Ascendant Labs

Ok this is obviuosly slander to do to me. Why are you guys just giving this to this lab but jumped all over me and ruined me even though I have good orders as proof and even offered FREE ORDERS. Why did this happen?

Maybe your attitude has something to do with it. You come of as a pompous dick. This guy is at least trying to make a good first impression. You can't even give any FREE gear away. You're a fucking joke.
AS, check you're PM's. I may give you're prop a shot. Christmas blows for having gear money!
Right on the money!!!!! [:o)]

Maybe your attitude has something to do with it. You come of as a pompous dick. This guy is at least trying to make a good first impression. You can't even give any FREE gear away. You're a fucking joke.
That's a lot of good info. I hope to see a log started for you.

Tell us about your brewing equipment.


What type of stoppers do you use?

Are you planning on offering orals?

Good luck.

That's a good idea, a log never crossed my mind. Im kind of leary of giving out too much info on an open board. A peristaltic pump, guess brand name wouldn't matter?? Millipore & same for the disk I have no idea whats too much information for LE. Not just from this one post obviously, hopefully im here awhile. I don't have an autoclave. I need to hurry this up, probably missed a lot on the thread. So basically, once the product is heated. I wash the vials and while their being sterilized, I start on the filtration. you have to time everything right to,, this is starting to sound like a how to brew post. Probably not what you wanted hear. A 10ml pipette. It was my first time brewing with EO, I don't remember off the top of my head, the kind that EO doesn't melt after 40%. Orals, ill basically stock whatever you guys want. If theres enough demand for it, ill carry it.
Hold on guys, I should have had a sitter. my fault. let me glance at everything real quick, im getting pms and posts I haven't read. Probably have my 3 reviewers already.
Really appreciate the honesty about starting fresh online and talking to us like we're normal people, not poor, fortunate dumbasses that just found the most amazing lab setup ever. Hope all turns all well with the testing and service and a new, honest name is found.

If no one else takes up the offer, I could have my brother give the test prop a run as he's about to start, could monitor results & report back. I already got a freebie from gotPEP when he first arrived, so maybe there's someone that hasn't gotten anything yet that'd be a better choice.

But yeah sterilization and such would be nice to know! [|)]

Anyway, good luck

Ok your the first to ask. Its first come first served and your definitely not a newbie. Is your brother a member here? Id rather you tested it. hmm taking too long Ok since im so behind, everyone that's asked from the timing of this post will get the free vials as long as they have 80 posts.
Ok your the first to ask. Its first come first served and your definitely not a newbie. Is your brother a member here? Id rather you tested it. hmm taking too long Ok since im so behind, everyone that's asked from the timing of this post will get the free vials as long as they have 80 posts.

Yeah unfortunately I'm just coming off a cycle. He's no member here, but we see each other regularly (same town). Up to you, boss!
thanks BR. ok just read your other post, whats bad mojo? the labmax? it seemed like the best way to prove my oils and help the board at the same time, sure theres obvious self interest on my part but im not testing the oils myself. Helix

Sorry AL, not directed at you at all! We use to have a member here, GU, who use to extort every source that posted here for free gear. He was finally and thankfully banned! The bad mojo I was referring to was actually bringing his name up in a thread again, its been very pleasant with no mention of him for a while now. Sorry for the confusion, I appreciate your approach and hope everything works out for your here at Meso, its a great place.
A lot of requests to review from members with under 80 posts. Who likes to be told no? That's my fault, I apologize. Im sure theres probably great members of this board with those post counts but I cant go around asking (and who do I ask) is this guy good, well known? So there is one spot left for someone with at least 80 posts to review my product. Thanks, Helix
Appreciate the info and I hope so too :)

Sorry AL, not directed at you at all! We use to have a member here, GU, who use to extort every source that posted here for free gear. He was finally and thankfully banned! The bad mojo I was referring to was actually bringing his name up in a thread again, its been very pleasant with no mention of him for a while now. Sorry for the confusion, I appreciate your approach and hope everything works out for your here at Meso, its a great place.
Thank you. Real quick, im sure theres members here with access to powder lists. Theres enough profit for everyone. The only thing that sources do is shoot themselves basically by scamming. Everyone gets caught eventually. Especially with the short esters, tren. If that's under dosed, people are going to notice. So this doesn't step on any toes, Im NOT calling anyone out, simply making a general commentary.

Really appreciate the up front honesty, that seems to be a rarity with some ugls nowadays. Best of luck to you.