Arimidex not working

Aromasin+nolvadex is the combo.

nolvadex weaknes arimdex in the body.

I would even suggest try throwing in 200-300mg of mast in there to use as an anabolic/ancillary.
I read that also about arimidex thats why I wasn't sure, im gonna grab aromasin this week, I have been considering dropping deca for either primo Mast or eq for this reason, was leaning towards eq
My guess is that is prolactin.
I can get gyno just from running high test if I take AI symptoms relief for a while bu if I take dostinex then it disappears.
If you're sensitive to e2 probably you're in prolactin too running deca too I bet my right nipple gland that is prolacitn.

Also nolva with arimidex is totally ok. Run Nolva and AI for a week if its better continue one more week. From week 2 if it doesn't get better or it comes back its prolactin.
I appreciate the advice, so you think I should stick to arimidex and nolva for a week also and see if it gets any better, if not better after a week start caber, at what dose would you start caber? and would you continue the arimidex and nolva while running the caber or drop them completely?
Aromasin+nolvadex is the combo.

nolvadex weaknes arimdex in the body.

I would even suggest try throwing in 200-300mg of mast in there to use as an anabolic/ancillary.
Edit: I think the drug interactions that I stated is not significant and doesn't really matter
I wouldn't say it sorted it out completely but it has certainly kept it to a small level of irritation , I've switched over from arimidex to aromasin and the aromasin seems to work a little better for me, im currently running 25mg eod, I dropped the tamoxifen a while ago and aromasin seems to be keeping it at a manageable level.

I can't wait for this deca blast to end I'm done with 19nors after this strictly mast primo test for the future