
I am a little confused by the varying results as well. I am going to test the Prop again tomorrow A/B vials this time. I don't doubt EBK's results just confused by them. I have to note that I was running AL NPP with the Test P I ran. This shouldn't change the result of my bloodwork though, unless the NPP was actually TestP. If that were the case though the labmax test I ran would have failed the TestP. I will retest and post tomorrow.
BTW, Im old as Moses too, at least I feel like it most days!
Edit; I also run all the gear I use through a .20 syringe filter also, not sure how that would change anything just making sure I include all variables of the test.
Edit; the olive green color in the pic came on very quick, seconds after introducing the hormone, and also turned very quick. The whole process took only 5-10 seconds.