Fluctuating low t4 with normal tsh


New Member
My ft4 fluctuates and is mostly at the lower side and never more than 12pg/ml.
I’m not on anything at the moment, but will take hgh. Last time I checked my ft4 was 8,4pg/ml. Tsh was normal, doctor said no antibodies.

How much Levothyroxine should I take if I plan injecting 5iu of hgh everyday. I would start with 25mcg, but don’t plan going past 50mcg.

Also I don’t know if it matters, but my doctor said it could be that my ft4 is high in the morning and drops after that, but in my opinion they should be always in range, even at evening. I have some symptoms like extremely cold hands and feet, feeling fatigued.

I also have type 1 diabetes and celiac, but I don’t know if it has something in common.
How is your free t3?
If that is in range then you shouldn’t worry imo.
Take t4 when your tsh is getting high on hgh to bring it to normal range
From experience, I have run 50-100mcg of t4 on rhgh, AI's recommendation is 50mcg - 150mcg the dose depends on goals. For fatloss and metabolic enhancement, the someone should lean more towards 100-150mcg.
How is your free t3?
If that is in range then you shouldn’t worry imo.
Take t4 when your tsh is getting high on hgh to bring it to normal range
Ft3 is in range, still when my ft4 is low even right now without taking hgh, it will be even lower with hgh. So I think a low dose of t4 is a must
From experience, I have run 50-100mcg of t4 on rhgh, AI's recommendation is 50mcg - 150mcg the dose depends on goals. For fatloss and metabolic enhancement, the someone should lean more towards 100-150mcg.
I planned starting with 25mcg, then upping the dose to 50mcg, but I don’t want to do more then 50, because I don’t want hyperthyroidisim. But I think 50mcg will suit me well, because my levels are already low and will be even lower with hgh.
My ft4 fluctuates and is mostly at the lower side and never more than 12pg/ml.
I’m not on anything at the moment, but will take hgh. Last time I checked my ft4 was 8,4pg/ml. Tsh was normal, doctor said no antibodies.

How much Levothyroxine should I take if I plan injecting 5iu of hgh everyday. I would start with 25mcg, but don’t plan going past 50mcg.

Also I don’t know if it matters, but my doctor said it could be that my ft4 is high in the morning and drops after that, but in my opinion they should be always in range, even at evening. I have some symptoms like extremely cold hands and feet, feeling fatigued.

I also have type 1 diabetes and celiac, but I don’t know if it has something in common.

Have you by any chance measured rT3? The cold hands and feet sounds like your body is conserving energy via inactivating T3. I bet if you took T3 you'd feel normal asap (not saying you should do it). Otherwise, low free T is also important, as is low GH, in regulating thyroid hormones, especially t4 -> T3 conversion and rT3. So I'd suggest you also check your hormones.

Diet is also a crucial factor. Going in a slight caloric surplus, making sure to train hard and also importantly sleep hard, can fix some of the signs of a repressed metabolism. If you've been eating poorly for some time and living a stressed life, such outcomes aren't surprising.

@readalot has some issues with thyroid, maybe he can chime in.
Again. Only blood work can tell you that. Use it when your tah is getting high not your t4 imo.
Have you by any chance measured rT3? The cold hands and feet sounds like your body is conserving energy via inactivating T3. I bet if you took T3 you'd feel normal asap (not saying you should do it). Otherwise, low free T is also important, as is low GH, in regulating thyroid hormones, especially t4 -> T3 conversion and rT3. So I'd suggest you also check your hormones.

Diet is also a crucial factor. Going in a slight caloric surplus, making sure to train hard and also importantly sleep hard, can fix some of the signs of a repressed metabolism. If you've been eating poorly for some time and living a stressed life, such outcomes aren't surprising.

@readalot has some issues with thyroid, maybe he can chime in.
My ft4 is low/fluctuates to low, ft3 and tsh are in range. Why shouldn’t I take levothyroxine if my ft4 is low?
I didn’t check my rt3. But I don’t quite understand would taking t3 if my ft3 is already normal be necessary? And would it make my ft4 higher.I wanted to use levothyroxine to get higher ft4.

The point of taking T3 directly instead of T4 is for bypassing the T4 -> rT3 conversion. Your fT3 might be normal, but if your rT3 is high it's not optimal. But again, I'm not saying you should do that. This is best left to the body to decide as this process is a reflection of your overall health status, as mentioned for instance; free androgen index and GH levels. And not to mention that T3 has a stupidly short T1/2 and it's a pain to take optimally.
I planned starting with 25mcg, then upping the dose to 50mcg, but I don’t want to do more then 50, because I don’t want hyperthyroidisim. But I think 50mcg will suit me well, because my levels are already low and will be even lower with hgh.
T4 doesn't work the same as t3. Taking more t4 won't give you hyperthyroidism, your body has to convert it. Right now your body, is lacking in that department based on the information you provided. All you are doing is giving your body what it needs to handle it's scandal. Called hormone replacement bud. Let the growth do it job. I think 100mcg of t4 = 25mcg t3. Levothyroxine isn't all that strong.
Your body will rebound, I have been on and off t4 since 2004. I would run it for a couple months then stop, 6months stop. 2 years stop. Everytime was to supplement it in because I was on gh. It takes a lot to permanently fuck yourself, however, you must get bloods and stay with it, and go from there
Good luck
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