Ascendant Labs

Hey bro, I don't recommend this as a first cycle for anyone and I don't believe he said it was his first or that he is new to this. He laid out what he was going to do and I made some changes to it based on the gear and esters he planned on using. I want to make the most of the mixed gear/esters, not have his levels fluctuate and not fuck up the PCT timing.

Edit: please compare what I laid out to his original plan and I think I made it a smooth ride compared to a roller coaster. I am all for constructive criticism as i'm always trying to learn more myself so I welcome you input.:)

Hey bro sorry wasn't trying to criticize you. Just not sure the reasoning behind running deca in any layout for only 6 weeks. Not sure I understand the correlation of your reasoning behind it. Npp I get but its half life is so short starting deca week 7 and running it for 6 weeks just doesn't add up in my swollen head ;). Its almost like your saying to use npp as a kick start to it. Like you would running cyp or test e and front loading with prop. But with npp and deca the only way it would be beneficial imo would be to run the deca all the way through and front load with npp to get the ball rolling. Running npp for any amount of time and dropping it and then starting deca (which its half life is like 18 days if im not mistaken) would put any blood panel through the ringer. Maybe im missing something. Gonna have to research a little more on the correlation of npp and deca half lifes.
Hey bro sorry wasn't trying to criticize you. Just not sure the reasoning behind running deca in any layout for only 6 weeks. Not sure I understand the correlation of your reasoning behind it. Npp I get but its half life is so short starting deca week 7 and running it for 6 weeks just doesn't add up in my swollen head ;). Its almost like your saying to use npp as a kick start to it. Like you would running cyp or test e and front loading with prop. But with npp and deca the only way it would be beneficial imo would be to run the deca all the way through and front load with npp to get the ball rolling. Running npp for any amount of time and dropping it and then starting deca (which its half life is like 18 days if im not mistaken) would put any blood panel through the ringer. Maybe im missing something. Gonna have to research a little more on the correlation of npp and deca half lifes.

No offense taken bro. I think maybe you read it wrong so I'm reposting it here. The Deca and NPP are the same drug. The esters and half life are only different. I know that you understand this but I have to state it anyway. i start Deca and NPP right off the bat on week 1-4 giving the Deca a chance to build up but kick starting with the NPP. Then once the Deca kicks in I take the NPP out. Finally to keep the Nandros up I add it back in on week 8. Same thing with the Test E and Test P.

I will say it would be better to not run the Deca and just stick with the NPP weeks 1-10, but if he has the Deca he is going to use it. I know I would. He could run the NPP the entire cycle with the Deca but that would be a lot of Nandro, IMO.

Again, this is all based on the gear he has for the original cycle. If I laid it out from scratch it would be different.

Based on the fact that you may have this gear already or it is on order, I would do something like this:

Week 1-4 TestE, TestP, Deca, NPP
Week 5-7 TestE, Deca
Week 8-10 TestE, NPP
Week 11-14 Test P
Week 15-18 PCT

Week 1-4: Start with long esters and short esters. Short will kick in first and the then long will take over.
Week 5-10 Long Esters n Deca then NPP keep it going
The Deca needs a very long time to get out of system.
Week 11-14 Let the long esters and Nandralone clear the system but still get the benefits of AAS. No wait period for PCT with this little trick.
Week 15-18 PCT
No offense taken bro. I think maybe you read it wrong so I'm reposting it here. The Deca and NPP are the same drug. The esters and half life are only different. I know that you understand this but I have to state it anyway. i start Deca and NPP right off the bat on week 1-4 giving the Deca a chance to build up but kick starting with the NPP. Then once the Deca kicks in I take the NPP out. Finally to keep the Nandros up I add it back in on week 8. Same thing with the Test E and Test P.

I will say it would be better to not run the Deca and just stick with the NPP weeks 1-10, but if he has the Deca he is going to use it. I know I would. He could run the NPP the entire cycle with the Deca but that would be a lot of Nandro, IMO.

Again, this is all based on the gear he has for the original cycle. If I laid it out from scratch it would be different.

Right on, that makes more sense sorry missed that you stated starting with deca and running it all the way through. When I first saw it, it looked like you said start npp then SWITCH to deca mid cycle. My fault. Still running deca for only 8 weeks? Is that sufficient? I guess what im asking is because you are preloading with npp does it build up faster and still give you all the benifits in a shorter amount of time. Again thanks for clarifying and sorry for thread-jacking. Im usually in the weeds.
ascendant have you thought about making any blends by any chance? also have you gave orals a thought yet.. some good anavar would be really appreciated and maybe a test tren and mast cut blend too..?:)
ascendant have you thought about making any blends by any chance? also have you gave orals a thought yet.. some good anavar would be really appreciated and maybe a test tren and mast cut blend too..?:)

I ordered Var so that's on its way. I haven't seen too many requests for a test tren mix or mast cut blend. Unless something changes, Im going to add EQ and the common orals. From there its pretty much what ever you guys want, as long as theres a demand for it. New list and Mast E, liquid Exemestane will be stocked also the refills for the oils that are low by next wed for sure. That means I might have to take tuesday off and work on the new batches instead of processing orders. But itll only push back orders for the day. I'll def try and not take the day off but just in case im letting you guys know. That's it for news any questions, email or post here. Thanks, Helix.
Any chance of getting any tne in? Or any injectable m tren blends with it

Someone told me once that people see a request posted in the thread and then other people don't request it because they've seen it asked for. Honestly there hasn't been too many requests, the Mast E different people asked for it so I jumped on it. If you guys want something stocked, pm or email if you don't feel comfortable posting. Enough people ask and ill stock it. I def want to be a one stop shop for everyones needs. So let me know. Helix.
ascendant have you thought about making any blends by any chance? also have you gave orals a thought yet.. some good anavar would be really appreciated and maybe a test tren and mast cut blend too..?:)

What kind of specific blends does everyone want? tren ace/ test prop,, tren enath/test enath??? or some other blend?
also it would be nice to have some orals which by the sound of it you are working on it. Also having hcg would be a plus. Tren suspension would be something i'd like to try also.
Appreciate the suggestions, everything will be considered.
Off topic question. Whats with the friend requests option on here? whats the advantage? I received one the other day and it reminded me of the old myspace days lol, except it was females back then. No disrespect to anyone but I wont be accepting any. Its odd and I can be reached by email, pm or here in this thread so,, yeah no friend requests.

Other bit of news, test Enanthate is low. Its on order and should arrive this week. Greendot/Money Pak is working fine now but I had to make some changes. From now on there is a $100 minimum to use greendot/money pak. You can still order one vial if you want but payment will have to be via WU or MG. That's it for news, everyone enjoy their sunday,,, Helix.
Yep hcg and orals would be good. Think ill be trying you guys out in the near future.

On a side note having friends is totally gay. Naw just kidding, i think i have a friend on my friends list. But yeah i really dont see the advantage of it. I guess it would make it a little easier to contact them.
Oh ans speaking of myspace. Those were the good old days. I acually banged a lot of chicks I met on there.... Good times, good times.
If you want to let me test and toss a few vials my way, I'll purchase some at the same time as well.

I'd like to do a Deca/Test E cycle, something like 12-14 weeks..

If you can get someone to do a lab test, you'll have a permanent customer on your hands because your prices are phenomenal.

EDIT: I'd purchase some vials of prop as well.
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