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As meny pushups in one minute every hour every day.

In the military pushups are standard. We do em hundo in a clip. In the morning. Before lunch. Dinner. When ever some one gets pissed off. Point is we do alot of em. Dont recall many great CHESTs as a result.

The push-up is a four count exercise. We will be doing 2-5 of them. Yeah... nothing like fire ants eating you alive while building a sweat in the dirt.

Fond memories now.

Depends on your level of development. You're already into traditional weight lifting so it's not like the pushups are being used to initially stimulate your chest.

They're way too frequent for me. I could understand doing them each day for a few weeks to help the chest respond to something new, but not multiple times per day. What I like to do is either start my chest workout with as many pushups as I can get in one set (currently at 130) or finish with 1 set of as many as I can get per set (the goal is to come close to what I did when I did them BEFORE chest) I like to alternate the order every other chest workout.

But I definitely wouldn't do them throughout the day like that, but that's just me
It's called frequency method and it fucking works but it shouldn't be max pushups. It should be sub failure sets, they should be very very easy sets, about 50% of your max number.

And yes you should be trying to balance the pushing and the pulling. I would suggest inverted bodyweight rows instead of chins though to balance horizontal pushs and pulls.

If you cant do frequent rows, do ladders in the morning and at night. A ladder is where you do 1 rep, rest the amount of time it would take a partner to do a rep, then do 2 reps, 3.....until you can get the number of reps for a given set. Instead of going back down. You start back at 1 again. Allows you to add volume easily and because your hardest set is followed by your easiest, it allows in set recovery to a point.

Do a bunch of band dislocated and if you have a suspension trainer or rings do rear shoulder pulls(y deltoid exercise) or face pulls.
Btw it's a lot less for chest development but more for shoulders and triceps.

Op once you can knock out 100 in 2 min move to close grip, when you can do 50 no bullshit of those, move to incline push-ups, then incline close grip then look into getting some rings and starting over using those, then add weight. Simple progressions over time will build the size you are looking for.
In the military pushups are standard. We do em hundo in a clip. In the morning. Before lunch. Dinner. When ever some one gets pissed off. Point is we do alot of em. Dont recall many great CHESTs as a result.
Not to mention the dudes that do em using mostly tri’s...about like me doin sit-ups using mostly hip flexors lol