Ancillary Reference Guide

High dose Letro FOR JUST ONE WEEK
won't crash Estro

Read the fucking studies
while the Aromatase Enzyme is lowered rather quickly,
Estrogen itself takes several weeks to be drop

That's why I advise:
Letro 2.5 mg ED just for the first week
then 1 (or 2 at the most) Letro 2.5 mg tabs A WEEK

Bullshit again. AIs can lower estrogen in a matter of days up to a week or so. Jesus Christ keeping up with your crap is a full time job. I should be compensated for this
High dose Letro FOR JUST ONE WEEK
won't crash Estro

Read the fucking studies
while the Aromatase Enzyme is lowered rather quickly,
Estrogen itself takes several weeks to be drop

That's why I advise:
Letro 2.5 mg ED just for the first week
then 1 (or 2 at the most) Letro 2.5 mg tabs A WEEK
You didn't advise shit but front loading "high doses of AI " that quote is your own words you don't need to be offering advise when you clearly have no knowledge of what your talking about. If I don't know something I'm damn sure not going to act like I do and get someone hurt.

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Bullshit again. AIs can lower estrogen in a matter of days up to a week or so. Jesus Christ keeping up with your crap is a full time job. I should be compensated for this
@Docd187123 I think it's about time for his own thread he is going to screw these new members who think he knows something.

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@Docd187123 I think it's about time for his own thread he is going to screw these new members who think he knows something.

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He has his own thread already. I believe Wunderpus made one a while ago but someone left the door open and he was able to crawl out. Anyone that can find thread should bump it and direct him to post his nonsense in it.
I think he only wants to increase his message number other than help anybody but wait a minute he received 467 like for his advises lol .... who has given to him lol
He has his own thread already. I believe Wunderpus made one a while ago but someone left the door open and he was able to crawl out. Anyone that can find thread should bump it and direct him to post his nonsense in it.
Yeah I will try to find it.
I think he only wants to increase his message number other than help anybody but wait a minute he received 467 like for his advises lol .... who has given to him lol
Who ever did probably didn't know any better.

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The recommended daily dose, ARIMIDEX 1 mg, reduced estradiol by approximately 70% within 24 hours and by approximately 80% after 14 days of daily dosing.
Arimidex (Anastrozole) Drug Information: Clinical Pharmacology - Prescribing Information at RxList

No do NOT need to frontload an AI. Doing so is a very bad idea. Your estrogen hasn't even built up yet early on in your cycle. Why in the ever-loving fuck would you take mega doses of an AI? Letro is an even worse idea.

Please stop giving "advice."
Lol holy shit this guy thinks its a good idea front loading ai. Crashing your estro is awful. Worse then having high estro for a few days or so while dialing in your ai.
Both are horrific pieces of advice but thanks for playing.
Im one week into a cycle 50 mg dbol ed 750 susta 750 deca per week, started from day one 1mg arimidex ed and today i dont feel so hot, went to gym felt tired demotivated and weak, stayed for 15 minuts and came back home,diet its good ,sleep its good, I THINK i dropped my estrogen to low, reaon why i started at 1mg ed from day one was that on last cycle w test e and tren 500 of each ew i was on .5 arimi eod than gyno started to appear,than went up to .5 ed , no change,than 1mg and it stopped,didnt remove it but it stopped,than i stayed on it 2 weeks after last test shot and it got better, but maybe i should had waited until i felt the nipple hurt or at least wait 2 weeks after some of the gear its rolling high in my blood, imput on this is greatly appreciated
Im one week into a cycle 50 mg dbol ed 750 susta 750 deca per week, started from day one 1mg arimidex ed and today i dont feel so hot, went to gym felt tired demotivated and weak, stayed for 15 minuts and came back home,diet its good ,sleep its good, I THINK i dropped my estrogen to low, reaon why i started at 1mg ed from day one was that on last cycle w test e and tren 500 of each ew i was on .5 arimi eod than gyno started to appear,than went up to .5 ed , no change,than 1mg and it stopped,didnt remove it but it stopped,than i stayed on it 2 weeks after last test shot and it got better, but maybe i should had waited until i felt the nipple hurt or at least wait 2 weeks after some of the gear its rolling high in my blood, imput on this is greatly appreciated

Blood work is the only way to know what's going on in response to your bloods. AI isn't effective for gyno prevention or control. Try nolva instead.
Blood work is the only way to know what's going on in response to your bloods. AI isn't effective for gyno prevention or control. Try nolva instead.
I take anastrozole during cycle to keep estrogen in range, wich keeps gyno from coming on, for first 2 weeks after last pin of test i kept on taking AI and gyno went to a quarter of the size and nipple stop hurting completely, than after these 2 weeks started pct wich included nolva and it did nothing for the remaining gyno, so in my experience anastrozole works better than nolva, maybe combo of the 2 would be even better but id have to do some research on it to see if its ok to try
Blood work is the only way to know what's going on in response to your bloods. AI isn't effective for gyno prevention or control. Try nolva instead.
Its probably the dbol,after felling like shit at the gym i went home and eat a 10 inch pizza + soda to try and shove some glycogen into the muscles, that day i layed on the sofa the whole day , feeling no energy, next day went to gym in the morning and felt great, strong and stamina, so its definetly not crashed estrogen, most likely the dbol at 50 mg single dose that i have, i cant split the dose cause is capsule, but ill find out for sure tomorrow after i take it again couple hours before gym, but this time ill take it w high glicemic meal and see it makes a difference
I take anastrozole during cycle to keep estrogen in range, wich keeps gyno from coming on, for first 2 weeks after last pin of test i kept on taking AI and gyno went to a quarter of the size and nipple stop hurting completely, than after these 2 weeks started pct wich included nolva and it did nothing for the remaining gyno, so in my experience anastrozole works better than nolva, maybe combo of the 2 would be even better but id have to do some research on it to see if its ok to try

To reiterate, if you want to control gyno you need a serm like nolva. No amount of estrogen control can prevent gyno like SERMs can.