Ascendant Labs

I no longer take Net Spend only Money Pak, WU & MG. Also if the tracking shows your pack was delivered and you say it wasn't, I wont be replacing the pack. If you agree to a certain payment option and you decide to not use it but switch to a different one without asking me before hand, I WONT pick it up. Everything is done for very specific reasons. Anyways, taking the wife out. I wont check emails again till the morning, everyone have a safe night. Helix.
Watson Test C at 400mg/week.

Thanks for the info. I am planning a possible Test/Tren cycle in spring & trying to figure out ratio. I think I may add some Mast E also but not sure. Have not figured out why some prefer more Test to Tren ratio & others higher Tren to Test.
Thanks for the info. I am planning a possible Test/Tren cycle in spring & trying to figure out ratio. I think I may add some Mast E also but not sure. Have not figured out why some prefer more Test to Tren ratio & others higher Tren to Test.

^ I'm actually curious of the test/term ratio as well!
Wanted to remind everyone the quickest way to reach me is via email. Ive been busy and some days I make it back here at night or the following day. All pm's and emails answered, ill come by later on to check pm's. Helix.

I no longer accept netspend. I accept Money Pak, WU & MG
Alot of people use test low and tren high, because tren binds to receptors better than test. This basically means less sides. Also, I don't know if this is true, but MY belief is that high prolactin can only exist if estrogen is also high. With this being said, If test is kept low and estrogen kept in check, the sides from tren are almost non existent or lessened. I personally run test a little higher than any other compound including tren(Normally) However I am currently running my cruise dose of 250mg pw and It's been 5 weeks, and I just added a light tren dose and changed my diet so I could drop some bf on a little mini 6 week blast. So I'm probably not the best person to answer this question though. Also When I ran test high tren low, I kept estrogen low, and had no problems with sex drive or gyno. Just a little insomnia and sweats. So I guess I'll report if anything changes with the trt dose of test. Someone else can come correct me though if I am off anywhere.
(Also, on a side note) Helix sent me a couple tren ace to report on, and I must say. There really isn't as much pip as I expected. I get a little burn and warmth in the inj site for an hour or so after the injection, but that's really it. It's minimal pain if any the following day.)

Thanks for the input ChrisW!!! Good to see you again! I've been winding down on a Test E cycle and am finishing my last four weeks on AL Test Prop and Mast P from another UGL. The Test is as expected and more because of the EO. I can finally hit the quads again.

I am a solid two weeks in, already lost alot of bloat, and hardened up real good. I only lost around two to three pounds!

Test Prop and Mast Prop are fricken bad ass for a cycle finisher!
I've never run mast. Maybe I'll throw it into a blast down the road, and glad to hear about your progress. :cool: Best of luck on the rest of your cycle mate.
Alot of people use test low and tren high, because tren binds to receptors better than test. This basically means less sides. Also, I don't know if this is true, but MY belief is that high prolactin can only exist if estrogen is also high. With this being said, If test is kept low and estrogen kept in check, the sides from tren are almost non existent or lessened. I personally run test a little higher than any other compound including tren(Normally) However I am currently running my cruise dose of 250mg pw and It's been 5 weeks, and I just added a light tren dose and changed my diet so I could drop some bf on a little mini 6 week blast. So I'm probably not the best person to answer this question though. Also When I ran test high tren low, I kept estrogen low, and had no problems with sex drive or gyno. Just a little insomnia and sweats. So I guess I'll report if anything changes with the trt dose of test. Someone else can come correct me though if I am off anywhere.
(Also, on a side note) Helix sent me a couple tren ace to report on, and I must say. There really isn't as much pip as I expected. I get a little burn and warmth in the inj site for an hour or so after the injection, but that's really it. It's minimal pain if any the following day.)


What is the light dose amount?

