Analiza Bialek Analytical Laboratory

i did test 4 different compounds already and Always got my results within 2-3 weeks
in the first place i wanted to know how accurate they test and so i did send 4 samples Containing Tren-E, Tren-A and Test-U But i did send the same sample Of Tren-E in 2 times But with Diffrent Batchnumbers printed on it and i got the same results for both So they did not randomly type in numbers.
Im very happy with this lab they answers relatively fast on mails payment is easy and results are real, i will continue using this laboratory for the future
Keep Up the good Work :)
hey you have no idea how many samples I have sent for testing (mostly to you). there were always problems with payment processing and long waiting for the result. Your customer service sucks. You are simply abusing your monopoly position on the market and that is why you are allowed to call your customers “retarded“. I have politely asked you to show the document that you yourself demand from the other company. Your superiority and ignorance will take its toll , I will certainly start sending my samples to the other company and I believe many of us will follow me . At the end of the day we are all about money and you are about our money so don't play the Samaritan of our community.