

I could get either, but I'm wanting info for this next cycle as I've learned a lot more information about AI's since then.

Arimidex- blocks the aromatase enzyme.
Aromasin - destroys enzyme.

My question: if I were to use arimidex on cycle, is it better to begin talking it before I begin cycle? Same with aromasin? What about taking aromasin a week prior to cycle to destroy a large % of the enzymes, then switch to arimidex on cycle to block further action? I've also heard differing opinions on taking through PCT and tapering.

If I use aromasin, would it only be necessary to begin a week or so after? When estrogen levels begin to elevate? I feel it's a waste if my estro is in check already, since I will only be running roughly 175mg of test per week with 350mg of tren. then at week 4 bumping to 350 test and 525 tren with inclusion of 600mg masteron.

Side note: never used aromasin before. Wanting to try it. Would prefer to.

Hello, mate.. I am deliberating between these two options myself... And would also like a point in the right direction!
I could get either, but I'm wanting info for this next cycle as I've learned a lot more information about AI's since then.

Arimidex- blocks the aromatase enzyme.
Aromasin - destroys enzyme.

My question: if I were to use arimidex on cycle, is it better to begin talking it before I begin cycle? Same with aromasin? What about taking aromasin a week prior to cycle to destroy a large % of the enzymes, then switch to arimidex on cycle to block further action? I've also heard differing opinions on taking through PCT and tapering.

If I use aromasin, would it only be necessary to begin a week or so after? When estrogen levels begin to elevate? I feel it's a waste if my estro is in check already, since I will only be running roughly 175mg of test per week with 350mg of tren. then at week 4 bumping to 350 test and 525 tren with inclusion of 600mg masteron.

Side note: never used aromasin before. Wanting to try it. Would prefer to.

Even though your planning on running low test with all that gear at those dosages I would still run the Adex just to be safe.
The Estro sides from Tren can be tricky.
Lately my interest in finding a replacement for EQ has lead me to Masteron, and my research tells me this also acts as an AI. I'm going to try and leave out adex my next cycle and use Masteron as an AI. I'm not a high doser to begin with, any thoughts guys ???
As far as my cycle goes, I was planning 200 mg Test E per week and 200 mg Masteron Enth per week also. I also have some anavar on hand, 40mg a day for 12 weeks.
Lately my interest in finding a replacement for EQ has lead me to Masteron, and my research tells me this also acts as an AI. I'm going to try and leave out adex my next cycle and use Masteron as an AI. I'm not a high doser to begin with, any thoughts guys ???
lol, mast definitely does NOT act like an AI. I am running 80 mg of MP ED along with test, Tren ace and epistane 50 mg every day which is considered to have
A I properties also.
Which again is just bro science.
Oh I'm also running a 1000 mg of Epi andro which is pretty much pure dht
So yea I am stacking a shit ton of DHT with my test and tren enough to make any balding man cringe!!
Still running Adex though.
Aromasin seems to be barely doing enough to hold down my estro.

Currently running 100 tren A, 100mast P and 75 test P. I'm actually having to use a bit of caber here and there for my nips.
I think Aromasin is best utilized when running a cruise dose of test whether solo or stacked with something like a low dose of mast p, Var or winny.
I don't think you would have many issues but I wouldn't take my chances using it with high test, d Bol, drol or any kind a nandro. To much risk and to pricey!
It's just not strong enough..
I wouldn't say it isn't as strong as adex, it's just not AS strong as adex, mg for mg. Adex gave me problems anyways, I used it my first two cycles... this time with aromasin I'm not having certain issues like I did before, particularly with my prostate, dry mouth, irritability.. bowel issues. Could be the gear too, Idk.this time I'm 100% sure I know my gear is good and my AI is pharm, so...
Ive used arimidex and aromisin....adex worked for me much better it was much easier to keep my levels in the pocket where i wanted. Where as aromsin i had to take much more to gain same e control.

Long story short i vote adex