Aromasin or Arimidex for long term AI use?


I'm a high aromatizer, My 200mg/wk cruise/trt dose of Test never caused high E2 sides, but after starting finasteride I've started to get sensitive nips and water retention.

I presume this is due to the moderately increased T levels from less being converted to DHT and aromatizing.

Since I don't want to change anything else I'm going to have to run a low dose AI for the long term.

Aromasin seems like the better option in every way, but maybe I'm missing something.

Is there any reason to use Arimidex instead?
I have used only aromasin, it can be easy on e2 and it can be harsh depending on the dose (obviously). It's the most lipid friendly for long term use. It's a big pain in the ass to split in in 1/2 or 1/4 if we talk about pharma grade.

Although, there are guys that are having a hard time to dial in their dose and that includes me as well. I pushed it a little more when i first started gear since i didn't know how much i aromatise and it drove my e2 pretty low in just 4 weeks. I took it out for 10 days to let e2 raise a little and reintroduced it at a lower dose, after 6 weeks my e2 was 106. I can't blame it all on aromasin since i was trying to dial in HCG as well, but on 210 test continuesly i was expecting to find a sweet spot easier. Maybe i did some rookie mistakes too, but i've heard from others that once you dial arimidex once then it's easy to maintain the same level without fluctuating much. I don't know if that's 100% true because as i've said i have used only aromasin, so take it with a grain of salt.
I have used only aromasin, it can be easy on e2 and it can be harsh depending on the dose (obviously). It's the most lipid friendly for long term use. It's a big pain in the ass to split in in 1/2 or 1/4 if we talk about pharma grade.

Although, there are guys that are having a hard time to dial in their dose and that includes me as well. I pushed it a little more when i first started gear since i didn't know how much i aromatise and it drove my e2 pretty low in just 4 weeks. I took it out for 10 days to let e2 raise a little and reintroduced it at a lower dose, after 6 weeks my e2 was 106. I can't blame it all on aromasin since i was trying to dial in HCG as well, but on 210 test continuesly i was expecting to find a sweet spot easier. Maybe i did some rookie mistakes too, but i've heard from others that once you dial arimidex once then it's easy to maintain the same level without fluctuating much. I don't know if that's 100% true because as i've said i have used only aromasin, so take it with a grain of salt.

Thanks. Yeah I've got some Xtane pharma grade on the way, and assumed they'd be a pain to split. The orals of my preferred UGL are scored on both sides (why doesn't everyone do this?) for easy quartering, but I trust India pharma is less likely to have the occasional "hot" tab, considering the consequences of crashing e2.

I pin 3.5 days apart and thought I'd start with 6.25mg on each of those days. I haven't seen anyone mention going lower than 12.5mg a week.
I'm pretty sure if you plan on maintaining your test dose and pin frequency at a certain level you'll find your sweet spot but this will be revealed only through bloodwork. I've been as low as 6,25 twice per week and as high as eod, while taking 210 test + HCG.
I'm pretty sure if you plan on maintaining your test dose and pin frequency at a certain level you'll find your sweet spot but this will be revealed only through bloodwork. I've been as low as 6,25 twice per week and as high as eod, while taking 210 test + HCG.

Everything was dialed in, until the finasteride, which probably just barely tipped me into high E2. My next round of bloodwork is a couple of months away, so as long as the symptoms go away I'll just wait until then. 12.5mg / wk doesn't seem likely to crash me.
Is there a winner between aromasin and arimidex? Probably not.

Both are medications with their own set of side effects. That's why it's best to not use them when it's not necessary.

However some people like myself unfortunately need a little bit even on 125mg of T weekly. So your question is about long term usage and the answer is sometimes you have no choice.
I'm a high aromatizer, My 200mg/wk cruise/trt dose of Test never caused high E2 sides, but after starting finasteride I've started to get sensitive nips and water retention.

I presume this is due to the moderately increased T levels from less being converted to DHT and aromatizing.

Since I don't want to change anything else I'm going to have to run a low dose AI for the long term.

Aromasin seems like the better option in every way, but maybe I'm missing something.

Is there any reason to use Arimidex instead?
You won't go wrong with either. Preference is subjective. I see it about half and half in PED users I know. Some get better results and less sides with Arimidex, others get better results and less sides with Aromasin.

