What's up fellas
I've been on 800mgs of Test for a good month and a half now and have seemed to have lost my sex drive. I'm having a hell of a time finding a sweet spot for my AI adex. Been @ .25mg ed now for about to days to no avail. I'm wondering if the adex is killing my sex drive or my e2 is killing it. Strength is good so I'm guessing my e2 is can't be crashed at this point. I'm also thinking maybe I need to switch over to aromasin since it is a type one suicide inhibiting AI. Any of u guys ever lost interest in sex on longer cycles?
I've been on 800mgs of Test for a good month and a half now and have seemed to have lost my sex drive. I'm having a hell of a time finding a sweet spot for my AI adex. Been @ .25mg ed now for about to days to no avail. I'm wondering if the adex is killing my sex drive or my e2 is killing it. Strength is good so I'm guessing my e2 is can't be crashed at this point. I'm also thinking maybe I need to switch over to aromasin since it is a type one suicide inhibiting AI. Any of u guys ever lost interest in sex on longer cycles?