Any SERMs that won't cause any visual side effects?

List of selective estrogen receptor modulators - Wikipedia

SERMs can be variously classified structurally as:
  • triphenylethylenes (tamoxifen, clomifene, toremifene, droloxifene, idoxifene, ospemifene, fispemifene, afimoxifene, others),
  • benzothiophenes (raloxifene, arzoxifene),
  • indoles (bazedoxifene, zindoxifene, pipendoxifene),
  • tetrahydronaphthalenes (lasofoxifene, nafoxidine), and
  • benzopyrans (acolbifene, ormeloxifene, levormeloxifene)
List of selective estrogen receptor modulators - Wikipedia

SERMs can be variously classified structurally as:
  • triphenylethylenes (tamoxifen, clomifene, toremifene, droloxifene, idoxifene, ospemifene, fispemifene, afimoxifene, others),
  • benzothiophenes (raloxifene, arzoxifene),
  • indoles (bazedoxifene, zindoxifene, pipendoxifene),
  • tetrahydronaphthalenes (lasofoxifene, nafoxidine), and
  • benzopyrans (acolbifene, ormeloxifene, levormeloxifene)
Do you know if all of them cause visual disturbance regardless of chemical structure?
Do you know if all of them cause visual disturbance regardless of chemical structure?

i think he is saying you should do your own research, people don't like spoonfeeding you info. that wiki doesnt have much though tbh... try this
i think he is saying you should do your own research, people don't like spoonfeeding you info. that wiki doesnt have much though tbh... try this

Thanks but I was asking about SERMs (mainly to block Dbol, Trest estrogenic sides) , not SARMs.
Thanks but I was asking about SERMs (mainly to block Dbol, Trest estrogenic sides) , not SARMs.
The second link I added didn't show up for some reason... here is what was on it

the_estrogen_handbook - steroids

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs)
After your cycle is complete and the steroid esters start to clear the system, a post cycle therapy (PCT) is done to help get the pituitary glands running again. SERM's work by blocking estrogen going into the pituitary glands, which cause a rise in LH/FSH and testosterone levels, temporarily. This helps give a boost after cycle, and it helps maintain gains.

Keep in mind all 3 SERMs will work in favor of your liver (Agonists) since they are mild Estrogens, like stated earlier Estrogen is good for your liver so adding a SERM will always improve your HDL/LDL. All SERMs don’t lower Estrogen, in fact they will increase your total Estrogen. They also block your Estrogen in the nipple area.

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen)
Agonist: Liver, Uterus (female)
Antagonist: Breast/Nipple

Nolvadex is more suited for PCT purposes rather than Gyno Flair-Ups or Gyno Reversal, as it increases natural Test levels by 60%, but will decrease IGF-1 levels +25%.

Dosage on cycle: 20-40mg ED
Dosage for PCT: See PCT

Raloxifene (Evista)
Agonist: Liver, bone (increases bone density and is a recognized treatment for osteoporosis)
Antagonist: Breast/nipple

Raloxifene doesn’t affect IGF-1 levels whatsoever, also it increases bone density. It is the ideal SERM for Gyno Flair-Ups or Gyno Reversal since its an agonist for your bones, doesn’t affect IGF-1 levels, and is perfectly safe to run with a 19-Nor. Raloxifene shouldn’t be used in PCT since it raises natural test levels by 40% only, 20% less than Nolvadex.

Dosage on cycle: 60mg-120mg ED

Nolvadex vs. Raloxifene for HGH/IGF-1
Taken from this study

Conclusions: Tamoxifen, but not Raloxifene, reduces IGF-I levels. Both SERMs stimulate the gonadal axis, with tamoxifen imparting a greater effect. We conclude that in therapeutic doses, Raloxifene perturbs the GH and gonadal axes to a lesser degree than Tamoxifen.

Nolvadex vs. Raloxifene for Gyno
Taken from this study

Conclusion: Inhibition of estrogen receptor action in the breast appears to be safe and effective in reducing persistent pubertal gynecomastia, with a better response to Raloxifene than to tamoxifen. Further study is required to determine that this is truly a treatment effect.

Gyno Flare-Up Protocol
If your Estrogen is wildly out of control and you are developing puffy, sore, or itchy nipples, UP your AI dose and start taking your SERM.

Note: There is a lot of confusing information on whether or not Nolvadex and Arimidex can be ran together. So best to get Raloxifene if you choose Arimidex as your AI.

Dosing: Pharmaceutical Raloxifene 60mg ED or Pharmaceutical Nolvadex 20mg ED. It usually will subside after a 7-12 days. Continue the SERM for 3 days after the symptoms have subsided before you drop the SERM. It is suggested to use Raloxofine over Nolvadex when possible, due to Nolvadex decreasing IGF-1 as seen above.

Gyno Reversal Protocol
If your Gyno is pubertal, as seen above, this potentially could help, but most likely surgery is your best option. If your Gyno is from AAS use, this has worked for multiple users on our board:

Dosing: Pharmaceutical Raloxifene 120mg ED - split the dose ½ in the AM, ½ in the PM for a month, then 60mg ED - split the dose ½ in the AM, ½ in the PM until you've seen sufficient reduction in size.

Toremifene (Fareston)
[Under Construction]

Agonist: Liver
Antagonist: Breast/nipple

Clomiphene is a harsh drug, if you get the visual sides/blurry vision from clomid they stay for life. They are rare, but do happen.

Clomiphene is a mixed agonist/antagonist. This is due to the fact that Clomiphene is composed of two isomers: enclomiphene (trans-clomiphene) and zuclomiphene (cis-clomiphene). Enclomiphene is an Estradiol receptor antagonist. Zuclomiphene is an estradiol receptor agonist. In all likelihood, the net antagonist effect might be due to the composition being 70% trans (enclomiphene) and 30% cis (zuclomiphene). Nolvadex/Raloxifene is more of a strict anti-estrogen, decreases the effect of estrogen in the body, and potentiates the action of clomiphene. This combination came about after 100s of clinical experience.

So Nolvadex/Raloxifene is more of an antagonist, than Clomid is. They are better at blocking the ER than Clomid is. Clomid also seems to exert agonistic effects in parts of the brain that control emotion. That would explain why some turn into women on periods during there experiences with Clomid.

Tamoxifen is also made of slightly more isomers, the cis isomer of tamoxifen (inactive one) trans-tamoxifen and trans-4-OHT isomer.

All you really need to know about clomid can be learned here: Product Information: Clomid(R), Clomiphene citrate. Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Kansas City, MO, 96.

  • If you want to learn about any drug, the manufacturer PRODUCT INFORMATION and DRUG MONOGRAPH are excellent and probably the best way to learn about any drug, especially these PCT medications, as these sources are FDA approved and studied in large clinical trials.

  • The FDA recommended dosage for clomid for male hypogonadism (what we are trying to beat with PCT) is 25 mg EOD or every day, titrated up to 50 mg EOD MAXIMUM for HPTA restart.
Dosage for PCT: See PCT
Also, I know it says Clomiphene side effects are permanent but other studies have shown otherwise-

The effect of clomiphene citrate on vision was minimal, and the visual disturbances were reversible in all patients. A bilateral reduction in flicker sensitivity was the only observed visual disturbance. Women who experience visual symptoms associated with clomiphene citrate should be monitored, but therapy can usually be maintained.