Ascendant Labs


Edit; the olive green color in the pic came on very quick, seconds after introducing the hormone, and also turned very quick. The whole process took only 5-10 seconds.

That's the problem. My vial looked like yours as well, for about 2-3 seconds. Then it turned the color you see in my pic. Had you tested another test prop, you would have seen this this color persist for a while. Test with vial B and look at the UV, you will see mostly bright orange with a tinge of blue, I have no doubt about it.
That's the problem. My vial looked like yours as well, for about 2-3 seconds. Then it turned the color you see in my pic. Had you tested another test prop, you would have seen this this color persist for a while. Test with vial B and look at the UV, you will see mostly bright orange with a tinge of blue, I have no doubt about it.

You guys need to put all this in layman terms for us eventually!
That's the problem. My vial looked like yours as well, for about 2-3 seconds. Then it turned the color you see in my pic. Had you tested another test prop, you would have seen this this color persist for a while. Test with vial B and look at the UV, you will see mostly bright orange with a tinge of blue, I have no doubt about it.

I will do the UV test. I still don't understand how my bloodwork came back good if the gear is not? Unless, like I stated earlier the NPP actually has TestP in it.
I'm using his Deca at low dose 100mg week. Never used Deca before but my joints feel great, better then they have in years. This was my main reason including it in cycle. I have been on for 8 weeks. Not really much else I can attest to. Might run higher dose next cycle??
I'm using his Deca at low dose 100mg week. Never used Deca before but my joints feel great, better then they have in years. This was my main reason including it in cycle. I have been on for 8 weeks. Not really much else I can attest to. Might run higher dose next cycle??

Holy shit, thats very, very low dosages.. I'm gonna' do 600mg a week.
In general, how much should one use if you're taking 1cc of Winstrol ed? I understand everyone is different...just looking for a start.
Where is this guy? What was there like 1 post since he came back. Sources need to realize being on the boards is part of the job. If you can check in a few times a day. Time for a rep that's in contact with the source a lot.
Where is this guy? What was there like 1 post since he came back. Sources need to realize being on the boards is part of the job. If you can check in a few times a day. Time for a rep that's in contact with the source a lot.
You applying for the job Joe? [:o)] Just fukin with ya man! I did get an email from him and sounds like that drama/stalker stuff is on going and he is trying to deal with it.
Where is this guy? What was there like 1 post since he came back. Sources need to realize being on the boards is part of the job. If you can check in a few times a day. Time for a rep that's in contact with the source a lot.

I wouldn't be surprised if he dipped out.. I hope that's not the case since his communication and shipping was excellent when I dealt with him.
This sucks I'm worried now. He emailed me two days ago saying my order would ship tomorrow so hopefully it still happens and the product will be worth it.
I feel like these lab max tests like with anything have room for error and this seems to be the case...why are people certain that they are accurate?

This is a serious question and if anyone has a legit answer I'd appreciate it.
Ok this is whats going on,, the stalker issue turned into being more involved. Im getting divorced, the wife took the kids and left yesterday. That isn't an excuse for not being around but its whats happening in my life right now. Im still working on getting a rep. Its going to be a rough couple weeks but ill try to come by more often. If you guys need to really need to get ahold, always email, its the fastest way. Work wise, the one order that was late, he was compensated with two free Mast E vials and received his tracking today. In fact that's a new rule. If you don't have your order shipped within 3 working days of sending funds (Money Pak) youll get your choice of two free vials. For WU & MG, those 3 days start after I pull the funds from WU/MG. Im also going to start ordering labmax kits for any new batches an extra layer of safety. I also encourage any vets to test my products, ill compensate for the kit. Of course this only works if I don't know your going to test obviously don't tell me. Ok well I still have some personal issues to deal with tonight but all orders that were due to be shipped were and trackings sent. Everyone have a good night. Helix.
Oh real real quick, looks like the restock will arrive Friday or Saturday. everything should be stocked including orals by next Monday.
As far as I'm concerned Al's test/mast is garbage. Was a believer but was clearly just placebo effect. Here are my labs after 5.5 weeks on his gear, I would assume my levels would be higher than they are lol right around where my TRT levels are. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1394041803.739151.jpg thanks for wasting my time and money helix.