Androgens and short stature


New Member
Hi there this is my first post on this forum, though I have lurking about here for a whole now.

What is it that makes androgens like anavar and stanozol the go-to for cases like idiopathic short stature, familial short stature or anything like that, providing that an aromatase inhibitor like letrozole is used can all androgens fit this bill? Or is their selection because of their anabolic androgenic ratio being favourable and they don't want kids looking 30 and pissed off all the time? I've heard that some androgens can directly agonise estrogen receptors which wouldn't be the best, but to be honest I don't know what to think.

I've had this question in my mind and due to having a pay wall blocking alot of studies and in honesty being a poor researcher as well it has been left unanswered.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
providing that an aromatase inhibitor like letrozole is used can all androgens fit this bill?
Non-aromatizing AAS don't convert to estrogens at all.

Aromatizing AAS will see reduced conversion to estrogens by 90-98% with the 3rd generation aromatase inhibitors. So there could be a problem related to that.
let me just save you some time OP.

Heightmaxing is a scam.
there is no drug you can take thats gonna make you grow taller.
Your growth plates arent "still open"
stop watching MPMD videos
Heightmaxing is indeed a fucking scam and Derek form MPMD uses the same 10 big words over and over again to sound smart but really he hasn't a fucking clue. My friend our views align but you mistook me for one of those haha probably due to my poor wording.

To shorten up my question: can certain androgens close the growth plates through mechanisms other than something to do with estrogen?

Thank you for your response ant time sir.
Non-aromatizing AAS don't convert to estrogens at all.

Aromatizing AAS will see reduced conversion to estrogens by 90-98% with the 3rd generation aromatase inhibitors. So there could be a problem related to that.
So your saying any androgen thats non-aromatising could be used on these short stature conditions that I was on about? And that if used in conjunction with an ai like letro any androgen that is aromatising can be used at any dose no problem. By the way just so I don't get banned I'm not a 10 year old trying to grow I'm well past that this is all just a hypothetical thing you know, also to anyone who thinks I'm suggesting doing so DO NOT fuck with yourself like that.
So your saying any androgen thats non-aromatising could be used on these short stature conditions that I was on about? And that if used in conjunction with an ai like letro any androgen that is aromatising can be used at any dose no problem. By the way just so I don't get banned I'm not a 10 year old trying to grow I'm well past that this is all just a hypothetical thing you know, also to anyone who thinks I'm suggesting doing so DO NOT fuck with yourself like that.
Where did you get the idea he was saying something could be used at "any dose no problem?"
So your saying any androgen thats non-aromatising could be used on these short stature conditions that I was on about? And that if used in conjunction with an ai like letro any androgen that is aromatising can be used at any dose no problem.

While I know researchers have used non-aromatizable AAS like oxandrolone in conjunction with hGH as well as 3rd generation AIs in treatment of short stature in children, it wouldn't make any sense to add an aromatizing AAS because it could still lead to net increase in estrogens compared to non-aromatizing AAS. (The 2% aromatase that wasn't blocked.)
Heightmaxing is indeed a fucking scam and Derek form MPMD uses the same 10 big words over and over again to sound smart but really he hasn't a fucking clue. My friend our views align but you mistook me for one of those haha probably due to my poor wording.

To shorten up my question: can certain androgens close the growth plates through mechanisms other than something to do with estrogen?

Thank you for your response ant time sir.
Ok… not assuming…. Just asking.

Please tell me you aren’t thinking of putting a kid on androgens… as a dad… that would be a _horrible_ decision and have long term ramifications …

I will feel much better when you say “Hell no”… here is why I am curious…
Ok… not assuming…. Just asking.

Please tell me you aren’t thinking of putting a kid on androgens… as a dad… that would be a _horrible_ decision and have long term ramifications …

I will feel much better when you say “Hell no”… here is why I am curious…
"He'll no" no way I'm not even a dad or anything I was just kinda interested in the way androgens are used for this. I fully agree and that would be a disgustingly stupid thing to do. Thanks for your time man.
Being a ooor researcher is something you can fix: learn to be a better researcher

If you need access to studies, try this

Also: haven’t we seen you on here before with a different username?
Thanks for the suggestion I'll make good use of that, to answer your question I actually might have posted something on this forum about esters a while ago or maybe not, never another account though am on the raypeatforum though find some of it interesting.
Ok… not assuming…. Just asking.

Please tell me you aren’t thinking of putting a kid on androgens… as a dad… that would be a _horrible_ decision and have long term ramifications …

I will feel much better when you say “Hell no”… here is why I am curious…
And what about parents of children that have a clear need for treatment with androgens, and who receive no recognition or support from the medical establishment? Are they supposed to just accept non answers or denials? Should they go against their gut and their own research and let their kid potentially live with a micropenis or as a midget because they accept everything the medical establishment wrongly decides for them?

I'm not recommending that parents attempt to do this on their own, but there are rare circumstances where a parent may need to take matters into their own hands and do what they think needs to be done. And in other cases, where the doctors don't know what they are doing or doing the treatment wrong, then this research would be necessary for the parent to be the best advocate for the correct treatment of their child. So instead of scolding the man for asking questions, maybe help him with his research instead?
And what about parents of children that have a clear need for treatment with androgens, and who receive no recognition or support from the medical establishment? Are they supposed to just accept non answers or denials? Should they go against their gut and their own research and let their kid potentially live with a micropenis or as a midget because they accept everything the medical establishment wrongly decides for them?

I'm not recommending that parents attempt to do this on their own, but there are rare circumstances where a parent may need to take matters into their own hands and do what they think needs to be done. And in other cases, where the doctors don't know what they are doing or doing the treatment wrong, then this research would be necessary for the parent to be the best advocate for the correct treatment of their child. So instead of scolding the man for asking questions, maybe help him with his research instead?
That was a stretch. it’s ok brother. Breathe. Menopause makes everyone cranky.
And what about parents of children that have a clear need for treatment with androgens, and who receive no recognition or support from the medical establishment? Are they supposed to just accept non answers or denials? Should they go against their gut and their own research and let their kid potentially live with a micropenis or as a midget because they accept everything the medical establishment wrongly decides for them?
To be clear, are you saying parents could justifiably ignore the opinion of the medical establishment and dose their kid with steroids to make him grow taller and/or grow a bigger dick? Based on their own research? What.