Any tips on raising HDL?


Well-known Member
Just got back another round of blood work since I started my “cruise” of 250mg Test and 100mg Primo a few weeks ago. My HDL=30 and LDL=64.

My HDL has never been high, even as a natural my HDL would range from 35-44. But normally on a cruise my HDL is around 40, so it dropping so much has me a little concerned.

Since my cholesterol ratio is technically fine, would my lower HDL even be a concern? Also, this is my first time ever cruising with primo, so maybe that’s what’s causing it to be so low?

Currently doing 30minutes of cardio 7x a week, taking 1000mg of citrus bergamot and 3500mg fish oil daily. Also considering starting niacin soon. Thank you for any feedback!
It seems you are doing all the right things. I doubt a doctor would be concerned about your cholesterol if your total cholesterol is within range.

Statins have shown to increase HDL cholesterol. These drugs do come with their fair share of side effects though. I would weigh the pros and cons of taking something like this or at least only take it for a short period and see if your hdl numbers rise. Statins can cause stress on your liver and even raise your blood sugar levels.

Some common statins are atorvastatin (Lipitor), fluvastatin (Lescol XL), lovastatin (Altoprev), pitavastatin (Livalo), pravastatin (Pravachol), rosuvastatin (Crestor, Ezallor) and simvastatin (Zocor, FloLipid).

In your case I would rather focus on keeping ldl low, because you don't seem to be genetically gifted to have high hdl. So best thing you can do is to keep ldl low, which is easier to do than raising hdl is.

By the way your current 2:1 ratio of ldl/hdl is great. I don’t see any reason to take any action here. Anything under 3:1 is considered good, ldl of 70-100 or below is considered as a very low cardiovascular risk.

Post above mentioned statins to raise hdl, but to be fair it should be mentioned that studies found no link between higher hdl and a lower cardiovascular risk, while they did indeed find a link between high ldl and a high cardiovascular risk. So while statins can raise hdl it sadly will not have any cardiovascular benefits.
With your current lipids I wouldn’t add in anything. Your numbers are something I’d be ok with on the gear you’re on.

This is a good topic. There’s lots of information about statins out there. Like HB said above, I’ve seen things saying that higher hdl doesn’t mean much. Also, Dr. Assem Malhota (who was on Joe Rogan recently) assisted in writing a paper saying statins are over prescribed and have very little benefit.

While I don’t know what to believe I ran an experiment. I’m on cycle currently 175test/420 deca/210 mast. I pulled bloods on 4/14 and on 4/15 the only change being I added in 5mg of rousuvastin EOD. No side effects and the blood work changes are impressive. I eat a pound of red meat and 2 whole eggs a day as my main dietary sources of cholesterol.

Just got back another round of blood work since I started my “cruise” of 250mg Test and 100mg Primo a few weeks ago. My HDL=30 and LDL=64.

My HDL has never been high, even as a natural my HDL would range from 35-44. But normally on a cruise my HDL is around 40, so it dropping so much has me a little concerned.

Since my cholesterol ratio is technically fine, would my lower HDL even be a concern? Also, this is my first time ever cruising with primo, so maybe that’s what’s causing it to be so low?

Currently doing 30minutes of cardio 7x a week, taking 1000mg of citrus bergamot and 3500mg fish oil daily. Also considering starting niacin soon. Thank you for any feedback!
Fish oils, olive oils, avocadoes, nuts and Cardio. Of course drop harsh gear. Cheers
With your current lipids I wouldn’t add in anything. Your numbers are something I’d be ok with on the gear you’re on.

This is a good topic. There’s lots of information about statins out there. Like HB said above, I’ve seen things saying that higher hdl doesn’t mean much. Also, Dr. Assem Malhota (who was on Joe Rogan recently) assisted in writing a paper saying statins are over prescribed and have very little benefit.

While I don’t know what to believe I ran an experiment. I’m on cycle currently 175test/420 deca/210 mast. I pulled bloods on 4/14 and on 4/15 the only change being I added in 5mg of rousuvastin EOD. No side effects and the blood work changes are impressive. I eat a pound of red meat and 2 whole eggs a day as my main dietary sources of cholesterol.

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EOD day dosing is interesting. My family are all fat and lazy, they always were. My 4 grandparents all died from their own lifestyle/hearts.

I’ve been taking 5mg of rosuvastatin every day. And I plan to continue taking it, Incase there’s some generic shit here that I will try combat as best as possible.but I may look into EOD Now that I’ve seen this.
EOD day dosing is interesting. My family are all fat and lazy, they always were. My 4 grandparents all died from their own lifestyle/hearts.

I’ve been taking 5mg of rosuvastatin every day. And I plan to continue taking it, Incase there’s some generic shit here that I will try combat as best as possible.but I may look into EOD Now that I’ve seen this.
Dude that’s cool to hear someone else is on it. You can’t blast gear if your have a heart attack lol. Everyone is afraid of sides, I personally haven’t had any with this dosing protocol. When I’m done with cycle and in trt I’m going to keep it in my routine at 2x a week, to see how my lipids look than.

Have you pulled your Lp(a) when you’re off cycle or trt. It’s a lipid panel, it’s something you only have to pull once too. If elevated it suppose to mean you have a higher chance of heart attack, stroke, arterial stenosis. Mine is thankfully very very low (statins do not effect this panel) from my understanding, however I’ve read androgens can suppress it even tho is an ldl particle.

Edit: There is a typo in my first post with my blood work. The original bloods were 4/14 (before) than added the statin 5mg EOD and repulled bloods 5/14 (after)
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