Anavar only cycle


New Member
Hello guys!
This month was tough for me I had healt issues all the time so I couldnt train good not even eat good (I ate a lot of junk food), and it happened the worst scenario possible, I lost tons of muscle and gained the fat, and now I weight 3 kg less than I weighted before. So I was thinking about doing mini cut with anavar only (4 weeks). I allready did var only cutting cycle and I had no isue with it. What are your thoughs abou it?
Why not just do it naturally?

Muscle memory is real and you can regain pretty quick especially if you already know what training and diet protocols you respond well to.

Losing fat is easy if your not a lazy slob.

Dont see why you need 4 weeks of anavar just to make any kind of physique change. The shits not a crutch for lacking discipline.
An anavar only cycle isn't worth driving your natural test production into the dirt. If you were on TRT it'd be different, even then you'd need a high dosage of anavar to see good results from high anavar and trt doses of test for 4 weeks. This would be a super specific cycle and you'd need good reasons to run it, imo. And for the record, anavar is one of my favorite compounds.

If you're just looking for a nice boost without shutting your HPTA down, do something like 8 weeks of ostarine and clomid. You may even have more test at the end of the cycle (than you do naturally) if you run them both at comparable doses.

But if you're trying to do big boy shit (an actual aas cycle), you need to do it right. Anavar alone for 4 weeks will definitely help during a cut, but you're just going to turn into a blob-like mess for the following weeks while you recover your natural test production. Honestly, cycling just sucks compared to blasting and cruising, but if you're going to cycle, do it right. Otherwise, you're just going to lose any muscle you built on cycle, and probably gain all the fat back.
Assuming you're a female that's fine, assuming you're a male that's a terrible idea
But my first cycle i did with anavar only because I'm scared of balding on testosterone so I took a risk and I experienced no big side effect and I got decent results. I didn't get super jacked I looked like some guy who is natural with good genetics
But my first cycle i did with anavar only because I'm scared of balding on testosterone so I took a risk and I experienced no big side effect and I got decent results. I didn't get super jacked I looked like some guy who is natural with good genetics
I lost way more hair from dht conversion from anavar than I ever have cruising 200mg test e a week
Why not just do it naturally?

Muscle memory is real and you can regain pretty quick especially if you already know what training and diet protocols you respond well to.

Losing fat is easy if your not a lazy slob.

Dont see why you need 4 weeks of anavar just to make any kind of physique change. The shits not a crutch for lacking
t's not a problem that I am lazy I train hard and regulary. Problem is my shitty genetics I can't bulk if I am below 15% BF I feel weak. when I reach around that procentage I start gaining strenght an muscles.
An anavar only cycle isn't worth driving your natural test production into the dirt. If you were on TRT it'd be different, even then you'd need a high dosage of anavar to see good results from high anavar and trt doses of test for 4 weeks. This would be a super specific cycle and you'd need good reasons to run it, imo. And for the record, anavar is one of my favorite compounds.

If you're just looking for a nice boost without shutting your HPTA down, do something like 8 weeks of ostarine and clomid. You may even have more test at the end of the cycle (than you do naturally) if you run them both at comparable doses.

But if you're trying to do big boy shit (an actual aas cycle), you need to do it right. Anavar alone for 4 weeks will definitely help during a cut, but you're just going to turn into a blob-like mess for the following weeks while you recover your natural test production. Honestly, cycling just sucks compared to blasting and cruising, but if you're going to cycle, do it right. Otherwise, you're just going to lose any muscle you built on cycle, and probably gain all the fat back.
What are ostarine and clomid?
So you recently had health issues? What health issues?

How old are you OP?
First I had some stomach virus I was throwing up all the time and couldnt ate for 2 days I was sick for about 1 week and 1 week it took me to get back on track right after that i got toothache it took me one week to get to the dentist to get removed the tooth, right after I got nerve pain on elbow I hurt my self durning bjj class and It still hurts me, so yeah it is pretty busy month for me I am 25 btw
But my first cycle i did with anavar only because I'm scared of balding on testosterone so I took a risk and I experienced no big side effect and I got decent results. I didn't get super jacked I looked like some guy who is natural with good genetics
Whats your current blood work look like? Testosterone, estrodial and shbg?
Whats your current blood work look like? Testosterone, estrodial and shbg?
I never did this test, I intend to call a doctor tomorrow to do it what should I say to him?
One year ago after i got vaccinated i went to check the bloood they did some blood tests, idk what they were looking for but the doctor said that I am fine.
Call me crazy but I would focus on getting healthy and stable after going through all that before jumping on Anavar only. That’s just me though. Seeing what your last run of Anavar did to your blood work would be good.

Get blood work done-There’s a section on this forum that offers advise on blood work tests that you can pay out of pocket and not even need to see a doc. People on here can help give you advise if you post up the bloods. If anything’s way out wack seeing a doc would be good. That’s what I would do!
I never did this test, I intend to call a doctor tomorrow to do it what should I say to him?
One year ago after i got vaccinated i went to check the bloood they did some blood tests, idk what they were looking for but the doctor said that I am fine.
Blood clots and myocarditis is what you look for after the fauci ouchy

But for your blood work ask for free and total testosterone as well as estrogen