I am on my first run of tren now. I have been pinning 50mg ed since monday. I have had some insomonia but no night sweats which I am not complaining about. I took 20mgs of melatonin for the past two nights and it has helped me fall asleep but I only have been able to sleep between 4 and 6 hours.
lol get used to it. I normally go to sleep at midnight, and I was never able to get to sleep until 2-3am regularly. I'd wake up at 6 am sweaty, and be alert and awake, and be barely functioning throughout the day wanting to pass out, then couldn't fall asleep again once it was time to go to bed. The insomnia and lack of sleep always hits me the hardest.... lol So if this happens to you get ready to be irretable and mentally fucked towards week 5, and if you have a significant other you're going to have to seriously keep your emotions in check or else expect to fight alot and not get the ass you need..... Which will make you angrier lol. [:o)]
lol get used to it. I normally go to sleep at midnight, and I was never able to get to sleep until 2-3am regularly. I'd wake up at 6 am sweaty, and be alert and awake, and be barely functioning throughout the day wanting to pass out, then couldn't fall asleep again once it was time to go to bed. The insomnia and lack of sleep always hits me the hardest.... lol So if this happens to you get ready to be irretable and mentally fucked towards week 5, and if you have a significant other you're going to have to seriously keep your emotions in check or else expect to fight alot and not get the ass you need..... Which will make you angrier lol. [:o)]

I usually try to be in bed by 10:30 and I wake up at 4:30. I workout at around 5 a.m. This morning I felt a little better getting up. Hopefully I can get to sleep earlier. I so ready for this tren A to really kick in. All I hear is it is the "Nectar of the gods" Well I want to see it. LOL!
IME If I eat in a pretty decent calorie surplus and keep protein at 1-1.5g protein per lb of weight ed and up calories as I grow, I can put on some serious size for up to 12 weeks(my last blast with tren a was this long, and I will probably never go over this length of time on 700mg pw) without seeing major diminishing returns... I ABSOLUTELY think it all comes down to your genetic response to the drugs and having everything dialed in, but for me. Tren is Great for putting on size without all the bloat from water, however I have also heard nightmare stories and people not being able to do anything but cut on it. As far as the horror stories.... Could just be they are prone to more of the negative sides that come with tren, and as far as not being able to put on size.... Who knows whether it's diet or some other genetic factor, but I'd guess probably diet.

P.S. how far in are you?

IME If I eat in a pretty decent calorie surplus and keep protein at 1-1.5g protein per lb of weight ed and up calories as I grow, I can put on some serious size for up to 12 weeks(my last blast with tren a was this long, and I will probably never go over this length of time on 700mg pw) without seeing major diminishing returns... I ABSOLUTELY think it all comes down to your genetic response to the drugs and having everything dialed in, but for me. Tren is Great for putting on size without all the bloat from water, however I have also heard nightmare stories and people not being able to do anything but cut on it. As far as the horror stories.... Could just be they are prone to more of the negative sides that come with tren, and as far as not being able to put on size.... Who knows whether it's diet or some other genetic factor, but I'd guess probably diet.

P.S. how far in are you?


This morning was only my 4th shot so not long. I am doing a recomp/cutter at the moment not bulking so hopefully it will help me get dialed in. I think my diet is on point. I may find the need to tweek it later but as it stands I am going to maintain this diet for the forseeable future unless I see the need to add in more calories.
How's everyone's cycle going so far?

6th day on tren ace .75 mg a day. so far so good no sides to report of yet except very slight insomnia and waking up multiple times a night but that happens to me on the regular.
Everything shipped, trackings sent. Pinned down the time frame for Masteron Enanthate, 2 weeks. At the same time ill be carrying Exemestane 25mg/ml in solution form. 30ml per bottle for $35. Ill be back later on today. Helix.
Quick break from processing todays shipment. I know people get excited when it comes to getting their pack, I do when I get powders its lol like xmas. But SLOW DOWN, when your in the store, read, then read again when your buying the money pak. A Money Pak doesn't have numbers in front, your buying the prepaid card. I cant do anything with that. A money pak is sort of like a lotto scratcher, it has a gray bar in back that needs to be scratched off to reveal the money pak load number. It sounds basic but when people are in a rush, mistakes happen. Alright back to work, Helix.