Aromasin ruined me for good..

You guys are like the dumb and then comes the dumper and I love your seriousness whe the guy did 7 years ago a check and after that have been taking estrogen non stop and now have become officially a bitch and then comes his fun estroboys,you are supportive the op maximus the bitch king,some of you are really dangerous with the shit you do and then have the other guy saying they can't handle the truth about the guy who takes estrogen the last7 years when washes last test and now talks about his new method the feeling
No hope people are dumb and feed the trolls .
Extremely boring.
Listen princess maximus,I love it how you are trying to be sophisticated clever just send it empty and wait to see if it comes full but now I understood that you are gay and was playing games to make your afternoon interesting.Cone here talk with the muscular guys until enough drunk to buy some guy to come there to fuck you,old clever and ugly,right maximus,I will say it took a while because the op story is real and I don't have to play games and please you grandpa
Age is your weakness old man,hahaha hahaha,you were a sophisticated gay that thought is also really good looking but you really were not but also a narcissistic and you can't handle getting older so increased a little bit the trying to look more clever to satisfy your old ego.What do you think now old man because I feel so sophisticated and I will look around for a confident beautiful woman tonight.I forgot the most important old man,young woman!Hahahaha
I’m 31 bro come on.
Nah. I’d like to help people rather than be a little fucking muppet who thinks he’s big with a shape like that.

Your nasty bro why? Lad wants help and you just want to call him names.

I respect your point of view but you don’t need to be a name calling small fucker.
Not again old man,you did it once.Go drink your chamomile no extra photos from me rather what I have as profile pic.hahahahahahah,maybe not that sophisticated like I told you hahahahah
Taking x for years fucked me up ... Now taking y for years that may or may not fuck me up... Don't worry there's lots of letters in alphabet and trial and error. Insane bc feelings can change from day to day minute to minute... Plenty of good advice but keep trying and maybe this 'new' hormone your taking for years wont f you up permanently... Guessing what's going on is cra cra.... Outliers are out there, but most of the time... Nvm hope you figure it out
I sympathize with OP.
And why would anyone react with utter disbelief and ridicule to what is essentially a friendly warning?

@Coconutz, if you're willing to chat, I'd be glad to exchange some ideas about this condition.
Alexis how much AI do you take bro?
I have used very little,only a little letrozole the last weeks of one cycle and I could have done it even without it,I just wanted to see how i will look but without taking my estrogen too low.I always have before I start the cycle nolva and letro so u don't have much experience in using myself only from people around me.
The fuck is this thread on lol, looks like some people are on all kinds of nasty shit mix right here.

But seriously, it's 2023 and we know more than enough about estrogen control already and how to safely use AI's (if needed).

Not only that we evolved from a bro science thinking that higher than normal e2 is our enemy when we have super high Testosterone level. It's all about how you feel and if you have no symptoms then you don't fix anything, it should be written everywhere in this very forum
Boys will be boys. When roids and boredom mix then things get heated. Ive made enemies on here a few times and later discovered that they had knowledge that was invaluable to me. Dont burn those bridges lads
Youd be surprised how people on here will Come to your aid when you need it the most. To name a few Liska, Mads, Norse all stand up people. Ive found that roiders are some of the best people they just to act tough. Even lukiss acted like a douche no less than just a year ago, and Look at him now dispensing gratis useful information and being Nice to everyone
I sympathize with OP.
And why would anyone react with utter disbelief and ridicule to what is essentially a friendly warning?

@Coconutz, if you're willing to chat, I'd be glad to exchange some ideas about this condition.
Disbelief because it’s a claim that isn’t currently supported by any documented evidence.

Did you actually read the thread?