I prefer Aromasin because I feel it is easier to dial in personal dosage. For many comparable EOD doses are 1mg Adex and 25mg Asin. When I need it, I get by fine with 12.5 mg Asin EOD or every 3rd day.
Is there a winner between aromasin and arimidex? Probably not.

Both are medications with their own set of side effects. That's why it's best to not use them when it's not necessary.

However some people like myself unfortunately need a little bit even on 125mg of T weekly. So your question is about long term usage and the answer is sometimes you have no choice.

How much is your dose, out of curiosity?
Honestly aromasin it's not superior for everyone. Personally i've used aromasin for YEARS, but changed to arimadex this year and was able to control my estrogen much better. It's like the estrogen lowering of arimadex is more subtle and slower, vs aromasins fast and instant. Hard to describe.

It just feels more natural to block, rather than kill the aromatization.

Edit: Ghoul i also need it on TRT, so slower and more subtle is better in this case. If you are blasting and have extremely high e2 of course people would prefer killing the excess estrogen altogether with aromasin. But remember e2 is good for a lot of things on TRT, it's healthy to have some.
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Honestly aromasin it's not superior for everyone. Personally i've used aromasin for YEARS, but changed to arimadex this year and was able to control my estrogen much better. It's like the estrogen lowering of arimadex is more subtle and slower, vs aromasins fast and instant. Hard to describe.

It just feels more natural to block, rather than kill the aromatization.

Edit: Ghoul i also need it on TRT, so slower and more subtle is better in this case. If you are blasting and have extremely high e2 of course people would prefer killing the excess estrogen altogether with aromasin. But remember e2 is good for a lot of things on TRT, it's healthy to have some.
Absolutely. Everyone has what works best for them. Most professionals will tell you that between aromasin and arimidex, one is not superior to the other.
Other people will try to word their opinion as fact that one is superior to the other when it simply is not true.

Here in this forum it appears that most prefer aromasin. I happen to have used only aromasin but I have never tried adex so I can't say from my own experience that it is better than adex.
Honestly aromasin it's not superior for everyone. Personally i've used aromasin for YEARS, but changed to arimadex this year and was able to control my estrogen much better. It's like the estrogen lowering of arimadex is more subtle and slower, vs aromasins fast and instant. Hard to describe.

It just feels more natural to block, rather than kill the aromatization.

Edit: Ghoul i also need it on TRT, so slower and more subtle is better in this case. If you are blasting and have extremely high e2 of course people would prefer killing the excess estrogen altogether with aromasin. But remember e2 is good for a lot of things on TRT, it's healthy to have some.
AJ Sims is talking about this recently on the interview with Kurt Havens. He says on paper aromasin should be better in keeping e2 symptoms controlled but when applied to some of his clients, arimedex does better.

This is something that is individual response related again I guess.
Honestly aromasin it's not superior for everyone. Personally i've used aromasin for YEARS, but changed to arimadex this year and was able to control my estrogen much better. It's like the estrogen lowering of arimadex is more subtle and slower, vs aromasins fast and instant. Hard to describe.

It just feels more natural to block, rather than kill the aromatization.

Edit: Ghoul i also need it on TRT, so slower and more subtle is better in this case. If you are blasting and have extremely high e2 of course people would prefer killing the excess estrogen altogether with aromasin. But remember e2 is good for a lot of things on TRT, it's healthy to have some.
This. Arimidex works better for me too. I never understood why some recommend aromasin over it for newbies. Like arimidex is so basic and easier to adjust.
I find it much easier to dial in estrogen with arimidex. I’ve crashed my e2 with aromasin a few times and I’ve not had those issues using arimidex. I experienced more sides with aromasin as well. I think it all comes down to what works best for you individually.
Aromasin vs. arimidex is purely a matter of how you respond to the compounds. They’re equally safe and effective — you can ruin or help yourself with them both just as effectively.

Buy from a tested vendor, start at a lower dose than you think you need, and titrate up until you get relief from symptoms. If you get sides you can’t live with, start over with the other compound.

EDIT - these comments about people needing to change their dosing are actually super interesting. I always use the titrate up model, where I start with a dose I know to be too low and approach the dose I need from there. That does mean feeling like shit for a couple weeks sometimes, and if your life doesn’t allow that, and more predictable dose-response curve truly would be a meaningful difference. Very interesting points.
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