Anadrol/winny/test/deca dosage

Currently on test c and deca 200mg/week each for trt. Had normal full labs 3 months in (PCM labs not hormones). Just had hormone labs drawn today. I planned on blasting with Anadrol and Winstrol during a prep for competition. Currently 30, 6’1 180 pounds, dexa scan the other day has me at 8.1% BF.

I planned on running 450 test/200 deca for 12 weeks,

25/25/50/50/50/50/50/50 Anadrol (I know, the liver)
Winny 20/20/20/20/20/20 last 6 weeks

Realistically could I keep Anadrol at 25 and bump winny or would that even be worth it? I have no problem dieting down, and I’m too lean at this point to start a prep so the idea was to use the Anadrol to add size and fullness into the show, last show I did (5 years ago and also last time I ran an aas until I started TRT) I was able to gain 7 pounds last 8 weeks adding AAS.

Diet is on point and tracked, plan on doing 450 carb/250 protein heavy training days (chest/legs/back)

Cardio and light day (shoulders) 100 carb/300 protein.

Currently I’ve been at 250-300 carb/200 protein and have slowly leaned out but strength is slowly fading too. I’ve lost 3 pounds the past 2 months so the TRT has certainly been effective to get where I am.
Your trt is 200test/200deca?

What kind of competition are you doing?
Yeah I’m at “one of those” clinics. And men’s physique bodybuilding. I’ll share what my levels are currently once results come back. I’m just trying to be transparent with where I am and what I plan on doing.

I plan on doing lipid/normal blood work 8 weeks into my 12 week blast along with hormones. Will do dexa a week or so before my competition
That’s some generous testosterone replacement therapy all right.

I’m not a BB myself but if I were going to try to do a show like you’re talking about I would not be using a watery compound like deca to prep for it. What made you choose that one?

I also don’t have much experience with Anadrol but I’ve heard if used as a contest prep drug you need to be very precise with how you do so.

If I had to look hard and lean as fuck like I image you’d want to for a men’s physique thing. Id use test/mast/tren with Anavar and perhaps add the whinny at the end.
But I know Jack shit about this stuff.

Interested to see how it works out for you. Good luck.
I've done anadrol with winnies. Not really much synergy, except if other compounds leave you feeling flat then Anadrol can help you with pumps and getting a more full look. Really need to watch that the amount of carbs and sodium you are taking are not going to make you bloat.