High estradiol

I feel like ai is making a comeback.
AI are not the devil.... People now are too much into using Primo or EQ to lower E2 but doesn't work like that.
Too high or too low E2 are the real issue.

Do you think that pros run grams of test without any ais? None uses EQ or Primo in such an high dose to lower E2, they just run an AI.

The real issue nowadays is to have access to Ultrasensitive LC/MS estradiol blood work to fine tune the estrogens. :(
What are you taking currently? If you're on tren for example it will give a false high. What symptoms of high estrogen are you experiencing?
Ohh! Thats weird news for me. How is It? False high? First time i hear It.
Trenbolone does not convert to Stradiol
Trenbolone doesnt even converts to DHT.
So i guess you got that info from a study. Can i have the link to It please? So i will learn something interesting.
Personal experience is not enough for me as everyone is different, but a study with many subjects will be interesting to read.
Thank you.
AI are not the devil.... People now are too much into using Primo or EQ to lower E2 but doesn't work like that.
Too high or too low E2 are the real issue.

Do you think that pros run grams of test without any ais? None uses EQ or Primo in such an high dose to lower E2, they just run an AI.

The real issue nowadays is to have access to Ultrasensitive LC/MS estradiol blood work to fine tune the estrogens. :(
What do you think is the advantage of taking an AI instead of primo/mast/eq? The later builds muscle and the former does not.
What do you think is the advantage of taking an AI instead of primo/mast/eq? The later builds muscle and the former does not.

I feel like there are different levels of entry (awareness?), even today. Some guys start at TRT clinics and they're offered 200 mg Test C and an AI. Then they come here with that bias and start reading about other options.

May or may not have been getting ideas from reddit or other forums.

Now they're getting challenged to do regular blood tests or stfu. I can see how that might be a hard pill to swallow at first.
I feel like there are different levels of entry (awareness?), even today. Some guys start at TRT clinics and they're offered 200 mg Test C and an AI. Then they come here with that bias and start reading about other options.

May or may not have been getting ideas from reddit or other forums.

Now they're getting challenged to do regular blood tests or stfu. I can see how that might be a hard pill to swallow at first.

I've always gotten the impression doses of Primo under 300mg, if not 400mg, were worthless because it's so mild.

A common, but not universal ratio on cycle of 2 to 1 Test to Primo seems to be recommended fairly often.

So do you think there's any sense in adding 100mg of Primo to a 200mg TRT/cruise dose, esp if E2 is running high? It sounds like there's no downside, but from everything I know about Primo, which isn't much. there's no benefit either.
I've always gotten the impression doses of Primo under 300mg, if not 400mg, were worthless because it's so mild.

A common, but not universal ratio on cycle of 2 to 1 Test to Primo seems to be recommended fairly often.

So do you think there's any sense in adding 100mg of Primo to a 200mg TRT/cruise dose, esp if E2 is running high? It sounds like there's no downside, but from everything I know about Primo, which isn't much. there's no benefit either.

do regular blood tests

And in this case, OK to match with feelz reports imo. Some feel better with higher E2. Just get the blood tests so you're not shooting in the dark.
I've always gotten the impression doses of Primo under 300mg, if not 400mg, were worthless because it's so mild.

A common, but not universal ratio on cycle of 2 to 1 Test to Primo seems to be recommended fairly often.

So do you think there's any sense in adding 100mg of Primo to a 200mg TRT/cruise dose, esp if E2 is running high? It sounds like there's no downside, but from everything I know about Primo, which isn't much. there's no benefit either.
Good question. I've thought of adding Primo to one of my 100mg every third day pins of Test C on my "blasts" instead of having to use Anastrozole .25mg after ever pin (which I have confirmed I do need)
Good question. I've thought of adding Primo to one of my 100mg every third day pins of Test C on my "blasts" instead of having to use Anastrozole .25mg after ever pin (which I have confirmed I do need)

Seems to be an increasing number of glowing reports from guys who add Primo to TRT, but they always seem to violate the "rule" of keeping it equal to or below the amount of Test.
Seems to be an increasing number of glowing reports from guys who add Primo to TRT, but they always seem to violate the "rule" of keeping it equal to or below the amount of Test.
I do wonder too if adding 50mg Primo to one of my every third day Test C 50mg cruise/TRT pins would be beneficial, although my E2 is usually around 32-35 with this schedule so it works out fine.

