Ascendant Labs

Yea bro, think we got spoiled with his timely response and standard has been risen for any new incoming sources .. If his product is anywhere close as good as his services, he's gonna be a staple around here.
Ok so ordered some npp and test e on wed. Shipped same day, received today. Crazy ta.

Pinned 1ml of test and 1ml of npp. So far no pip but im a human pin cushion and haven't gotten pip in years.

Have never used deca or npp, so not sure what to expect. We will see. Will say im very pleased with Helix so far. Will keep anyone updated thats interested.
Late update...
My package arrived yesterday.
Shipping was insane fast.
They OFFERED and PROVIDED a tracking number without me having to suck somebodys nutsack. {not that there's anything wrong with a little nutsack from time to time....don't judge:confused:}
4 bottles of Tren A arrived packaged perfectly.
I'm knee deep into my cycle and just needed that to complete it.
Pinned 50 mg today to judge the PIP.. Nothing. Zero PIP.
Coudlnt beat the price.
The reviews so far say they're G2G....I'll let you all know.
Once I start sweating like a pig in the gym, I'll be happy.
Tomorrow it's back to 100 ED

So far so good....
Hey Kilsong, question about the lack of PIP on the tren. I'm also using his and don't get the pip that people often experience hours later. I DO feel stinging in the area within 15min or so, which lasts a couple of hours. Its more pronounced in my delts than my quads/glutes. Do you notice this as well?
Hey Kilsong, question about the lack of PIP on the tren. I'm also using his and don't get the pip that people often experience hours later. I DO feel stinging in the area within 15min or so, which lasts a couple of hours. Its more pronounced in my delts than my quads/glutes. Do you notice this as well?

I never got pip on tren. Only a slight burning. Mostly when I hit delts as well. Night sweats yet?
I take back my previous statement of no pip. Woke up this am and have a slight pip. Nothing I would even notice normally. Hoping its that good NPP
Yeah the burning is what I mean also...good to know its not just me. Sweats at night, just once or twice about 2-3 days in. I sweat way more at the gym though.
. Sweats at night, just once or twice about 2-3 days in. I sweat way more at the gym though.

Im waiting for that. The other Labs I've used cause INSANE sweating at the gym and a little night sweats.
I've gotten neither so far with this.
Only three days in at 100ED.
I'm on week 20 of tren/test--gonna wrap up this cycle in 4 more weeks.
REALLLLY wanting those sweats to kick in cause it makes me feel it's working.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Well I hope for me it wasn't an anomaly then. I haven't noticed anything beyond that either. I'm upping the dose a notch to 60mg/ed on day 14, which is Thursday.
I'm new to tren, so I'm also wondering if maybe you get used to the same dose after x number of days, and sides subside a bit. Then you up dosage and they return a bit. I know clen is like that, as are many others.
On tren ace 100 eod and have crazy appetite, heartburn and gas like a mofo and strenght is banging. One week in will probably bump to 125 eod. Had a night sweat last night woke up drenched. But I get those on test too so no difference. The heart burn happened instantly the second day on tren . My body was telling me something. My experience so far. Oh and I want to slap everyone I see!:banghead:
Not sure how much different tren a is from e but I'm new to tren also I really felt it a few days after my first week and now I'm dropping it after week 4 because I just couldn't take the sides anymore. The sweats wasn't so bad it was mainly the waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to sleep well making me feel like crap. So just staying on the test for now. I really can't wait to save up for my next order.
Damn I have been so slammed with work I haven't been on much and have only been able to make it to the gym the first couple days so really all I have noticed is a loss in cardio, I work a little over a mile from my house so I have been walking to work and I notice it. No loss of sleep but i also have been so exhausted from working from like 8-9am till 9pm I have just been coming home and crashing. I do notice that when I get to the point of negotiating with customers I get a little rush and my body temp feels like it goes up. I think I and going to bump it to 50mg ed now that work will normalize a little.
Two weeks in on the tren and nightsweats are crazy.No drop off from Max growth to this one.Thumbs up.