Aromasin vs Arimidex


New Member
I am about to start my 1st cycle of Deca stacked with TE, which I've used previously. I have nolvadex and Clomid on hand for PCT. I want to keep and use Aromasin or Arimidex as well to be safe, my question is which one is preferred to those that's used them and why. Also, are they best utilized on a specific schedule or more so reactively as needed?

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Deca and T Doses?
Without other info I'd say 10 mg nolva during the whole cycle

Deca will kill your dick
More details on the cycle

Weeks 1-10 = 250mg Deca
Weeks 1-12= 500mg Test
PCT Weeks 14-18= Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 and Clomid 100/100/50/50

I have Aromasin on the way, I'm just not positive on the best way to utilize it. Would I be better off taking 12.5mg every other day / every 3 days, or not using it at all unless needed to resolve side effects.

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Deca and T Doses?
Without other info I'd say 10 mg nolva during the whole cycle

Deca will kill your dick
Deca will not kill your dick indefinitely. High prolactin, a potential side effect of Nandrolone use, can cause ED issues but if e2 is kept in range then prolactin should follow. 10mg or any mgs of Nolvadex will do absolutely nothing to help him with regards to anything other than protecting against gyno.

Adex vs Stane comes down to personal preferrence really. They both work. In slightly diffetent ways but they both get the job done.

With the doses you posted id run Stane @ 12.5mg ED. Stane should be ran ED. If you went the Adex route Id run .25mg EOD. Id also get mid cycle blood work to see if those dose are doing what they are supposed to do and if not, be adjusted.

One last thing are you using the Deca for therapeutic purposes? Because that dose for that length of time will be a major waste of time and oil if used for hopes of growth.
Deca will not kill your dick indefinitely. High prolactin, a potential side effect of Nandrolone use, can cause ED issues but if e2 is kept in range then prolactin should follow. 10mg or any mgs of Nolvadex will do absolutely nothing to help him with regards to anything other than protecting against gyno.

Adex vs Stane comes down to personal preferrence really. They both work. In slightly diffetent ways but they both get the job done.

With the doses you posted id run Stane @ 12.5mg ED. Stane should be ran ED. If you went the Adex route Id run .25mg EOD. Id also get mid cycle blood work to see if those dose are doing what they are supposed to do and if not, be adjusted.

One last thing are you using the Deca for therapeutic purposes? Because that dose for that length of time will be a major waste of time and oil if used for hopes of growth.

No it wasn't meant for therapeutic use, I have enough to run 500mg per week Deca, but was a little apprehensive due to planning on running only 500mg of test. From what I understand, it's recommended to run a higher dose of Test than Deca, correct? I have plenty of Test to run more though, just want to have everything needed on hand to counter any potential sides from the Deca or Test.

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Say I increased the Deca to 50g weekly and ran 600mg weekly TE while also running 12.5mg of the Aromasin through the duration. Would that be more regards to dosage?

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Of course deca will not kill your dick INDEFINITELY
As your deca dose is relatively low you may not get deca dick at all
Aromasin might work but I'd use only 12.5 mg EVERY OTHER DAY
Say I increased the Deca to 50g weekly and ran 600mg weekly TE while also running 12.5mg of the Aromasin through the duration. Would that be more regards to dosage?

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You mean Deca at 500mg per week correct? If so then yes. Everyone reacts different to different compounds and AI doses. Mid cycle blood work is ideal because it will tell you if your AI dose is correct based on e2 levels. One may raise it, lower it, or keep it the same based on results. But Test @ 600 with Deca @ 500, 12.5mg Stane ED is a good starting point.

Ya, you will not be impressed at all running Deca at 250 for 10 weeks, run it at at least 5-600 for 14 weeks or more. Of course have Test ran accordingly in length......dropped one week prior to stopping Deca at end of cycle.
You mean Deca at 500mg per week correct? If so then yes. Everyone reacts different to different compounds and AI doses. Mid cycle blood work is ideal because it will tell you if your AI dose is correct based on e2 levels. One may raise it, lower it, or keep it the same based on results. But Test @ 600 with Deca @ 500, 12.5mg Stane ED is a good starting point.

Ya, you will not be impressed at all running Deca at 250 for 10 weeks, run it at at least 5-600 for 14 weeks or more. Of course have Test ran accordingly in length......dropped one week prior to stopping Deca at end of cycle.
Excellent advice, I appreciate the feedback! I'll definitely be getting blood work done to ensure everything is in order. I've ran Test 4 other times but this is my 1st with deca. Wanting to soak up as much advice as I can and be as prepared as possible

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500mg deca weekly it is... aside from the Stane, is there anything else you'd recommend keeping on hand to counter any negative deca side effects? I've read of people keeping caber or prima

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HCG 500 IU 2x/week to keep your balls working

Wait to see if you actually get deca dick
if you do you can try 1/4 of a 0.5 mg caber tab but I'd better quit deca and increase T to 750 mg/w.
Excellent advice, I appreciate the feedback! I'll definitely be getting blood work done to ensure everything is in order. I've ran Test 4 other times but this is my 1st with deca. Wanting to soak up as much advice as I can and be as prepared as possible

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No problem. Ive ran Nandrolone 4 times now. Deca twice and NPP twice. 5-600 is the sweet spot for growth. Anything less is a waste IMO unless were talking for therapeutic purposes. I know a few guys who run 200mg weekly alongside their TRTprotocol.

HCG would be a good idea. Not 100% necessary but a good idea as it will make for a smoother faster recovery.

As for a DA such as Prami or Caber it is a good idea to keep one on hand in case you do start to experience negative prolactin sides--limp dick, lactation etc--I have never had the need to use one myself. They are also not a must like an AI is. Usually, and I do say usually because its not always, prolactin will stay in range if e2 stays in range. So start AI from beginning and monitor bloodwork.
Of course deca will not kill your dick INDEFINITELY
As your deca dose is relatively low you may not get deca dick at all
Aromasin might work but I'd use only 12.5 mg EVERY OTHER DAY

Then you don't understand aromasin's pharmacokinetics very well.
This has been very helpful... love hearing 1st hand experience and the "why" behind these things

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For me adex is my go to AI. For some reason aromisin doesnt work very well i had to just basically learn that gem from trial and error best of luck to ya OP.

IVE also ran npp at 750 a week and had absolutely no problems in the wood department again everyones system is different.
I would reconsider your deca use on this one. It can become very troublesome when trying to recover.

Look at your PCT timing again.

Aromasin's half life in males is about 9hrs roughly. according to the other guy, he would take it every 48hrs which is not frequent enough.
Meaning that my plan is leaving too long of a gap prior to starting PCT?

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