Hello meso,
What is your anadrol experience ?
I just took my first dose at 25 mg this morning.
Brutal headache that lasted for 4 hours and comes and goes through the day. ( stomach does feel to hot ethier).
I may just try these a bombs pre-work out. If i kept getting these sides i will drop it from the below cycle.
Back ground ;
Ive done only one cycle of in 2017. (1-12 weeks 500mg test e only) did pct and kept training.
I am 28 year's old
5, 11
12-14 % BF (visual abs, rough estimate) its very easy for me to lean out or bulk up.
182-185 lbs
Training 9 years ( Legs/Push/Pull 6 times a week, hitting everything twice)
Diet is very good. ( following a plan)
Just started the below cycle today
Anadrol 1-4 weeks
1-2 week 50mg - 25mg morning/25mg night
2-4 week 75-100mg either 50mg morning/ 25mg at night - or 50mg morning/ 50mg night depending on how i feel on this oral.
Test E 1-16 weeks 250mgs pin every 3.5 days. (Mon - Thur) 500mgs total
EQ 1-14 weeks 450mgs pin every Monday
12.5 to 7.5mg of aromasin EOD when sides happen (prone to high estro)
2x250iu hcg week 2-18 weeks
starting PCT after 18 days after last pin of test
nolvadex 40mg/40mg/20mg/20mg
clomid 50mg/50mg/20mg/20mg
Using together for 4 weeks.
Will be using mk 677 between cycles 7 days on 7 days off
What is your anadrol experience ?
I just took my first dose at 25 mg this morning.
Brutal headache that lasted for 4 hours and comes and goes through the day. ( stomach does feel to hot ethier).
I may just try these a bombs pre-work out. If i kept getting these sides i will drop it from the below cycle.
Back ground ;
Ive done only one cycle of in 2017. (1-12 weeks 500mg test e only) did pct and kept training.
I am 28 year's old
5, 11
12-14 % BF (visual abs, rough estimate) its very easy for me to lean out or bulk up.
182-185 lbs
Training 9 years ( Legs/Push/Pull 6 times a week, hitting everything twice)
Diet is very good. ( following a plan)
Just started the below cycle today
Anadrol 1-4 weeks
1-2 week 50mg - 25mg morning/25mg night
2-4 week 75-100mg either 50mg morning/ 25mg at night - or 50mg morning/ 50mg night depending on how i feel on this oral.
Test E 1-16 weeks 250mgs pin every 3.5 days. (Mon - Thur) 500mgs total
EQ 1-14 weeks 450mgs pin every Monday
12.5 to 7.5mg of aromasin EOD when sides happen (prone to high estro)
2x250iu hcg week 2-18 weeks
starting PCT after 18 days after last pin of test
nolvadex 40mg/40mg/20mg/20mg
clomid 50mg/50mg/20mg/20mg
Using together for 4 weeks.
Will be using mk 677 between cycles 7 days on 7 days off