Anadrol experiences

You were a fat little fucker! How many free lunches did you get at school? ;) I think I was like 140 in 6th grade. I stopped growing at 14-15yrs old. 6'2
Yea I stopped at growing 6'1 in 10th grade. The way I was going i thought i was going to be 6'4.... nope
I was 155 at 6' when I started. I was up to 180 after my first year of lifting. That's pretty typical of people I've helped get started.

There's a 99% chance that he's not eating enough to grow. Steroids won't help without fuel for them to work their magic.

I get the same reaction from Anavar, Tbol, Dbol. I tried lowering the dose and toughing it out to no avail. Sides were just too harsh. Headache, gut ache, and dizzy.

I haven't tried Anadrol. So I stay away. Some people just dont get along well with some or all of those compounds.

You could get a pill cutter if its pressed and start at a lower dose and work your way up. Anadrol is very potent.

Fair, orals might not agree with me.

I might cut it, ill try it for at least
I personally hate anadrol! It gives me terrible lethargy and heartburn. It also bloats the shit out of me. But everyone is different I am enjoying 100mg Var and 100mg Winny right now. No sides.

I honestly wouldn’t be to intimidated by what others think of your size. I really don’t see the correlation with body weight and years of training. Every look is personal preference, there’s no fucking standard. As long as your happy with the way you look and you keep progressing, the time frame you do it in is insignificant.
I personally hate anadrol! It gives me terrible lethargy and heartburn. It also bloats the shit out of me. But everyone is different I am enjoying 100mg Var and 100mg Winny right now. No sides.

I honestly wouldn’t be to intimidated by what others think of your size. I really don’t see the correlation with body weight and years of training. Every look is personal preference, there’s no ducking standard. As long as your happy with the way you look and you keep progressing, the time frame you do it in is insignificant.
[emoji3516] facts
I was 155 at 6' when I started. I was up to 180 after my first year of lifting. That's pretty typical of people I've helped get started.

There's a 99% chance that he's not eating enough to grow. Steroids won't help without fuel for them to work their magic.

This post wasnt about growth, but i always appreciate some one calling out something they could be concerned about.

Looking for people feed back with drol. Lots of good info on the search tab, but i thought i would open up a disscussion froum because it may not be agreeing with me.

Off topic comment;
PEDS are not the answer to hard work. Ive grinded very hard naturally and took careful consideration before touching PED.
I have run it once 4 week front load with 600mg test
Wk 1 50mg 25 pwo and 25 pre bed
Wk 2 75mg 50 pwo and 25 pre bed
Wk 3 and 4 100mg 50 pwo and 50 pre bed
Headache and feeling like shit but pushed through. Got shoulder pumps no back pumps
Also as a finisher on this blast after 4 weeks off
Wk 9 50mg 25 and 25
Wk 10 100mg 50 and 50 and stopped felt like death

Just started another go at 50mg a day no issues

Drink a shit ton of water, if you think yoi drink enough drink more.... and fish oil
I personally hate anadrol! It gives me terrible lethargy and heartburn. It also bloats the shit out of me. But everyone is different I am enjoying 100mg Var and 100mg Winny right now. No sides.

I honestly wouldn’t be to intimidated by what others think of your size. I really don’t see the correlation with body weight and years of training. Every look is personal preference, there’s no fucking standard. As long as your happy with the way you look and you keep progressing, the time frame you do it in is insignificant.

I appreciate your insight. I will try drol pre work out at 25mg a day for one week. If i keep getting these sides i will drop it.

PED are not magic, i can put in the hard workout w/out drol

I am inline with youe stand point with on body weight and years of training.

