Anyone tried low dose dbol for long term? 8-10 weeks or more?


Hey meso, anyone here tried low dose dbol for long term? Mabey like 8-10 weeks or longer? Would it be worth doing staying around 20mg for a longer period of time to help put on some actual muscle and keep water minimal instead of blasting like 50mg for just 4 weeks. Surley someone has tried this out and thought about this?
Sounds silly. Just use more test and achieve the same end result with less sides and stress on the body.

Low dose or not, I’m not sure why people would want to use orals more than 4-6 weeks max. They make me feel toxic which leads to zero appetite and thus zero tissue gain.
For me it's a feel good steroid at 30mg. I was interested sometime ago too about taking 10mg for long time, but I abandoned that idea. Mainly, because of safety and as guys above say, possibly using more Testosterone would yield similar results and should be healthier long term. I admit it's a bit tempting and it's my favorite oral, but I doubt I would ever try that experiment and to be honest I see no real reason to use dbol anymore. It was fun thing back then.
Yea true, just seems like it could be more then just a “kickstart” with how anabolic it is and with the other benefits you get from it mental and strength wise and if used correctly help with appetite aswell
I don't think a (relatively) low dose dbol cycle for 8-10 weeks would be the end of the world, as compared to the typical 4-6 week cycle. Is it reccomended? probably not, but its not horribly toxic on the liver compared to other orals. Yes you're liver enzymes will be elevated, but liver support and cruising afterwards will bring everything back in range rather quickly. I'm not entirely sure how it would impact your HDL/LDL though. I haven't used it enough to comment on that, mainly because of the aromatization and estrogen explosion that it usually produces
150 Test E/300 EQ a week with 10 mgs Dbol 5 days a week preworkout to keep E2 from dropping too low. I’m late 50’s and what use to work(DHT’s)now cause too many sides mainly with my prostate. I respond well to EQ but I find the anxiety kicks in about the same time the EQ does, about the 6 week mark for me. I’m sure it’s estrogen related or the lack of hence me running the Dbol.
There’s nothing an oral can do that an injectable can’t in an offseason context. I agree with everyone else just take more test. Maybe sprinkle some mast in there for funsies ❤️
Never been that much of a dbol fan and always used anadrol back in the day the good old bd green tab shit was about. Have many of you guys used orals to not only kick start but to finish a course and see any gains in it?
Bahaha you love your mast aye bro
Maybeee at the end of the day it would be a cool experiment, I’d love to see the results. I just think there’s better ways to grow. It would be interesting to see liver values at 8 weeks, also wondering how bad the e2 control would be. You have peaked my curiosity.
Never been that much of a dbol fan and always used anadrol back in the day the good old bd green tab shit was about. Have many of you guys used orals to not only kick start but to finish a course and see any gains in it?
Nah haven’t fucked with any orals yet, have seen thread of the “oral only” bros saying they’ve kept gains after but then again they were probably skinny to start with
Nah haven’t fucked with any orals yet, have seen thread of the “oral only” bros saying they’ve kept gains after but then again they were probably skinny to start with
Keeping gains term is a bit misleading. You always lose that on look when you come off. Lean muscle (actual tissue - minus water/glycogen) is yours to keep. At least for the first few cycles that is.
Hey meso, anyone here tried low dose dbol for long term? Mabey like 8-10 weeks or longer? Would it be worth doing staying around 20mg for a longer period of time to help put on some actual muscle and keep water minimal instead of blasting like 50mg for just 4 weeks. Surley someone has tried this out and thought about this?

Yes I have done this, for many months at a time. And really just cause dbol makes me feel amazing, not for anything else. 20-25mg/day for breakfast. It's not a good idea. Eventually, somehow, it catches up to you.
I used to get same feeling on bd androlics. Love to get that swole feeling huge again. Shame Body is too old now
I take about 50mg dbol e/d with 50mg anavar, for a few weeks now, after taking 150mg anadrol e/d for 8 weeks. Much prefer the anadrol and am switching back ASAP. With test, tren, EQ, it was great. Just make sure you take some TUDCA

-also, if you go the anadrol route, make sure you taper off very gradually. I took a huge hit to energy levels, motivation, strength. Seems to be a little bit addictive whether that’s just psychological or not, i don’t know. Just 50 m/g is enough. Anavar does a similiar thing but very mild compared. Also acne has gotten horrible on dbol/anavar, hair falling out, hating it.
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I take about 50mg dbol e/d with 50mg anavar, for a few weeks now, after taking 150mg anadrol e/d for 8 weeks. Much prefer the anadrol and am switching back ASAP. With test, tren, EQ, it was great. Just make sure you take some TUDCA

-also, if you go the anadrol route, make sure you taper off very gradually. I took a huge hit to energy levels, motivation, strength. Seems to be a little bit addictive whether that’s just psychological or not, i don’t know. Just 50 m/g is enough. Anavar does a similiar thing but very mild compared. Also acne has gotten horrible on dbol/anavar, hair falling out, hating it.
No hairloss or acne on anadrol for you ?
I took 20mg solely as preworkout for 10 weeks. So 4-5 days a week. And I can’t say that I noticed anything much. Maybe a little extra strength during the workout. But I stopped getting crazy pumps after around 3/4 weeks.