Arimidex dosage?

1.5 grams of test e a week? Haven't you ever heard of less is more??
That's not necessarily the case w/ AAS. But, this guy shouldn't be run 1.5g without having an understanding of the way his body reacts to heightened TT.

Anyway, for 1.5g I need 1.5mg/day of adex. No idea why, but that's my number. That's much higher than most users, so it's completely a guess without bloods.
Oprimal AI dosing requires much more than "a number".

This "dial in a number" nonsense I've seen posted here and elsewhere on multiple occasions is just pure broscience garbage! Like WTF does that mean from a therapeutic perspective anyway?

BB are obviously NOT CA patients in which the lowest "number" achievable is what we are after to diminish its influence on estrogen dependent BREAST CA.

There are some BB who are are just fine at levels as high as 100pg/ml while others develop GCM sxs with normal levels.

There's an adage in medicine which many still don't seem to understand, TREAT THE PATIENT and NOT their LABS!

That means although baseline values are important in the absence of signs and symptoms (not otherwise imagined, as IS the case for many of these youngsters) treatment is unlikely to be helpful per say.

It's just foolish to treat LAB tests without taking into account signs and symptoms (yes there are exceptions BUT E-2 is NOT one of them)

In fact far to often such a pursuit is what gets many BB into trouble, chasing numerical lab tests like some silly cat chasing their damn tail.

Oprimal AI dosing requires much more than "a number".

This "dial in a number" nonsense I've seen posted here and elsewhere on multiple occasions is just pure broscience garbage! Like WTF does that mean from a therapeutic perspective anyway?

BB are obviously NOT CA patients in which the lowest "number" achievable is what we are after to diminish its influence on estrogen dependent BREAST CA.

There are some BB who are are just fine at levels as high as 100pg/ml while others develop GCM sxs with normal levels.

There's an adage in medicine which many still don't seem to understand, TREAT THE PATIENT and NOT their LABS!

That means although baseline values are important in the absence of signs and symptoms (not otherwise imagined, as IS the case for many of these youngsters) treatment is unlikely to be helpful per say.

It's just foolish to treat LAB tests without taking into account signs and symptoms (yes there are exceptions BUT E-2 is NOT one of them)

In fact far to often such a pursuit is what gets many BB into trouble, chasing numerical lab tests like some silly cat chasing their damn tail.


So are you saying that I was correct and the optimal dose of arimidex is blue???? Lol