There are so many varibles to consider when making such statements.
I have run it once 4 week front load with 600mg test
Wk 1 50mg 25 pwo and 25 pre bed
Wk 2 75mg 50 pwo and 25 pre bed
Wk 3 and 4 100mg 50 pwo and 50 pre bed
Headache and feeling like shit but pushed through. Got shoulder pumps no back pumps
Also as a finisher on this blast after 4 weeks off
Wk 9 50mg 25 and 25
Wk 10 100mg 50 and 50 and stopped felt like death

Just started another go at 50mg a day no issues

Drink a shit ton of water, if you think yoi drink enough drink more.... and fish oil

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Currently taking about 2x fish oils in the morning,

2 to 3 x 72 oz jugs of water

Earing 6 times a day and making sure i drinking 8oz glass of water after each meal.

Ill keep the water intake up !!
Thanks for sharing your experience.

Currently taking about 2x fish oils in the morning,

2 to 3 x 72 oz jugs of water

Earing 6 times a day and making sure i drinking 8oz glass of water after each meal.

Ill keep the water intake up !!

I was drinking closer to 200oz of water a day
Anadrol was not good to me, it made me lathargic and very tired.. couldn't handle the feeling so I bailed after a couple weeks. Still have some on stash so I may try it again sometime, we'll see..
Anadrol was not good to me, it made me lathargic and very tired.. couldn't handle the feeling so I bailed after a couple weeks. Still have some on stash so I may try it again sometime, we'll see..
Got me feeling like this. I felt it within1 hour during my drive to work. It has settled down a bit.

Only 25mg had me feeling like shit.
Shouldve stated that, haha!. At your height you could probably still get bigger naturally though.

Lol i didnt think people would debate my weight and years of training tbh.

I was only asking peoples experience with drol and i shared mine.

I think you can get bigger naturally until your super damn old tbh.[/QUOTE]
I appreciate your insight. I will try drol pre work out at 25mg a day for one week. If i keep getting these sides i will drop it.

PED are not magic, i can put in the hard workout w/out drol

I am inline with youe stand point with on body weight and years of training.

There are so many varibles to consider when making such statements.
Yeah bro see how 25mg treats you. Another way to minimize sides is to just take it all pre workout and on training days only. If you did this I would suggest 50mg. It might not be the most effective dosing protocol but it’s still effective none the less.

I am coming down to the last two weeks of a long EQ cycle. I was up almost 20 pounds @ week 12. I’ve been slowly cutting since then. The compliments have been rolling in the last few weeks. I feel and look much better then I did week 12 when I was heavier. I am still up 9 pounds with very minimal fat gains. I’m cool with that! :)
This post wasnt about growth, but i always appreciate some one calling out something they could be concerned about.

Looking for people feed back with drol. Lots of good info on the search tab, but i thought i would open up a disscussion froum because it may not be agreeing with me.

Off topic comment;
PEDS are not the answer to hard work. Ive grinded very hard naturally and took careful consideration before touching PED.

I'm not trying to be a dick or anything. I just don't see the point of taking PEDs to accomplish what is easily doable without them. No offence intended.

To answer your question, headaches and heartburn are common with drol. Keeping your water intake high helps mitigate those effects, but if you're getting sides like that after a single 25mg dose I'd try something else.
Yeah bro see how 25mg treats you. Another way to minimize sides is to just take it all pre workout and on training days only. If you did this I would suggest 50mg. It might not be the most effective dosing protocol but it’s still effective none the less.

I am coming down to the last two weeks of a long EQ cycle. I was up almost 20 pounds @ week 12. I’ve been slowly cutting since then. The compliments have been rolling in the last few weeks. I feel and look much better then I did week 12 when I was heavier. I am still up 9 pounds with very minimal fat gains. I’m cool with that! :)

Thanks bro, i appreciate your input

Thats the plan. Ill start with 25mg for the first week and bump to 50mg for pre workout.

Tbh my job/lifestyle can be very demanding and i cant have drol headaches hindering performance ahah. Today was rough but i managed.

@TAKESHI i am glad to see your getting results ! this cycle will be the first time im touching Eq. Im interested in the effects this compound will have on me.