Arimidex not working

Hey guys, I'm currently on 175mg test e 300mg nandrolone every 3.5 days, have been on about 7 weeks.

Gyno is flaring up terribly, im very sensitive to estrogen, I need an ai on 100mg test a week..

Previously I have always used arimidex at 0.5mg every 3.5 days but its not doing the job anymore now probably because I'm at peak saturation levels, I have upped my arimidex to 1mg ed and have been running this for 3 days now, gyno Is still flared up like a bitch!

I have arimidex, tamoxifen, letrozole and caber to hand but I have absolutely no solid protocol on how to use these with one another effectively..

I'm considering dropping nandrolone and using eq in the hope the eq drops my e2 low enough that its not a concern and I don't need ai..

I am also considering purchasing some aromasin to see if it works any better..

Really bad situation I'm in any help really appreciated guys
I cant offer much, and hope others can. I have heard a good thing for gyno being Ralox, dosages I am not sure of though
Could it be prolactin? Ive heard people say prolactin gyno is a myth though so idk lol.
Is your arimidex UGL or pharma?
However if your gyno is E2 related i would take 20mg of tamoxifen daily for a while combined with the adex.
I have ugl and pharma arimidex I've tried both, I read somewhere that tamoxifen and arimidex shouldn't be used together but I may have to give it a try as this is actually getting quite painful now, I have the caber to hand for prolactin but again I'm unsure of protocol and don't want to fuck myself up even more, total nightmare!
Hey guys, I'm currently on 175mg test e 300mg nandrolone every 3.5 days, have been on about 7 weeks.

Gyno is flaring up terribly, im very sensitive to estrogen, I need an ai on 100mg test a week..

Previously I have always used arimidex at 0.5mg every 3.5 days but its not doing the job anymore now probably because I'm at peak saturation levels, I have upped my arimidex to 1mg ed and have been running this for 3 days now, gyno Is still flared up like a bitch!

I have arimidex, tamoxifen, letrozole and caber to hand but I have absolutely no solid protocol on how to use these with one another effectively..

I'm considering dropping nandrolone and using eq in the hope the eq drops my e2 low enough that its not a concern and I don't need ai..

I am also considering purchasing some aromasin to see if it works any better..

Really bad situation I'm in any help really appreciated guys
How old are you?
35, could age make a difference?
No, just was curious.

FYI EQ or Bold Cyp causes terrible amxiety at least for me.

So what i believe happened here is the fluctuation of levels happened, it will even out.

I just dealt with this. And do everytime i add soemthing or an AI.

But it will even out.

Firat i would try 20 mg nolva ed for a week, see if that helps. If it doesnt then its prolactin.

Then i would take .5 mg caber eod for 3x. Having low prolactin is ok. At least it would rule that out.

This is kind of the only way too check without bloods.

Edit- wait how long have you been on test? How long on NPP?
I've just taken 20mg tamoxifen to see if it helps, it's crazy this flare up, I can feel the gland its a big hard lump under the nipple, very painful to the touch, even a t-shirt moved too fast or hard gives me extreme pain
I've just taken 20mg tamoxifen to see if it helps, it's crazy this flare up, I can feel the gland its a big hard lump under the nipple, very painful to the touch, even a t-shirt moved too fast or hard gives me extreme pain
Sooo reading the Nolva AI guide by bill roberts says to take, 40 mg for 3-4 days then 20 mg, kind of like a front load.

Or i guess just take the 20 mg for 7 days and see.half life of nolva is like 3 days.

If this does nothing then its prolactin,
I've just taken 20mg tamoxifen to see if it helps, it's crazy this flare up, I can feel the gland its a big hard lump under the nipple, very painful to the touch, even a t-shirt moved too fast or hard gives me extreme pain
Just because it grew it will be able to get lesser. I have done so, and i have had gyno since 15. Right now its been the best ever in my life. If you need help lmk. I have been really doing a good job lessening it. It took alot of playing around
No, just was curious.

FYI EQ or Bold Cyp causes terrible amxiety at least for me.

So what i believe happened here is the fluctuation of levels happened, it will even out.

I just dealt with this. And do everytime i add soemthing or an AI.

But it will even out.

Firat i would try 20 mg nolva ed for a week, see if that helps. If it doesnt then its prolactin.

Then i would take .5 mg caber eod for 3x. Having low prolactin is ok. At least it would rule that out.

This is kind of the only way too check without bloods.
OK well I've started the tamoxifen today, il run that for a week and see if it helps, should I continue to run my arimidex alongside the tamoxifen for the next 7 days?

And so do you suggest no trying the caber until ive done a week on tamoxifen and ruled out e2?

So if I see absplutley no improvement with tamoxifen does that completely rule out e2 as being my problem?

Apreciate the time gents
I've heard letrozole can be very helpful in revesing gyno if caught early enough but I guess I would still need to know if it was an e2 or prolactin issue first..
OK well I've started the tamoxifen today, il run that for a week and see if it helps, should I continue to run my arimidex alongside the tamoxifen for the next 7 days?

And so do you suggest no trying the caber until ive done a week on tamoxifen and ruled out e2?

So if I see absplutley no improvement with tamoxifen does that completely rule out e2 as being my problem?

Apreciate the time gents
Pretty much from my understanding, i would still take the AI, because basically you want to lower e2 as much as possible. Run the nolva which allow no e2 combining to the gland. So this will rule out if its e2. If nothing happend to the gland, you joints may hurt a little during this.

Also thats why some people run nolva during a cycle and no AI, because this allows e2 to raise high without any binding at the gland.
OK so basically if I run the tamoxifen and arimidex for 7 days and still have the issue it CANT possibly be estrogen related right?

What dose would you recommend the arimidex at, I've started taking 1mg ed around 3 days ago
OK so basically if I run the tamoxifen and arimidex for 7 days and still have the issue it CANT possibly be estrogen related right?

What dose would you recommend the arimidex at, I've started taking 1mg ed around 3 days ago
Yes pretty much, But if you have letrozole, you could even through 1 dose in. Like 1 mg just once.

But that may be overkill. I did when i was in your place.
OK so basically if I run the tamoxifen and arimidex for 7 days and still have the issue it CANT possibly be estrogen related right?

What dose would you recommend the arimidex at, I've started taking 1mg ed around 3 days ag

I would hold off on the 1 mg AI with the nolva that is alot. Do like .5 mg ed or eod with the nolva.

Just know you joints are going to be hurting.

Basically you are just trying to tule out if its e2 or prolactin without bloodwork.

Then you can start over with your e2 level since you aromatase high anyway they will bounce back in no time.

This was just my thought process, but it actually worked really well for me.

To be honest its probably a little of both. E2 and prolactin.

But just for your own experimental knowledge, the extra 4-5 days to know for yourself is worth it.
You could easily just take.

Caber, nolva, AI for 7 days and be done with it, but doing it slowly is better so you know what is what, and so you can know how to deal with it next time.
OK so basically if I run the tamoxifen and arimidex for 7 days and still have the issue it CANT possibly be estrogen related right?

What dose would you recommend the arimidex at, I've started taking 1mg ed around 3 days ago
So do this….
I would do .5 mg AI eod. Taking 1 mg AI and nolva is ALOT
i think is the progestinic activity of nandrolone: test is really few.
Ai stop the concersion of test on e2, but dont block the activity of e2: nandrolone and derivates increas the activity of few e2...
Aromasin+nolvadex is the combo.

nolvadex weaknes arimdex in the body.

I would even suggest try throwing in 200-300mg of mast in there to use as an anabolic/ancillary.