Anyone here move their syringe around by mistake while pinning?

So this morning I was pinning but had just gotten out of an argument so was kinda pissed off n I guess a bit shaky so when I stuck the needle in my ass I already moved it around inside a bit then I wanted to check if I was in the right place so I pulled in the plunger moving it even more (I’m starting to think I was moving the needle like a fkin Geiger counter) n after I pushed it all in ofc like I expected there was a good amount of blood, shit is already sore n I don’t usually get PIP but I’m hoping I didn’t do anything too extra as I am pretty sure I nicked a couple veins otw in n otw out n while I was in I literally moved that needle up n down so I just hope it didn’t do any damage n I guess imma have to start going VG n other places as the twisting n shit doesn’t help so yeah lmk all y’all horror stories bout fkin up basic pins, at least like that I can think to myself well bro at least it ain’t like that guy ahah
Yeah I used to do this when pinning my ass or lats. When i was really big I had a hard time reaching my lats or ass and would start to shake in the middle of the pin. I started using a 21g and would slam it in really fast to avoid starting to shake. No big deal tho.
I've had done that when the hand pushing the plunger spasmed and moved the needle...ouch. But in the end no serious injury. Due to the angle I was holding the syringe, it cramped my fingers as I pushed down the plunger.
Yeah I used to do this when pinning my ass or lats. When i was really big I had a hard time reaching my lats or ass and would start to shake in the middle of the pin. I started using a 21g and would slam it in really fast to avoid starting to shake. No big deal tho.
Bro you’re like my spirit animal ahah yeah I have a similar MO rn I guess I just gotta avoid doing it while pissed off tho cos I don’t want too much scar tissue (n definitely gotta do VG n quads cos glutes is getting pinned too often imo, today I had to jam that mfka in n usually it goes in real easy so probably scar tissue)
I've had done that when the hand pushing the plunger spasmed and moved the needle...ouch. But in the end no serious injury. Due to the angle I was holding the syringe, it cramped my fingers as I pushed down the plunger.
Yo that happened to me too luckily I managed to avoid it moving that time but I feel ya shits a pain in the ass when it happens (literally)
Happens occasionally. Nbd. Just causes some soreness. Def wouldn’t wanna do that frequently tho as it’ll likely cause a much faster build up of scar tissue in the area
Once you’ve done more than a thousand injections, you’ll find posta like this funny.

I think I cared too on my first year of doing gear but after that meh, chalked it up as part of the game like all the small nuances paired with this lifestyle.

Just imagine those guys who are into peptides nowadays who have to pin 4-8 spots ED.
Once you’ve done more than a thousand injections, you’ll find posta like this funny.

I think I cared too on my first year of doing gear but after that meh, chalked it up as part of the game like all the small nuances paired with this lifestyle.

Just imagine those guys who are into peptides nowadays who have to pin 4-8 spots ED.
Inject Carnitine ED IM
HGH 2x a day SQ
throw in injecting AAS 3x a week IM
some other peptide once a day SQ

3Shots of tequila on the weekend

Once you’ve done more than a thousand injections, you’ll find posta like this funny.

I think I cared too on my first year of doing gear but after that meh, chalked it up as part of the game like all the small nuances paired with this lifestyle.

Just imagine those guys who are into peptides nowadays who have to pin 4-8 spots ED.
I feel ya n I been only doin this for a couple months ahah but yeah I dw bout that much just wanna avoid scar tissue cos ik how much of a pain in the ass it can be (n I’m starting to think I pinned the same place too much on my ass as the pin was like hesitant to go in yesterday just was there flirting with the skin til I jammed it in, usually it goes in like butter)
I inject subq and sometimes it wobbles in my butt cheek because of the angle. Never had any negative effects from it.

Do you pin in upper glutes (dorsogluteal) when doing the sub q? I guess you turn and jab with one hand and the other's free? Because i do the pinch method and i turn as much as i can but ofc i can never reach glute, is more of like hip area than glutes. I may start pinning with one hand straight to upper glutes though, seems easier


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