Anyone tried low dose dbol for long term? 8-10 weeks or more?

Hey meso, anyone here tried low dose dbol for long term? Mabey like 8-10 weeks or longer? Would it be worth doing staying around 20mg for a longer period of time to help put on some actual muscle and keep water minimal instead of blasting like 50mg for just 4 weeks. Surley someone has tried this out and thought about this?
The thing with orals is you dont have to " cycle" them. Want to have a crazy lift day? Pop 75mg Anadrol. Want to go to the club and have a lil boost? Try 50mg Dbol. If you use them sparingly to optimize your life... thats where they shine. Long term, low dose tren 50mg per week is, for some people, a good " lifestyle" boost also.
I don't care for orals much myself.

i think if ur on point with everything els, no partying ect u may be ok to strech that 20mg pre work out 4 times a week or so, or just on days ur hitting a lagging body part. I wouldnt take it on my off days.

But i personally dont like dbol so i would go with what the others said up ur test.
I took 20mg solely as preworkout for 10 weeks. So 4-5 days a week. And I can’t say that I noticed anything much. Maybe a little extra strength during the workout. But I stopped getting crazy pumps after around 3/4 weeks.
Any muscle gain
Yes I have done this, for many months at a time. And really just cause dbol makes me feel amazing, not for anything else. 20-25mg/day for breakfast. It's not a good idea. Eventually, somehow, it catches up to you.
Bruh how was it? I’ve been thinking of doing the same thing but worried imma have to be on point bout e2 management every day n that sounds messy (especially since I can take test with no ai until I get to blast dosage), but I got mad dbol n I always wondered how the feel good effects were (was gonna use it to kickstart my current blast but I said to myself imma wait til the next one since this is my first round blasting n I wanna learn proper e2 management etc…) definitely sumn I would try though, not for 8/12 weeks but a month why not
The thing with orals is you dont have to " cycle" them. Want to have a crazy lift day? Pop 75mg Anadrol. Want to go to the club and have a lil boost? Try 50mg Dbol. If you use them sparingly to optimize your life... thats where they shine. Long term, low dose tren 50mg per week is, for some people, a good " lifestyle" boost also.
This is sumn I been thinking bout for a while now but nobody ever mentioned that way of taking them, is it actually viable? I would probably still use em for at least 5 days a week or the minimum 3/4 hard workout ones but still interesting to think one could benefit from even dosing just once in a while
Bruh how was it? I’ve been thinking of doing the same thing but worried imma have to be on point bout e2 management every day n that sounds messy (especially since I can take test with no ai until I get to blast dosage), but I got mad dbol n I always wondered how the feel good effects were (was gonna use it to kickstart my current blast but I said to myself imma wait til the next one since this is my first round blasting n I wanna learn proper e2 management etc…) definitely sumn I would try though, not for 8/12 weeks but a month why not
Well, it was great. With that low of a dose I don't really get e2 issues, I just feel amazing with that mental/mood lift of the dbol. What did suck was the constant shin splints whenever I went for a walk/jog. I hate dbol shin splints. Eventually though after a few months I started to feel like my stomach/liver was getting tired and ran my bloods and saw my ALT/AST was pretty unhappy. I'll probably do it again, and I've done it off and on over the years - I'm getting old though so its about time to cut that stuff out.
Well, it was great. With that low of a dose I don't really get e2 issues, I just feel amazing with that mental/mood lift of the dbol. What did suck was the constant shin splints whenever I went for a walk/jog. I hate dbol shin splints. Eventually though after a few months I started to feel like my stomach/liver was getting tired and ran my bloods and saw my ALT/AST was pretty unhappy. I'll probably do it again, and I've done it off and on over the years - I'm getting old though so its about time to cut that stuff out.
See that’s why I want to try dbol out more as I always hear people talk bout it’s feel good effects, I even grabbed some along with var (I’m really looking forward to using it but tbh I should have grabbed primo first now that I think bout it) for my current blast but then realised I would probably have to deal with e2 stuff n I ain’t got any Nolva or AI right now (I would have at least a pseudo AI if I had gotten the primo, ugh I’m an idiot) so I postponed the whole dbol experiment (ofc I tried it before working out once to at least tell if it was legit but it was only half a pill so like 10mg maybe, I wanna use it properly n baloon up with water n feel good feelz though so will definitely hit it again as soon as I have my AI n SERM on hand again).

What does it feel like? Cos juicedhead gave me a pretty good description of it but I haven’t found much online about that n I’m hugely curious (dbol n test are the 2 AAS that I wanted to try ever since I was a kid idk why it’s a mix of Arnold stuff n just random stuff I must have read online when growing up, so I’m happy to have all of that on hand now but I’m pissed I gotta be responsible n wait ahah)
What does it feel like? Cos juicedhead gave me a pretty good description of it but I haven’t found much online about that n I’m hugely curious
It doesn't feel like what you'd expect from a steroid. It's like a serenity, or like it's harder to throw you off or get you stressed about stupid bullshit. Not like anti-anxiety or anything like that, it's just harder to knock you off your emotional/mental path if that makes sense. Peaceful confidence.