Any of you low dose cialis folks sh!tting blood?

Started running 5mg 2x per day (once in morning and once at night) cialis. ive noticed it dropped my BP by about 5 pts. havent noticed much else beside the sh!tting blood part. usually i have this issue when eating spicy sh!t or overdo it on jalapenos. No other sides to speak of. i dont have acid reflux from it nor do i have the sniffles like some folks report (maybe slightly more stuffy but not much to write home about). i assume the sh!tting blood is caused by vessel dilation and whatnot in my bowel tract or possibly an ulcer (although i dont really have any other ulcer symptoms)
i know i really need to get a colonoscopy but man ive heard a lot of horror stories of those causing permanent damage to ppls intestines.
No, I've been taking it daily for 2 years and have never had an issue like that.

I wouldn't fuck around with that unless you want to find out you have advanced colon cancer in a year cause you were worried about the colonoscopy.
Started running 5mg 2x per day (once in morning and once at night) cialis. ive noticed it dropped my BP by about 5 pts. havent noticed much else beside the sh!tting blood part. usually i have this issue when eating spicy sh!t or overdo it on jalapenos. No other sides to speak of. i dont have acid reflux from it nor do i have the sniffles like some folks report (maybe slightly more stuffy but not much to write home about). i assume the sh!tting blood is caused by vessel dilation and whatnot in my bowel tract or possibly an ulcer (although i dont really have any other ulcer symptoms)
I'm guessing you got an ulcer you dont know about that gets worse when you take tadalafil. Might be the same thing that spicy food agitates. You take many nsaids?
No I might rarely take them if I have an injury. My father has a similar problem if he eats spicy foods sh1ts blood so I'm pretty sure it's genetic lol or genetically predisposed to ulcers and we both have them I guess I better go get scoped after all
No I might rarely take them if I have an injury. My father has a similar problem if he eats spicy foods sh1ts blood so I'm pretty sure it's genetic lol or genetically predisposed to ulcers and we both have them I guess I better go get scoped after all
Get scoped bro, it sucks but if you got a family history and symptoms the dr shouldn't argue with you about it. I have a family history of chrons with symptons but not a full diagnosis and I get it done every 2 years. Oddly gh has helped more than anything.
Sounds like Chron’s disease. It can come out of nowhere. Please see a gastroenterologist. They have injectable infusions like Stelara now that can give you a normal life.
Are you on tren? That urge to feel a dick in there can cause some tearing.

Seriously though, you shouldn't be bleading from cialis. As you said, you need a colonoscopy.
What would light red mean?
Light red is newly-broken, likely from coming out after taking a dump. Dark red is older blood, likely deep inside of him, which means VERY bad news.

Even blood mixed with shit will be light red if it happens only when taking the shit (new blood). Hemorrhoids will also produce light red blood.

OP describes dark blood... OP likely has Chron's Disease, Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis, a bleeding ulcer (ouch), or something else (and hopefully not colon cancer), which can be much more dangerous than only splitting your rectum when you defecate.

OP needs to visit a doctor and a gastroenterologist ASAP.
Light red is newly-broken, likely from coming out after taking a dump. Dark red is older blood, likely deep inside of him, which means VERY bad news.

Even blood mixed with shit will be light red if it happens only when taking the shit (new blood). Hemorrhoids will also produce light red blood.

OP describes dark blood... OP likely has Chron's Disease, Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis, a bleeding ulcer (ouch), or something else (and hopefully not colon cancer), which can be much more dangerous than only splitting your rectum when you defecate.

OP needs to visit a doctor and a gastroenterologist ASAP.
Thanks man that was very informative.

Yeah i would go to the Doc also as it seems dangerous
Thanks man that was very informative.

Yeah i would go to the Doc also as it seems dangerous
The embarrassment of getting your asshole checked and your colon scoped is a lot less than dying of a completely preventable or treatable condition.
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Ya I'm on low dose tren lol no d1cks in my a$$ though so ive still got virgin bootyholes, well not counting some of the sh1ts I've taken while bulking.

No history of chrons or other intestinal issues although my dad's side all has rheumatoid arthritis.

So my turds are dark and tarry looking and the water is stained bright red.
Light red is newly-broken, likely from coming out after taking a dump. Dark red is older blood, likely deep inside of him, which means VERY bad news.

Even blood mixed with shit will be light red if it happens only when taking the shit (new blood). Hemorrhoids will also produce light red blood.

OP describes dark blood... OP likely has Chron's Disease, Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis, a bleeding ulcer (ouch), or something else (and hopefully not colon cancer), which can be much more dangerous than only splitting your rectum when you defecate.

OP needs to visit a doctor and a gastroenterologist ASAP.
In simple words

bright red: lower intestines/anus damage
dark red: upper/stomach damage