Anyone take full months off from training?

I took a week off recently just because I got very busy. Made 3 PRs my first day back. Post workout euphoria come back, was in such a routine I wasn’t enjoying it like I used to. Felt so good post workout, bigger pump, nice doms, horny as fuck. Slept better that night too.

I’ll do it again in a couple months probably
I took time off during COVID and my tennis elbow pain went away when I returned after a few months. Iv take time off before like a week , 2 weeks with little strength loss and still tennis elbow ... A few months off of everything is what really healed my tennis elbow after having it for years
I hate stopping completely, first things first it mess up my mental state and second the comeback is just an unpleasant experience. I can't train hard, muscle mind connection goes away and the DOMS are disgustingly painful.

At some point in my 40s, I couldn't even take a week off without coming back to terrible DOMs. Somewhere in my late 40s I went on spring break, came back and never could get back into it. Kept going backwards in weight, but the DOMs was terrible and I stopped lifting altogether for a while.

It's not so bad now that I'm no longer training for strength and got on gear, something I probably waited longer than I should've to do.

I got pretty lean recently and have a lot of loose skin I need to have removed (abdominoplasty). Found out that the recovery would require two months out of the gym. I struggled with that, said fuck it and started my next blast. Maybe in the spring...
At some point in my 40s, I couldn't even take a week off without coming back to terrible DOMs. Somewhere in my late 40s I went on spring break, came back and never could get back into it. Kept going backwards in weight, but the DOMs was terrible and I stopped lifting altogether for a while.

It's not so bad now that I'm no longer training for strength and got on gear, something I probably waited longer than I should've to do.

Yeah, when i was natty too, my last 2 years i was more into strength training with some good numbers and everytime i was taking a week off (when gym was closed) the come back was terrible, i couldn't handle weight. Deadlift not that much but bench and squat were miserable. I know a guy who trains for strenght and if he takes 1-2 weeks off he comes back with a PR, i was totally the opposite.

I got pretty lean recently and have a lot of loose skin I need to have removed (abdominoplasty). Found out that the recovery would require two months out of the gym. I struggled with that, said fuck it and started my next blast. Maybe in the spring...

I have the same issue too after losing 100lb, although it didn't happened now but all these years with me yoyoing up n down gaining and losing 80-100lb a few times. I'm not planning to do the tummy tuck though, i'll let it be..
AAS aside, after a long run of hard, consistent training (4-6 months) a good 7-10 days away and I almost ALWAYS come back at least as strong and with better feeling joints (perhaps indicative of over-training?). Any more time than that and I start to lose strength/definition not to mention mental focus. I actually work in 2-3 of these breaks per year anyway which usually simply coincide with my vacations. In my younger days, vacations/breaks used to bother me and I would do anything (pushups/sit-ups while camping) not to "lose" my gains. But I've found this was all actually paranoid folly. The human body (and mind) loves a break periodically and performs better as a result.