Aromasin vs Arimidex

What Mands said.

With deca lasting as long as it does, you should stop it 3-4wks before the test and after stopping the test you should wait 3wks or more to start pct. plus you only plan on running deca for 10wks which is a very short time. I'd consider dropping the deca or adding NPP instead.
Ya the PCT start time you have layed out is being started much too soon. Id actually like to correct something I missworded earlier as well. I stated to drop Test one week before the Deca at the end of the cycle. What I meant was stop the Deca one week before the Test. My apologies.

You want to start you PCT 3 weeks after your last shot of Test. Deca being a longer ester then Enanthate you want to drop that one week before discontinuing Test so by the time the 3 weeks post last Test shot comes around the Deca will be out of your system as well. You do not want to start too early and have exogenous hormones still in your body, you wont be able to start recovery even if your taking the drugs to do so.
What Mands said.

With deca lasting as long as it does, you should stop it 3-4wks before the test and after stopping the test you should wait 3wks or more to start pct. plus you only plan on running deca for 10wks which is a very short time. I'd consider dropping the deca or adding NPP instead.
Good info... the more feedback I'm getting the more I'm starting to feel like Deca may be something I push back until next year when I have more on hand. I don't want to "halfway do" anything and cut my results short. Appreciate everyone's input on this.

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What Mands said.

With deca lasting as long as it does, you should stop it 3-4wks before the test and after stopping the test you should wait 3wks or more to start pct. plus you only plan on running deca for 10wks which is a very short time. I'd consider dropping the deca or adding NPP instead.
Drop the Deca 3-4 weeks before dropping the Test Doc? Really?
What Mands said.

With deca lasting as long as it does, you should stop it 3-4wks before the test and after stopping the test you should wait 3wks or more to start pct. plus you only plan on running deca for 10wks which is a very short time. I'd consider dropping the deca or adding NPP instead.
This right here^^^ I also would consider stopping NPP at least 2-3 weeks before stopping test.
Drop the Deca 3-4 weeks before dropping the Test Doc? Really?
Yes sir!

This right here^^^ I also would consider stopping NPP at least 2-3 weeks before stopping test.

Yes sir!

Why so long before, totally unnecessary IMHO, and NPP 2-3 weeks before Test?? Why this view on things brother? Just curious on your angle on this as it differs from mine :)
Why so long before, totally unnecessary IMHO, and NPP 2-3 weeks before Test?? Why this view on things brother? Just curious on your angle on this as it differs from mine :)
Nandrolone is a whole different animal when it comes to recovery and metabolite cleat time. There is studies showing nandrolone metabolites up to a year after taking it.

Drop the Deca 3-4 weeks before dropping the Test Doc? Really?

Yes really. Assuming a 7-10day half life for nandrolone decanoate, this means at 3wks you still have about 12.5% of the drug in your system. At 4wks you still have about 6.25% of it in your system. Not to mention the metabolites can last much longer and also inhibit HPTA recovery.
Im goimg to drop Deca completely for this cycle and bump my TE to 700mg weekly, would you still recommend using an AI from start to finish for the cycle or judging reactively as once needed. I've ran 3 test cycles before without AI and without complications, but only at 500mg weekly doses.

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Deca in this cycle at 500 a week will get you hella strong.. I have ran deca as hi as 800 and still beating the hell out of the wife 4x a week.. but I am also on test all year long.. I hanvt ran a post CYCLE in years. That's me and it works for me..