anyone use test base? PIP SUBQ? oil Guaiacol or water suspension?

anyone do test base/TNE? Guaiacol sounds not fun, but neither dose infection from water based...

anyway, how's the pip on what you have tried and do u do it sub-q with water based?

also if seen any data on oil TNE vs water TNE on half life that would be awesome too.. assume both fairly short but curious if notable differences ie if maybe can get 5-7 hrs out of oil based perhaps.

I know its more popular in tested athletes but would be interesting option that is comparable to nasal test gel for example. obv won't be as anabolic as esters but for true trt reasons may be a good way to avoid some sides and oily booger nose and more accuracy in dose.

Personally no experience with test base.

Is your question just to gather meta data regarding sides and anecdotal experience?

From this data do you plan on running it yourself?

Why? What is your goal or vision as to how this could assist if pip wasnt an issue?

Test is just as anabolic as any other test... it's ratio to anabolic/androgenic is 1:1 no matter the ester or carrier (null vol).... imo. Its timing of administration if your vision is avoiding sides.
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yes avoiding sides, basically like natesto but inject vs nasal.. sorry thought I laid that out.

esters are more anabolic because of blood levels being higher for longer ie esters are more anabolic(peak for several days) vs gel(peak for 4-5 hrs) vs TNE(peak for hr or so).. as a side note different testosterones used to be dosed not by testosterone mass per ester rather how much growth per mg of ester/NE you could prob look up the old school studies outlining ester dosing and how it lines up to "modern" dosing of mg of testosterone mass (minus ester mass) per week.. that is to say if inject any ester @20mg a day or use 20mg of gel, or 20mg of TNE per day the ester will be more anabolic, gel would be second and whatever other TNE would be least :) (Even though technically taking less testosterone with the ester it would be more anabolic, and also have more side effects) this is pretty widely accepted from my understanding.