Anavar and a PCT?

David Jonez

New Member
So I'm looking to do a cycle of Anavar. Can someone give me an idea of what a cycle should look like. How long I should do it for and what else I might take with it. Also what sort of PCT should I take? Thanks
So I'm looking to do a cycle of Anavar. Can someone give me an idea of what a cycle should look like. How long I should do it for and what else I might take with it. Also what sort of PCT should I take? Thanks
You're new right? Don't do an oral only or anavar only cycle. You'll gain like 3 lbs, shut your natural test off, have low to during the cycle, hurt your liver... and then just feel like shit. I agree with Eman test e or test c, 25 g needle and syringe...
I feel like you looked into steroids and found out anavar is a good steroid for cutting cycles and then figured you would get diced using a single oral steroid that has mild side effects in comparison to others. I'm no guru but I'll drop a little knowledge here... Anavar is one of the most mild steroids out on the market today. Anavar is common among female athletes due to anavars very mild nature. They respond very very well, especially during competition prep on relatively low doses of this drug, usually 10-20mg per day. Obviously males also use the drug but it is almost useless by itself. Anavar has very mild side effects in comparison to other drugs and its structure would suggest that it is a highly anabolic steroid with mild androgenic effects. However, this is not really the case. Anavar is not a muscle building, bulking drug. Paired with test and other drugs it can aid in creating a harder drier look due to its ability to bind with the androgen receptor fairly well. It also aids in fat burning and can have a positive effect on strength increase. For the male athlete a dose of anywhere from 50-100mg per day is not uncommon to see physique minded affects.

Just to reiterate what everyone has basically been saying though, taking Anavar by itself is pointless. Steroids are not miracle drugs, they can aid in the development of a physique and strength but will not turn a person into a Greek god overnight, as most idiots truly believe. Anavar will not magically strip fat off of your body either, a calorie deficit diet is still required to lose weight, and more specifically fat mass.

Anyways hope this helps and influences your decision properly.
I feel like you looked into steroids and found out anavar is a good steroid for cutting cycles and then figured you would get diced using a single oral steroid that has mild side effects in comparison to others. I'm no guru but I'll drop a little knowledge here... Anavar is one of the most mild steroids out on the market today. Anavar is common among female athletes due to anavars very mild nature. They respond very very well, especially during competition prep on relatively low doses of this drug, usually 10-20mg per day. Obviously males also use the drug but it is almost useless by itself. Anavar has very mild side effects in comparison to other drugs and its structure would suggest that it is a highly anabolic steroid with mild androgenic effects. However, this is not really the case. Anavar is not a muscle building, bulking drug. Paired with test and other drugs it can aid in creating a harder drier look due to its ability to bind with the androgen receptor fairly well. It also aids in fat burning and can have a positive effect on strength increase. For the male athlete a dose of anywhere from 50-100mg per day is not uncommon to see physique minded affects.

Just to reiterate what everyone has basically been saying though, taking Anavar by itself is pointless. Steroids are not miracle drugs, they can aid in the development of a physique and strength but will not turn a person into a Greek god overnight, as most idiots truly believe. Anavar will not magically strip fat off of your body either, a calorie deficit diet is still required to lose weight, and more specifically fat mass.

Anyways hope this helps and influences your decision properly.
Your right anavar is a very mild drug but it also shuts off your nature hpta so why not add test as a compound?? Your dick will be fucked on anavar only and your liver depending on how much you take
Your right anavar is a very mild drug but it also shuts off your nature hpta so why not add test as a compound?? Your dick will be fucked on anavar only and your liver depending on how much you take

I agree with you. I literally said to take Anavar with test and other drugs and Anavar is USELESS by itself for the male bodybuilder. I'm AGAINST taking Anavar alone. Hope that clears things up.
So I'm looking to do a cycle of Anavar. Can someone give me an idea of what a cycle should look like. How long I should do it for and what else I might take with it. Also what sort of PCT should I take? Thanks

Yea and how about A LOT more info like;


- your lifting stats
- training experience
- your age
- years of SERUOUSLY working out
- whether you are using a trainer


- oh and how about posting a PIC so we
have a better idea about what "protocol" is most fitting for your desires
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