Amphetamines and AAS

I am prescribed 20mg of Adderall 3x a day for years and it has not impacted me negatively in anyway with using aas you should be fine there, imo
I have been on amphetamines ... Sad story ... I wasn't working out at this stage of my life . I do think that it could become a very very bad habit for people who don't have a good self control . It kills the appetite so bad that only thinking of food makes me sick . Ya , may be can add some serious and impulsive workout but .... Calculating the risks i would stay aways from this kinds of stimulants. At least me .

To be clear to the layman.. It would only take about 15mgs of Adderall to put a person with no amphetamine experience into a nice BUSY sweat for about 8-12 Hours....!

So, Mike... I could use a bit of help.. Please tell me how to kick it and still get out of bed... ?? :confused:[:eek:)]:rolleyes:

@ the OP. Amphetamines are only going to wake you up and suppress appetite. This will only last so long. It takes anywhere from 30-90 days to tolerate a dosage and then you are left just needing that amount to be normal. For added benefit as expediting FAT LOSS. You want ephedrine. It works on a different pathway more related to fat metabolism.. Adderall does not help "burn fat"..

I used to be addicted to Adderall and was taking 400+ mg/day so I have a highly abnormal tolerance to stimulants.

I have never taken it more than twice and i layed around on 30mgs
400MGS i would be in the bath tub dying.
amphetamines and aas?! wtf.. don't bother even cycling... I have abandoned all pre workout stimulants for music. You probably could achieve better results shooting heroin and using aas than using speed heh.

I have had some close calls on all the e/c/a and drunk 12 mountain dews a day and even though you think it isn't a big deal it will hit you,and when it does you will have permanent problems with your health.
I was lucky and finally got this shit right in my head,at 20 i was unbeatable coke at 30 opiates was clueless at 40 i said fuck all of this shit!!
As johnnyBALLZ said i am no stranger to the opiate family either but it will all kill you period,unless you can control it.
AAS i can control it but the stimulants etc i can't so i stay away from them.

Music is the master of all souls:cool:
I get the best training when on provigil or methylphenidate. I use them for school sparingly
I personally don't like stimulants (adderall) but I need them to get through school. They make you shit, it has a rebound effect and you get that "come down" feeling and you turn into a dick. I never take or have taken them every day, maybe that is why the side effects never go away? Usually I would take them 5 days a week and crash on the weekend (never exceeded 30mg ED, now I only take 10mg because I am not coping with the GI discomfort well). I don't know why the hell little kids take the shit, it just seems bad for a child to have to take amphetamines or stimulants period. I don't find any recreational value in them at all, they make me feel like a weirdo.

Opiates/Opioids on the other hand I take off and on for injuries and pain, never became addicted to them, but I could definitely see it happening to someone with low self-control or someone who isn't educated about the potential withdrawals associated with use. I have noticed it seems like when a person starts heavily abusing Opiates/Opioids for long periods of time, they can never go back on them (even for proper use) without potentially slipping back into addiction. Maybe people are just prone to addiction, I dunno, I don't even like to drink.

Anti-inflammatory pills tear my stomach up as well as aspirin. And to be honest if the pain only justifies the use of Tylenol or some Advil, I would just deal with the pain because it would be very mild IMO.