Another thread of e2 crushed lab work from primo

So you're ultra sensitive estradiol could be the real reading? Maybe primo isn't actually lowering estradiol all along and we are getting the wrong test. This is an interesting new piece of info.

Your estradiol
So you're ultra sensitive estradiol could be the real reading? Maybe primo isn't actually lowering estradiol all along and we are getting the wrong test. This is an interesting new piece of info.

Your estradiol appears to be where it should be on the standard and sensitive tests but the ultrasensitive may be the real number. Which would explain to me why I have crashed E2 but don't feel it. It may not be the real number bc I have never gotten an ultrasensitive E2 test.

appears to be where it should be on the standard and sensitive tests but the ultrasensitive may be the real number. Which would explain to me why I have crashed E2 but don't feel it. It may not be the real number bc I have never gotten an ultrasensitive E2 testify

Your e2 is 17 on 300mg of test and 2300 total test levels. Your estrogen is very low for those doses
here is a sensitive e2 test on 500 test/500 primo. Shows very low (for me) e2

edit: and i typically just get regular e2 tests, this sensitive one isn’t very far off from what i’d see at a 1:1 test to primo ratio. Regular e2 tests my e2 would be a little higher but not much
What was the lowest rating of e2 anyone has seen from primo I have seen anything under 15ng E2.

We’re all at different ratios and all of our E2s are about the same regardless of dose
So you're ultra sensitive estradiol could be the real reading? Maybe primo isn't actually lowering estradiol all along and we are getting the wrong test. This is an interesting new piece of info.

Your estradiol appears to be where it should be on the standard and sensitive tests but the ultrasensitive may be the real number. Which would explain to me why I have crashed E2 but don't feel it. It may not be the real number bc I have never gotten an ultrasensitive E2 test.
My bloodwork is just the ultrasensitive test. Those other 2 images were posted by a previous poster I think…idk why they all show up together when you click on a thumbnail
My bloodwork is just the ultrasensitive test. Those other 2 images were posted by a previous poster I think…idk why they all show up together when you click on a thumbnai say

I say we change this thread to primo and test lab work thread. That way we can get something going and put together some research on primos correlation to E2

@Millard. Can we change the name of this thread, please to the above
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I say we change this thread to primo and test lab work thread. That way we can get something going and put together some research on primos correlation to E2
You got my vote. This is my 1st run with Primo and while I love the look - it’s been a bitch to dial in. Finally got down to what I thought was a minimal dose and felt good and then seeing my HDL tanked and E2 high with no sides…hard to figure out
You got my vote. This is my 1st run with Primo and while I love the look - it’s been a bitch to dial in. Finally got down to what I thought was a minimal dose and felt good and then seeing my HDL tanked and E2 high with no sides…hard to figure out
The lipid hits are rough. I’m planning on running test/eq and a sprinkle of mast for my next cycle just due to how fucked my lipids have been for a straight year from primo
The lipid hits are rough. I’m planning on running test/eq and a sprinkle of mast for my next cycle just due to how fucked my lipids have been for a straight year from primo
I just wasn’t anticipating 100mg cutting my hdl in half. That’s some anavar type effect. How bad did running 500mg crush yours?
My E2 on 200mg of test cyp and 100mg of primo was 8 on my last blood test. I prefer to land at 20. I'm not even sure I could tell if my E2 is zero but I can tell it's high. I've been experimenting for years with test and primo combos and the best cycle for me I have found is 600mg test cyp and 400mg of primo. It puts my E2 in the mid 20s which is pretty perfect in my book. Another thing primo does is that it lowers total test as well. Run it with and without test and you'll see that your total.test is much higher when running testosterone without primo. Sometimes 50 percent higher.

This happens to me as well. On 210 test + HCG my TT was 1450 while on 325 test + 150 primo my TT was 1475. It got me thinking if my test was underdosed or if HCG raises THAT much TT, to the point it correlates with 115mg of test. Interesting stuff..
The lipid hits are rough. I’m planning on running test/eq and a sprinkle of mast for my next cycle just due to how fucked my lipids have been for a straight year from primo

I can't control my lipids no matter the primo dose. It's incredibly harsh on them even at 100mg, especially to my HDL. I'm doing a trial run of citrus bergamot and I'm nearly at 30 days so I'm going to see if it helps. If not I may have to ditch it. Diet doesn't seem to matter either. Primo simply isn't a free lunch for me nor seemingly anyone I come across who actually takes blood work.

Natty my HDL is 80. On TRT sub 200 I'm 55. The additional 100mg of primo tanks it to 35.
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worse than what most people on here will admit lol, single digit
Okay rechecked my recent markers and they did bounce back. A few weeks into test and mast on prep and my HDL was up to 36, ldl down to 122. I’m pulling bloods today, 3.5 weeks back into test/primo after prep, but lowest i’ve seen my HDL was the end of off-season at 18. I thought I remembered it being single digit for some reason
I can't control my lipids no matter the primo dose. It's incredibly harsh on them even at 100mg, especially to my HDL. I'm doing a trial run of citrus bergamot and I'm nearly at 30 days so I'm going to see if it helps. If not I may have to ditch it. Diet doesn't seem to matter either. Primo simply isn't a free lunch for me nor seemingly anyone I come across who actually takes blood work.

Natty my HDL is 80. On TRT sub 200 I'm 55. The additional 100mg of primo tanks it to 35.
Wow that’s a big drop for only 100mg Primo.
worse than what most people on here will admit lol, single digit
Same here, takes mine into the high teens

-Rosuvastatin (Crestor)

Haven’t run Primo recently but ran it often and with extensive bloodwork at many different dose combinations
Primo crushes my E2. I have to run at least 3 times Test to stay in range and that only works at high doses. At lower doses (300/100) Primo takes it too low because there isn’t enough aromatization
What I do know is comparing how Primo affects someone else’s bloodwork to our own is just plain silly
Too many factors
-People aromatize Testosterone very differently
-People respond to Primo differently
-Responses vary with dose
Run Primo, get bloodwork and go from there
Also something to consider is that Estrogen (E2) has a positive effect on lipids.
Estrogen increases HDL while decreasing LDL but does raise Triglycerides
If the amount of Primo you are running reduces E2 considerably this will also impact your lipid profile negatively
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Also something to consider is that Estrogen (E2) has a positive effect on lipids.
Estrogen increases HLD while decreasing LDL but does raise Triglycerides
If the amount of Primo you are running reduces E2 considerably this will also impact your lipid profile negatively
Yeah I’ve definitely considered this. Now working without a coach it’ll be easier to play with some ratios and different compounds to try and get my bloodwork as favorable as possible while feeling good so I can take what I’ve learned about myself to my next coach. I’m running 2:1 test to primo now and no big e2 symptoms aside from water retention but that’s likely due to high gh. I’ll post e2 bloodwork in here once I get it back
Yeah I’ve definitely considered this. Now working without a coach it’ll be easier to play with some ratios and different compounds to try and get my bloodwork as favorable as possible while feeling good so I can take what I’ve learned about myself to my next coach. I’m running 2:1 test to primo now and no big e2 symptoms aside from water retention but that’s likely due to high gh. I’ll post e2 bloodwork in here once I get it back
Sounds like a great plan