Anadrol experiences


New Member
Hello meso,

What is your anadrol experience ?

I just took my first dose at 25 mg this morning.

Brutal headache that lasted for 4 hours and comes and goes through the day. ( stomach does feel to hot ethier).

I may just try these a bombs pre-work out. If i kept getting these sides i will drop it from the below cycle.

Back ground ;

Ive done only one cycle of in 2017. (1-12 weeks 500mg test e only) did pct and kept training.

I am 28 year's old
5, 11
12-14 % BF (visual abs, rough estimate) its very easy for me to lean out or bulk up.
182-185 lbs
Training 9 years ( Legs/Push/Pull 6 times a week, hitting everything twice)
Diet is very good. ( following a plan)

Just started the below cycle today

Anadrol 1-4 weeks
1-2 week 50mg - 25mg morning/25mg night
2-4 week 75-100mg either 50mg morning/ 25mg at night - or 50mg morning/ 50mg night depending on how i feel on this oral.
Test E 1-16 weeks 250mgs pin every 3.5 days. (Mon - Thur) 500mgs total
EQ 1-14 weeks 450mgs pin every Monday
12.5 to 7.5mg of aromasin EOD when sides happen (prone to high estro)
2x250iu hcg week 2-18 weeks
starting PCT after 18 days after last pin of test
nolvadex 40mg/40mg/20mg/20mg
clomid 50mg/50mg/20mg/20mg
Using together for 4 weeks.

Will be using mk 677 between cycles 7 days on 7 days off
I am 28 year's old
5, 11
12-14 % BF (visual abs, rough estimate) its very easy for me to lean out or bulk up.
182-185 lbs
Training 9 years ( Legs/Push/Pull 6 times a week, hitting everything twice)
Diet is very good.

No offence, but if you have an easy time putting on weight and your diet is good, how are you only 185 lbs after 9 years of training?

You need more food, not steroids my man.
Hello meso,

What is your anadrol experience ?

I just took my first dose at 25 mg this morning.

Brutal headache that lasted for 4 hours and comes and goes through the day. ( stomach does feel to hot ethier).

I may just try these a bombs pre-work out. If i kept getting these sides i will drop it from the below cycle.

Back ground ;

Ive done only one cycle of in 2017. (1-12 weeks 500mg test e only) did pct and kept training.

I am 28 year's old
5, 11
12-14 % BF (visual abs, rough estimate) its very easy for me to lean out or bulk up.
182-185 lbs
Training 9 years ( Legs/Push/Pull 6 times a week, hitting everything twice)
Diet is very good. ( following a plan)

Just started the below cycle today

Anadrol 1-4 weeks
1-2 week 50mg - 25mg morning/25mg night
2-4 week 75-100mg either 50mg morning/ 25mg at night - or 50mg morning/ 50mg night depending on how i feel on this oral.
Test E 1-16 weeks 250mgs pin every 3.5 days. (Mon - Thur) 500mgs total
EQ 1-14 weeks 450mgs pin every Monday
12.5 to 7.5mg of aromasin EOD when sides happen (prone to high estro)
2x250iu hcg week 2-18 weeks
starting PCT after 18 days after last pin of test
nolvadex 40mg/40mg/20mg/20mg
clomid 50mg/50mg/20mg/20mg
Using together for 4 weeks.

Will be using mk 677 between cycles 7 days on 7 days off

I get the same reaction from Anavar, Tbol, Dbol. I tried lowering the dose and toughing it out to no avail. Sides were just too harsh. Headache, gut ache, and dizzy.

I haven't tried Anadrol. So I stay away. Some people just dont get along well with some or all of those compounds.

You could get a pill cutter if its pressed and start at a lower dose and work your way up. Anadrol is very potent.
Hello meso,

What is your anadrol experience ?

I just took my first dose at 25 mg this morning.

Brutal headache that lasted for 4 hours and comes and goes through the day. ( stomach does feel to hot ethier).

I may just try these a bombs pre-work out. If i kept getting these sides i will drop it from the below cycle.

Back ground ;

Ive done only one cycle of in 2017. (1-12 weeks 500mg test e only) did pct and kept training.

I am 28 year's old
5, 11
12-14 % BF (visual abs, rough estimate) its very easy for me to lean out or bulk up.
182-185 lbs
Training 9 years ( Legs/Push/Pull 6 times a week, hitting everything twice)
Diet is very good. ( following a plan)

Just started the below cycle today

Anadrol 1-4 weeks
1-2 week 50mg - 25mg morning/25mg night
2-4 week 75-100mg either 50mg morning/ 25mg at night - or 50mg morning/ 50mg night depending on how i feel on this oral.
Test E 1-16 weeks 250mgs pin every 3.5 days. (Mon - Thur) 500mgs total
EQ 1-14 weeks 450mgs pin every Monday
12.5 to 7.5mg of aromasin EOD when sides happen (prone to high estro)
2x250iu hcg week 2-18 weeks
starting PCT after 18 days after last pin of test
nolvadex 40mg/40mg/20mg/20mg
clomid 50mg/50mg/20mg/20mg
Using together for 4 weeks.

Will be using mk 677 between cycles 7 days on 7 days off
I break it down in multiple dosages. I find it helps with the headaches and back pumps. I can handle up to 75mg as long break down to 3 different dosages in the day. I found that drinking a ton of water helps with the headaches as well.
Started training at 150? :eek:

I was 155 at 6' when I started. I was up to 180 after my first year of lifting. That's pretty typical of people I've helped get started.

There's a 99% chance that he's not eating enough to grow. Steroids won't help without fuel for them to work their magic.
No offence, but if you have an easy time putting on weight and your diet is good, how are you only 185 lbs after 9 years of training?

You need more food, not steroids my man.

Started at 125 lbs (very skinny) . Ive been up and down in weight. Most i have ever touched is 205lbs. But i feel good and healthy at 185lbs in the morning. Go up to 190 during the day.
Started at 125 lbs (very skinny) . Ive been up and down in weight. Most i have ever touched is 205lbs. But i feel good and healthy at 185lbs in the morning. Go up to 190 during the day.
Shouldve stated that, haha!. At your height you could probably still get bigger naturally though.
Shouldve stated that, haha!. At your height you could probably still get bigger naturally though.
Lol fair, but i didnt think peolel would pick on the weight portion. I look much bigger then i weigh. And i was curious to see members experience with drol
You were a fat little fucker! How many free lunches did you get at school? ;) I think I was like 140 in 6th grade. I stopped growing at 14-15yrs old. 6'2
Right? Lmaoooo I was husky for sure. I was already 5'9 and by eighth grad inwas 6 feet tall.