I only get high E2 sides when I double that and add 25mg Var daily. So my TRT/Cruise is locked in. Just still playing around with a good geriatric "blast" and probably focusing on pins moving forward. I love Var and have a bunch but its just not worth it as we age. I may want to have a drink once in a while too and I just wont do it on orals.
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I do wonder too if adding 50mg Primo to one of my every third day Test C 50mg cruise/TRT pins would be beneficial, although my E2 is usually around 32-35 with this schedule so it works out fine. I only get high E2 sides when I double that and add 25mg Var daily.

I've avoided QSCs oils, but the upcoming Primo group buy may be the excuse I need to give it a try. (after filtering it into a vial with a non crumbling stopper; lol).
I've always gotten the impression doses of Primo under 300mg, if not 400mg, were worthless because it's so mild.

A common, but not universal ratio on cycle of 2 to 1 Test to Primo seems to be recommended fairly often.

So do you think there's any sense in adding 100mg of Primo to a 200mg TRT/cruise dose, esp if E2 is running high? It sounds like there's no downside, but from everything I know about Primo, which isn't much. there's no benefit either.
This is anecdotal but I see positive results from primo above 150 mg/week. That’s a weak dose so I usually run at least 200 mg/week in 2 or 3 doses per week. My sweet spot on a blast is 500 mg test/250 or 300 primo a week. I feel very lean and vascular and don’t need any AI’s. I respond horribly to AI’s, I get fatigue, irritability, loss of libido etc. Never had a problem when using primo to control E2.
I've always gotten the impression doses of Primo under 300mg, if not 400mg, were worthless because it's so mild.

A common, but not universal ratio on cycle of 2 to 1 Test to Primo seems to be recommended fairly often.

So do you think there's any sense in adding 100mg of Primo to a 200mg TRT/cruise dose, esp if E2 is running high? It sounds like there's no downside, but from everything I know about Primo, which isn't much. there's no benefit either.
I did this(kinda, 150mg T + 100mg primo) and I started shedding hair within 3 weeks. I do t even have mpb in my family. So big downside at least for me.
The way I see it, if I have a choice between primo or anastrozole to lower estradiol, I don't see why I would ever choose anastrozole unless I was worried about hair loss.
I see what you did there you did not say aromasin as you wanted an ai that also effects lipids.
If you get too low estradiol you stop taking the ai but the primo is still in your system for weeks.
The long term effects of primo on the kidneys,lipids and possibly the brain are unknown long term.
I see what you did there you did not say aromasin as you wanted an ai that also effects lipids.
If you get too low estradiol you stop taking the ai but the primo is still in your system for weeks.
The long term effects of primo on the kidneys,lipids and possibly the brain are unknown long term.
This is just my own anecdote and I am not saying this is the case for everyone. I have only taken both aromasin and arimidex one time each, and I felt a lot of joint pain to the point I stopped. I measured my estradiol on aromasin (6.75mg per day) when I was on 20mg testosterone daily (TRT), and it was in the 30s, so I can't really attribute the joint pain to low estradiol but more likely the AI itself.

If we are talking about permanent use of aromasin vs primo instead of cycling on/off, then I would say both might have long term risks. I'm not sure we have data to say aromasin is safer unless we are talking about high doses of primo. I think it's up for debate, IMO.
This is just my own anecdote and I am not saying this is the case for everyone. I have only taken both aromasin and arimidex one time each, and I felt a lot of joint pain to the point I stopped. I measured my estradiol on aromasin (6.75mg per day) when I was on 20mg testosterone daily (TRT), and it was in the 30s, so I can't really attribute the joint pain to low estradiol but more likely the AI itself.

If we are talking about permanent use of aromasin vs primo instead of cycling on/off, then I would say both might have long term risks. I'm not sure we have data to say aromasin is safer unless we are talking about high doses of primo. I think it's up for debate, IMO.
That’s a fair point.The funny thing is I get the joint pain from primo and not from aromasin and others get ED and low libido from it even with good e2 numbers.
Shbg is another one that is hard to keep in range with primo.
You look like you know what you are doing and I am not arguing against your choice just pointing out why someone might use the ai.