to be addicted to Adderall and was taking 400+ mg/day so I have a highly abnormal tolerance to stimulants.

I've taken up to 2,000 mg of caffeine alone PWO and didn't notice much with it, the combo of ephedrine and caffeine works much better for me.

Abnormal tolerance to stimulants?!? 120mg adderall a day was the most I took and I was a grumpy zombie that couldn't shut my brain off. I'd say you have a freakish tolerance!
I have a naturally low tolerance, 30mg and I am fucking going insane, I fucking hate it honestly, I suppose a small amount isn't too bad, but the amount I need for it to be effective (for it's intended purpose) causes bad sides for me. Now opiate/opioid drugs on the other hand I have a very natural high tolerance too, which is terrible. If I get injured and actually need a painkiller doctors think I am drug seeking, which I'm not. I remember when I hurt my lower back this past January (deadlifting) I didn't even bother going to a doctor I just suffered. I probably should have gotten an x-ray and MRI but I am so sick of doctors. They are tight asses when it comes to prescribing medications and they can't help with certain injuries all they can do is help with the symptoms. Took me a good 3-4 months to start lifting again, I was scared to squat and deadlift at first but now I am back in the groove, I think the injury was from overuse, I was deadlifting way too much. Now I do all sumo deadlifts as they seem easier on my lower back.
I have used Caffeine 300mg-350mg 99% pure pre-workout or Modafinil at the therapeutic dose. I get nothing from Modafinil. Nothing. And with caffeine...hard to tell, maybe some desire to move because of the slight adrenaline despair. My impression is I quickly became tolerant to Caffeine and Modafinil doesn't work on me so good. I don't think Caffeine hits you very well on a full stomach either. Don't take pre workout supplementation too seriously. Especially with addictive drugs.

I get more stimulation from listening to the Rocky 4 soundtrack or seeing myself in the mirror in comparison to what I use to look than from Caffeine, and I mean that. That is not a silly comment I throw out lightly. Music is the answer for me.

And if you're thinking fat loss, there just have to better things than Adderall for that, amphetamine is not a staple on bodybuilding for a reason.

I love modafinil...I use that for late study sessions.
That is provigil isn't it (Modafinil)? Much smoother than amphetamines. I think pilots doing long trips use it in the military. They did a test and said pilots could function normally for 36 hours with no rest. I took it when I was younger because I was always lethargic and tired. I find the aggression that amphetamines has is useful for certain purposes, maybe not bodybuilding, but that is not my primary concern.
I never felt like I was under anything while I was taking modafinil, unfortunately for me.

As for aggression, from what I've witness the most aggression I've ever seen is on Percocet, believe it or not. That's what drug dealing kids around here take all the time. Yes, they tend to get high on their own supply. A cousin of mine who use to deal once told me that the effects of Percocet are so fucked up that it made him and his buddies wanna kill and look for trouble when they we're out on the streets.

Don't you think, however, this is a good supplement for powerlifting or also has the peculiarity of slowing the tone of your voice, you start to sound LITERALLY like a bum, it makes you sweat, and the addiction is so quick and definitive you'll be stealing from your mom's purse before you can shout "light weight!"
It could help lifting but it provides no aggression. I have used Percocet on many occasions (I don't make a habit out of it) and have never wanted to go kill or hurt anyone. I mean people get prescribed this medication for pain, which is what it should be used for primarily. Most of the recreational users are too busy nodding off to hurt anybody. It is when these junkies become physically dependent and have withdraws that they become dangerous. They need a fix so they go rob old little Miss Daisey down the street, beat her up and take her money. Then when they get caught they say "oh the percocet made me do it". It is a crock of shit, people that blame drugs for their actions (except maybe PCP) are liars, there are plenty of people who experience physical dependence and withdraws and they do what any decent person would do, go to detox or rehab. These idiots who commit these crimes and blame drugs are the reason drug dealers are doing double digits in prisons for their 3rd petty drug offense and now the taxpayers are paying 32,000 dollars a year to keep Jerome in prison because of some crackhead/dope addict snitch who is trying to get a reduced sentence after he beat some old lady up for her money.

I definitely wouldn't make it a habit to use oxycodone as a preworkout supplement. Maybe if you injure yourself lifting or something but it's potential for addiction is way too high to use it on a frequent basis. I've used it to help work around injuries or because of injuries in the past but that is about it, then again I am not snorting 30mg and nodding off at the power rack either. I've had no addiction issues with opiates/opioids but I have seen MANY people who have and most of the ones that steal were pieces of shit b4 they ever got into using, withdraw will bring out a persons true character.
Out of opiates, amphetamines, and alcohol I bet you will find alcohol is far more responsible for criminal activity. You just don't have to steal to get your fix due to the low cost and availability of alcohol. Perfectly legal though, yet doctors are afraid to prescribe you Tylenol w/ codeine because you have joint pain, it is a joke, the shit should be OTC.
A cousin of mine, not the one I mentioned above, describe to me some ridiculous doses, he would take these pills literally like skittles. He eventually had to move from my house, in a matter of just days he got so hooked he began recklessly stealing, no doubt to get more of those percocets. We lost a playstation. Just saying what I heard and seeing.

This whole amphetamine + steroid concept is by all means ridiculous. You don't hear anyone from the 70's or 80's having to take "something" pre-workout. This is what fucks people up. Now because I take steroids I gotta couple it with some pre-workout stimulant? This type of behavior is hurting bodybuilders, quite frankly. I mean, people often will think of bodybuilders as lab rats, and I feel they are treated as such. Look at these research chemical companies trying to sell us a whole bunch of shit. Is there a real need to take carcinogens such as aicar, gw whatever the fuck you wanna call it, ace 031? Pharmaceutical companies stopped researching all that garbage for a reason. Now some smart ass decided the bodybuilding community was gullible enough to buy into this shit. Now I'm getting pissed [}:)]
amphetamines and aas?! wtf.. don't bother even cycling... I have abandoned all pre workout stimulants for music. You probably could achieve better results shooting heroin and using aas than using speed heh.